23/11/2018 - Events

On 23 and 24 November 2018 Città Studi Biella hosted Wooooow, the initiative created with the aim of helping children to understand what their aspirations and preferences are, combining the world of school with work in a two-day event and demand with supply, where small, medium and large companies have had the opportunity to present their reality to young students and aspiring workers.

With the participation of Iolavoro supply and demand, they found a meeting point thanks to presentation micro-conferences and dedicated stands in which the companies made themselves known and interacted with the public, welcoming CVs and answering questions.

Versus: is the orientation project aimed at middle school students towards High School Institutes.

As part of Wooooow, on November 24th the VI edition of the University Orientation Show was organized with the presence of professors and students from different Italian universities.

See the website https://www.wooooowbiella.it/ for the detailed program.
