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27/05/2019 - Events

The musical program “Sound paths” by N.I.S.I. Art and Music will be inaugurated on Sunday 2 June 2019 at 4.00 pm.

The exhibition, like every edition, will visit the offices of the associations that adhere to the Biellese Museum Network: important venues and historic buildings in the Biella area where illustrious figures traced their origins and history, industrial development, economic growth and enhancement of the territory, taking their actions beyond the local boundaries, thus allowing them to be remembered and celebrated today by their deeds or their exemplary lives. Alongside them in the review, illustrious and brilliant composers live again through eminent interpreters.

The inaugural day will be held at Palazzo Gromo Losa (Biella, Corso del Piazzo 22) which thanks to the enhancement activity of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation has been completely restored and has become an important museum center.

The musical tribute is aimed at Ermanno Wolf Ferrari, a Venetian composer. Little-known figure as regards the production of chamber music, but remembered above all for the operas, he owes to Trio Mezzena / Patria / Ballario the important revaluation with the CD produced and distributed by Brilliantclassics from June 2019 (https://www.brilliantclassics.com/catalogs/coming-soon/).


4.00 pm Guided tour

4.45 pmMaurizio Losa di Prarolo” – Speaker Silvia Barolo

5.00 pmTribute to Ermanno Wolf Ferrari

Trio Mezzena / Patria / Ballario (Franco Mezzena violin, Sergio Patria cello, Elena Ballario piano)

Music by Rachmaninoff and Wolf-Ferrari

6.00 pm Meeting with the Artist

The initiative is realized with the support, the contribution and in collaboration of: Biellese Museum Network Piedmont RegionCRT FoundationCRB Foundation Municipality of Viverone, Candelo, Muzzano Studio Ogliara and associates, Studio Bertolo, Agorà PalaceATL of BiellaSmcRecordsSerazio & Negro pianos.

Info at: N.I.S.I.ArteMusica cell. 338/7294638 tel.0161 / 998105

www.suoniinmovimento.it www.atl.biella.it Facebook.com/suoniinmovimento Facebook.com/retemusealebiellese Facebook.com/biellaturismo

The concerts will be free and preceded by a guided tour by museum operators.
