“TO ME THE EYES“: the view must be preserved from an early age and in the Province of Biella there is a project aimed at children, which only in the 2018/2019 school year underwent screening 3,317 pupils, of which:
– 921 of 4 years
– 1,170 of 6 years
– 1,226 of 11 years.
A synergy between the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and our Local Health Authority which is giving important results.
“We have been collaborating with UICI [Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired] for many years – commented the ASL BI Commissioner, lawyer Diego Poggio – for the realization of this Project, which sees the ASL BI-optics protagonist in the phase of second-level controls in the Hospital, for those visits that result in possible pathologies. We are always at the side of the Union to guarantee this very important prevention service“.
The Regional President UICI Piemonte, Adriano Gilberti intervened to remember and thank the institutions and organizations that support the project: “The activity carried out in the 2018/2019 school year was completed thanks to the support of different realities present in the territory , like many Parishes of the Biellese, the Lions Biella Host, the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, but also Municipalities and Organizations that have proved to be very sensitive to the issue. A final thank you goes to the ASL Ophthalmology Biella“.
For further information: ASL BI prevention of eye examinations
Ultimo aggiornamento file: 06/11/2023