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We challenge the future – SMART HUMAN

18/06/2019 - Events

Fourth appointment for “We challenge the future“, the initiative conceived by the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biellese Industrial Union and organized with the aim of providing a strategic overview of the technological frontiers that businesses are facing.

#SmartHuman Knowing how to be for know-how, a paradigm shift!

The role of the person at the center of digital evolution. It is a real paradigm shift of reality towards a closer integration between business, society and people. The interaction between man and machine will be addressed by highlighting critical issues and opportunities thanks to the concrete experience of ATM SpA and Hermès.


Pierangelo Pollini Business Awareness Institute Partner & Founder

Sofia Allegra Crespi Business Awareness Institute Partner

Luca Migliore Sales, Marketing and Marketing Director ATM S.p.A. – Milan

Alessandra Borromini HR Director – Italy, Greece & Turkey Hermès Human Resources Department

Moderator Nicolò Bellon

An aperitif will follow in the garden

Free admission upon reservation. For registration see https://sfidiamoilfuturo.orangepix.it/smart-human

20 June – 18.30 Palazzo Gromo Losa (Biella)
