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The other machine. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy

07/10/2019 - Events

The exhibition The other machine. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy, edited by Pierangelo Cavanna, in collaboration with Peppino Ortoleva, opens on Thursday 10 October at 6.00 pm.

The exhibition illustrates the photographic activity of Giuseppe Venanzio Sella and his contribution to the affirmation of photography in Italy through his photographs and the important manual he published in 1856.

The exhibition itinerary highlights the socio-cultural context and includes, in addition to the author’s work, precious series of daguerreotypes and some calotypes of W.H.F. Talbot, English father of photography.

The exhibition will be open from the opening day until February 2, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00 or on other days by appointment.

From 3 to 28 February for groups and schools by appointment.
