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To make good and beautiful fabric

12/11/2019 - Events

Knowing how to do and do well. It was the maxim that, like a litany, resounded in all the Biella production facilities.

The know-how was first of all theoretical and practical learning that was acquired in the various branches of the imposing training apparatus of the Biella industrial district.

In the workplace, the knowledge learned would conform, in a gradual training course, to the organization and to the rhythms of the production process, experienced in direct contact with the complex technology of the machinery. The Biella industrial system since the early years following the Unity of Italy has invested considerable resources in professional education, strengthening and innovating the ancient schools of arts and crafts.

The key words of a widespread work culture not only in the bourgeois industrial classes but also among the workers we find engraved, as a sort of decalogue, in the friezes that appear on the facades of the Commercial Institute Eugenio Bona and of the Felice Piacenza Wool Mill School: probity, correctness, seriousness, foresight, honesty, hard work, perseverance, initiative, insight, prudence, punctuality, character, loyalty, prudence, shrewdness, sagacity, firmness.

From Thursday 14 November 2019 the exhibition ‘To make good and beautiful fabric’ will be open to the library by the Documentation Center of the Chamber of Labor of Biella.

The exhibition documents vocational education and the arts and crafts schools in the Biella area and is part of the dense program of ‘Biella portrait of a factory city‘: a narrative in images divided into five exhibition sites, each of which proposes topics related to the general theme.

The exhibition will be open until December 22, from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00 and Saturday from 8.30 to 12.30

Guided tours by appointment.

Admission is free and for more information you can contact the library directly: tel. 015 8551107, email: biblioteca@cittastudi.org, facebook: @cittastudibiblioteca.
