Museum Synergies in the Cervo Valley in Sant’Eurosia and Miagliano

25/06/2019 - Events

Museum Synergies in the Cervo Valley continue on 30th June and 7th July.

Sunday, June 30th appointment at 14.30 at the Atelier of the sculptor Massimino Perino in Pralungo Sant’Eurosia with a guided tour curated by his daughter Mariella Perino and Maria Laura Delpiano, a tour guide, who will then accompany the group through a one-hour walk to the Botto Woolen Mill in Miagliano. Here, at 17.00, will be presented a project by L’Italia Che Cambia, a social promotion association from Turin that tells, maps and puts virtuous experiences on the territory in the network. The meeting will be led by Lorena Di Maria, who will tell how another Italy exists, different from the image of crisis and decadence that mass media give us back every day, a country made up of entrepreneurs who focus on human and environmental sustainability. In particular will be illustrated the journalistic project “Biella: the city of wool, towards a sustainable future”, supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, which aims to enhance, together with the small and large brands of the Biella area, the entire wool chain, bringing out the virtuous practices adopted by the manufacturing companies in terms of social and, above all, environmental sustainability.

On Sunday 7 July another appointment at the Atelier Massimino Perino in Pralungo Sant’Eurosia, where the sculptor himself will tell us about his life in a studio that will bring the actor Alessandro Germano (Storie di Piazza) to a theatrical game, which will lead the viewer to discover the sculptor’s works and personality. An occasion then to get to know Massimino Perino, born in Pralungo in 1882 and died in 1954 and his Atelier, where you can admire some youthful works, plaster and bronze casts and casts, drawings, documents, notebooks, a pantograph and others personal tools of the artist, used to sculpt and work marble.

Entry to the events is free.


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