19/09/2019 - Events

It was officially presented on September 17th and can be visited every day until September 30th 2019 – in the atrium of the Biella hospital – the photographic exhibition #UNSACCODARACCONTARE… around which gives the title to the European campaign created by the FAIS non-profit organization: the Federation of Italian Incontinent and Ostomate Associations.

Set up in the exhibition space, this exhibition is above all a possibility to turn the spotlight on the topic of ostomy. What is a stoma? Why the ostomy? Who is the ostomate? What prejudices must he face? What life does it lead? These are some of the questions at the base of a project born to give answers and which, somehow, saw these answers emerge from 14 shots and their protagonists.

Because the #UNSACCODARACCONTARE… campaign is strongly person-centered. The body tells a story lived between suffering and rebirth. Men and women – between the ages of two and eighty or ostomed – have responded to the public appeal launched on social media. Only two conditions: put the face and the abdomen with the bag clearly visible. They do it through exciting shots in which they appear with their abdomen uncovered and bag in sight and a phrase of theirs that best represents their condition today.

Inside the exhibition there is also a photo of a Biella patient who died prematurely, mother Fiorella, to whom Apistom Biella has dedicated the donation of a device in recent months.

Read the entire statement:


