The representatives of Cashmere Hair Manifactures meet in Biella

09/05/2019 - Updates

Biella, the Piedmont capital of the wool and international capital of wool and cashmere, hosted the meeting of the Ccmi – Cashmere and Camel Hair Manifactures association (which supports the nomination, see section:, an international industrial organization that has been representing the interests of camel hair and cashmere manufacturers, fine wool, yarns, garments and fabrics all over the world for 35 years.

One of the main activities of the CCMI is the monitoring of the international market in search of unduly labeled items such as containing cashmere and wool. It therefore promotes the correct labeling of textile products by encouraging the application of national and international standards.

In the photo (photo credits Eco di Biella) the representatives of the visiting delegation.
