Visit to the plant and Spoon River in the factory

04/10/2019 - Events

On Sunday 6 October the Miagliano Hydroelectric Plant, the one inside the Botto Wool Mill, will again be visited thanks to the property, Energie Rinnovabili srl, which replicates this possibility, given the success achieved last month.

This time there will be a surprise along the way into the bowels of the factory: a small theatrical appointment, to seal the mystery and the infinite possibilities of encounter that this place can create.

The initiative is, as always, coordinated by Manuela Tamietti who has followed the project currently called Wool Experience since 2013, and which involves the involvement of numerous partners: Storie di Piazza, ATL, Biellese Museum Network and other associations and the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation.

The visit will start at 15.00 from the Lanificio and will last until around 17.30.

The history of the cotton mill will surprise you, water has always been the key element that characterizes the landscape and shapes destinies, channeled into the open channel, comes from the Cervo stream, descends with a pipe into the factory with a jump of 21.45m from the tank loading at the discharge, to feed two powerful turbines.

This strength will be the same that animates our actors in residence, who will face their character thanks to an immersion in poetry, from Friday 4 October with the director / actor Fabio Banfo.

The work will be special and will use the character as the medium to free the person who is the actor. This seminar aims exactly at this goal: “using” the character to free the person in us.

Fabio Banfo has now reached the seventh edition of Spoon River in Residenza, a poetic encounter that has met with tremendous success and that is repeated every year in a way that is always different and that involves people between Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, which is why there are many actors who retrace the experience even if already faced years before, in other caves and mysterious places of the Cervo Valley.

Free admission.

Information and reservations 3200982237


