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Square animals

06/09/2019 - Events

In Cossila S. Grato, in the square adjacent to the churches, on the occasion of the patronal feast at 4.00 pm on Sunday 8 September, the show Square animals with Luisa Trompetto, directed by Manuela Tamietti, scenes and costumes by Laura Rossi will be presented.

Square animals wants to be a show that entertains, makes us reflect and tells, through the magic of puppet theater, the changes of an era that have led us to a smoother life, more comfortable but at the same time less compatible with the environment …

It is the story of a peasant woman, Luisona, who realizes she has no time because she is busy working all day; it has the land to cultivate and the animals to care for: the hens and the pig to feed, the cow to be milked, the sheep to be grazed and sheared, the wool to be spun, the dog and the horse to be comforted. The discovery that there is a “time” that you can use differently will introduce you to new things … but you will lose others and everything around you will change as you change color. The town will become a city, the natural elements will become artificial and will therefore start a completely different life: the peasant woman will find herself transformed into a perfect town.

The change of an era is told thanks to the circular rhythm of a song; everything that was more natural and respectful of the environment will become artificial and less beautiful and respectful. If you can’t go back, then how can you do it?

Free admission, info: www.storiedipiazza.it
