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The exhibition on Romolo Ubertalli has been extended

01/10/2019 - Events

Given the positive feedback and interest aroused in the public, the opening of the exhibition “Romolo Ubertalli: the light of the landscape“, already visited by a thousand people, will be extended until October 13 (Sunday from 2.30 pm to 18:30, within the Rete Museale Biellese).

The exhibition, set up at the “Fabbrica della ruota” of Pray (reg. Vallefredda, 1), intends to rediscover the pastelist of Castagnea, in his dual role as a painter and photographer, through the analysis of a fund acquired by the DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi, consisting of various notebooks containing hundreds of “studies and sketches” and about 1,600 of his photographs.

The elaboration of the material, which made it possible to highlight the relationship between photography and painting in the artist’s “working method” and which brought out an all-round photographic talent, was developed through the contributions of Carlo Bozzalla Pret, Claudia Converso , Danilo Craveia, Alessandra Montanera and Giovanni Vachino.

The exhibition is enriched by various works by Ubertalli, some of which are unpublished, coming from private collections.

A non-secondary part of the exhibition is dedicated to the works of art of the children of four Biella elementary schools (Andorno Micca, Crevacuore, Portula and Tollegno) who, thanks to their teachers, welcomed DocBi’s invitation to revisit the style and the Romolo Ubertalli’s technique producing more than a hundred very successful and suggestive works.

On the occasion of the exhibition the catalog can be purchased at a discounted price.


DocBi-Centro Studi Biellesi – tel. 01531463 – docbi@docbi.it
