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Walk with the author

10/09/2019 - Events

Wool Experience has a program that brings together, during its long summer, different moments organized by the Amici della lana Association.

The project takes place in collaboration with numerous associations, the Biellese Museum Network and the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

Sunday 15 September at 3.00 pm there will be a guided tour with museum operators and at 4.30 pm the “Walk with the author” returns, between the Lanificio and the canal, with “La pelle del lupo” by the noir writer Fabio Girelli, a Biellese resident in Turin.

Among the founders of the Torinoir collective, Girelli is considered a new promise of the noir genre in Italy.

This will be the only appointment in our Province that will see the writer in the company of two Turin actors Laura Righi and Gian Carlo Barbero, who will accompany us to meet the deputy manager Andrea Castelli, protagonist of the novel.

The scenario in which the skin of the wolf unwinds starts from a plane tree in the center of Turin where a chamois leather is thrown and develops in the province of Turin, even in that of Biella, to reach the Vatican. The assistant chief will follow the traces of some macabre staging, with a series of mutilated corpses abandoned in the woods of the Turin hills. He will meet a fascinating photographer, mysterious and daring, and a medieval bestiary in which men are called like animals and animals have human features. The truth will be sought in an ancient Alpine legend.

The book was published as an attachment to “La Stampa” on June 20, 2019.

Information and reservations amicidellalana@gmail.com, 320 0982237

The general coordination of Wool Experience is curated by Manuela Tamietti 3472512850

The total calendar can be viewed on the website ww.amicidellalana.it
