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PhotoSheep III edition

17/05/2019 - Events

PhotoSheep” returns the thematic photo competition of the “Amici della Lana” (Friends of Wool) a cultural association, which is based in Miagliano in the historic Botto woollen milland which has among its objectives the enhancement of the wool culture.

Sheep, shepherds, wool, sustainability and the work environment is the theme of the third edition of the contest.

With the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the sponsorship of various bodies and the sponsorship of Foto Studio Trevisan, “PhotoSheep” aims to promote the knowledge and culture of wool and sheep breeding, raising awareness of the value of sheep and of the job of the shepherd: the theme, in fact, is the sheep and its environment; the animal and the human activity that develops around it; the sheep caught in the various aspects and over the seasons, the relationship with the territory, with man and the sustainability of the wool element, object of particular attention in 2019, thanks to the UNESCO candidacy.

The award ceremony will take place on May 22nd at 11am in Miagliano. The jury, chaired by Riccardo Poma decreed the winners but still a prize remains suspended and will be chosen live that day; in fact the public prize must be awarded on the basis of the approval of the social media. Readers can participate, expressing their preference through likes.

For more information, see the website: www.amicidellalana.it
