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The Biella Literature and Industry Award 2019

13/05/2019 - Events

The Biella Literature and Industry Award represents a unicum in Italy because it researches and rewards works that combine the investigation of the industrial world with the literary instance, and that specifically aim to tell about models of transformation of Italian society with general reference to reality socio-economic and the culture of commitment, business risk, values ​​such as entrepreneurship.

The Prize is intended for an edited work, by an Italian or foreign author in Italian translation, and in alternate years it awards works of Narrative or Essay.

This year it was the turn of fiction, and the five finalists were selected from over 30 nominations by the Jury.

After this first Turin event – which was held in Turin on Monday 13 May as part of the International Book Fair – the five finalists will meet the public on Saturday 12 October 2019 in Biella, at the Città Studi library, while the award ceremony of the winner will be held Saturday, November 16, 2019 also in Biella Città Studi.

The Turin event will also be an opportunity to present other important awards that the Biella Literature Industry Award over the years has established and promoted.



Città Studi Biella

Corso G. Pella 2b – 13900

Biella Tel. 015 8551103/07



Press office: Anna Maria Riva Communication & Promotion 3290974433 riva@annamariariva.eu
