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“Vuoti a Perdere – Empty to lose”

07/03/2019 - Events

In Città Studi the photographic exhibition “Empty to lose: geometries of abandonment” by Riccardo Poma. From 7 March 2019 to 6 April 2019 it will be open to visitors in Biella at the Città Studi Library, C.so G. Pella 2b.

Five years later, the photographer Riccardo Poma returns to exhibit in the library with the exhibition Empty to lose. Poma was the first to exhibit his works in the Città Studi library in December 2014, inaugurating the successful “Crossing Art & Books” exhibition, which has now become a reference point for local artists.

The title of the exhibition is based on that of his recently published book, the result of a long research and photographic documentation on abandoned buildings and Piedmontese industrial archeology.

The project was born in 2013 when the young photographer and videomaker of Castelletto Cervo, graduated from the DAMS of Turin, began to collect his reportages in a blog entitled Empty to lose. A journey through the abandoned places of our country that made it known to a wide public even at national level. «Empty spaces to lose – Poma tells – is born and develops in the spaces proper to photography, which crosses the boundaries up to explode in literature, cinema and music through quotations and continuous references. It is a photographic project, which continually tends to hybridize with other forms of art “.

The exhibition presents a selection of photographs on abandoned factories: the former psychiatric hospital of Vercelli and the villas that stood next to these complexes.

For more information you can contact Città Studi Biella directly tel. 015 8551107, email: biblioteca@cittastudi.org, web-site: www.cittastudi.org/biblioteca, facebook: @cittastudibiblioteca.
