Visions and Change. Young designers make ideas

25/09/2019 - Events

On October 3rd, 2019, at 4.00 pm, in the splendid setting of the Wool mill Maurizio Sella, the exhibition “Visions and change. Young designers make ideas“.

On display are the installations set up by the 10 groups of finalists under 30 selected for the second phase of the third national edition of the Biennial Award dedicated to the memory of the Biella architect engineer Federico Maggia. The exhibition will continue until November 4, 2019.

The works are evaluated by a jury of excellence that will award the Maggia Prize 2019, worth 10,000 euros, and two mentions.

The prestigious jury is chaired by the architect Mario Botta and is composed of:

Nino Cerruti, designer and president of Lanificio Cerruti;

Yves Nacher, director of the forum of urbanisme et d’architecture in Nice;

Gianni Massa, deputy chairman of the National Council of Engineers;

Marina Salamon, entrepreneur;

Marco Trisciuoglio, professor of Landscape Design at the Turin Polytechnic.

The 2019 edition of the competition intends to emphasize and promote the union between the Award and the Biella area. In fact, this year a participatory system was introduced that involved some local realities in the choice of areas of intervention.

The six areas identified and selected in May 2019 through public notice are:

Wool mill Ubertino Silvio (Via Quintino Sella 4, Lessona);

Ex Filature Simon (Via Santuario d’Oropa 162, Biella);

Ex Wool mill Pria (Via Ogliaro 5, Biella);

Yukon industrial complex (Strada Trossi 18, Verrone);

– Wool mill Al Bivio (Vegliomosso);

Poma Worker Village (Miagliano).

The award is announced by the Sella Foundation Onlus, with the Order of Conservative Landscape Architects and the Order of Engineers of Biella.


TITLE: Visions and change. Young designers make ideas;

WHERE: Lanificio Maurizio Sella (Via Corradino Sella 10, 13900 Biella BI);

WHEN: From 3 October to 4 November 2019;

VERNISSAGE: 3 October 2019, 4.00 pm;

ORGANIZED BY: Sella Foundation Onlus;



