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The 5 finalists of the Biella Literature and Industry Award support Biella’s candidacy

18/10/2019 - Events

The finalists of the Biella Literature and Industry Award will be presented on Wednesday 23 October in Turin at the Circolo della Stampa (Turin, Corso Stati Uniti 27) at 6.00 pm.

The five finalists – on the occasion of the Biella presentation – decided to take a photo in support of the candidacy of Biella Creative City.

The Turin event is organized by the Biella Literature and Industry Award in collaboration with Confindustria Piemonte to present the five finalists of the 2019 edition and the announcement of the Confindustria Piemonte Award, dedicated to the author of the work, among the five finalists of the Biella Literature Award and Industry, which has best investigated the relationship between culture and industrial development and has provided different interpretations of the contemporary industrial world.


Welcome greetings

Fabio Ravanelli, President of Confindustria Piemonte

Alberto Sinigaglia, President of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont

Presentation of the Biella Literature and Industry Award and the Confindustria Piemonte Award

Paolo Piana, President of the Biella Literature and Industry Award

Meeting with the finalist authors of the 18th edition of the Award

Rossana Balduzzi GastiniGiuseppe Borsalino. L’uomo che conquistò il mondo con un cappello (Sperling & Kupfer)

Giorgio FalcoIpotesi di una sconfitta (Einaudi)

Maurizio GazzarriI ragazzi che scalarono il futuro (Edizioni ETS)

Alberto Prunetti108 metri. The new working class hero (Laterza)

Eugenio Raspi, Inox (Baldini & Castoldi)

Moderated by Pier Francesco Gasparetto, President of the Jury of the Biella Literature and Industry Award

Here you can download the invitation.
