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17/06/2019 - Events

For the first time ever, the City of Biella welcomes the five finalists of Il Premio Strega 2019!

Benedetta Cibrario, Marco Missiroli, Claudia Durastanti, Nadia Terranova and Antonio Scurati are the finalists of Il Premio Strega 2019 edition and will also be the prestigious protagonists of the event evening of June 22nd at the Teatro Sociale Villani.

On stage, Maria Cristina Origlia, journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore and now assiduous collaborator of Fuoriluogo, will present the evening in the company of Elena Masuelli, journalist of La Stampa and Tuttolibri, who will interview the five finalists.

Event in collaboration with the Maria and Goffredo Bellonci Foundation.

With the patronage of the Municipality of Biella.

With the support of: BI young, Ramplast, Lions Biella Valli Biellesi, Lions Biella Host, Lions Biella Bugella Civitas, Soroptimist International Biella, Vittorio Giovannacci Library.

Media partner: La Stampa.

Social Media Partners: Btrees and Koodit.

The evening is free.
