02/12/2019 - Events

The third year of the activities of the Digital Enterprise Point ends with two rich events centered on the Smart Factory, which will be held on December 11th in the Chamber of Commerce of Biella, located in Via Aldo Moro 15, and on December 12th in the Chamber of Commerce of Vercelli, located in Piazza Risorgimento 12, both starting at 9:00.

After the presentation of the services, Massimo Temporelli and Giulia De Martini will discuss the theme of the factory in the 4.0 era, explaining which are the most impacting technologies, so as to understand their characteristics, advantages and modifications for companies, showing one of these technologies in the classroom.

The two days will also be an opportunity to make contact with the territorial antennas of the Digital Innovation Hub Piedmont: Unione Industriale Biellese and Confindustria Novara Vercelli Valsesia.

At the end of the work, Nicolò Mora, Digital Promoter of the Punto Impresa Digitale of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli, and the various speakers, will be available to companies for individual insights.

The program is attached.

