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Nord-Ovest Naturae

29/04/2019 - Events

Back in 2019, the competition will reward the best images taken in the territories of Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta to which amateur photographers, amateurs and professionals of all nationalities can participate.

An opportunity, therefore, to get to know and value nature and the different environments that characterize the north-west of Italy.

The contest includes 4 sections that will focus on as many environments: “Mountain“, “Hill“, “Plain” and “Lake and Sea“.

Entries must be made by 13 May 2019. Membership can only take place through the form on the website: www.nordovestnaturae.org.

The award ceremony will take place on May 23 at 8:00 pm, at the Conference Room of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation (Via Garibaldi, 17).

The photos of the winners will be exhibited at the Culture Space of the Foundation from 24 May to 23 June 2019.

INFORMATION, REGULATIONS AND REGISTRATION FORM: www.nordovestnaturae.org info@nordovestnaturae.org www.facebook.com/nordovestnaturae/ 015 33891
