Piero Crida. Art and Craft

11/09/2019 - Events

A truly unusual and above all unpublished exhibition that will be inaugurated on Thursday 12 September at 6.00 pm at the Spazio  Cultura of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation: “Piero Crida. Arte e Mestiere“.

Thanks to the synergy put in place between the DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi and Palazzo Gromo Losa Srl, is presented an installation that does not only include the artistic activity of Piero Crida, watercolorist known for the refined execution of his works always appreciated for “that aesthetic purity that strikes producing sudden emotions” as Lama Paljin Tulku Rinpoce writes, but also his works, his profession, as a graphic designer.

This activity was expressed at the highest levels in the national sphere, having worked, since the Seventies, for “signatures” such as Cosmopolitan, Etro, Missoni, Franco Maria Ricci, Pomellato, Rusconi publisher (with the graphic design of the “Lord of the Rings” cover), Sicard Jewelery, Vogue, Zegna, etc.

The exhibition will be open from September 13th to November 3rd with the following schedule:

Monday – Friday: 10.30 – 12.30 | 16.00 – 17.30

Sunday: 16.00 – 19.00

November 1st: 16.00 – 19.00


Spazio Cultura – Biella, Via Garibaldi 14

For info: 015 0991868


