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World Coloured Sheep 2019

16/05/2019 - Events

Organized in Oropa the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep and for the occasion a hundred breeders were invited by the Biella The Wool Company Consortium.

Biella confirms once again the international capital of wool: next week, from 20 to 22 May, over one hundred colored sheep farmers from all over the world will arrive in the Biella area for the occasion: Australia, New Zealand , United States, Farroe Islands, South America, Indonesia, Germany, France, England, Ireland, will be some of the nations represented during the two-day conference.


The Biella The Wool Company Consortium has invited them to Biella for over a decade, dedicated to the processing and promotion of native wools.

Part of the program will be dedicated to visiting the Consortium’s headquarters in Miagliano – to see the native wool – of the Pettinatura di Verrone and the Lanificio F.lli Piacenza of Pollone.

The President of the Laniero National Trade Association, Piercarlo Zedda, will open the conference and bring official greetings to the participants; Valeria Varnero, councilor of the Municipality of Biella, will present the UNESCO candidacy to the public.

During the two days of the congress various topics will be dealt with relating to colored sheep, from genetic research to animal welfare, to the future of wool in a world that has finally begun to understand the benefits of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers.

Moreover, during the Gala dinner on Tuesday evening, the “Amici della Lana” (Friends of wool) will present “Words of wool“, a show conceived to bring children closer to the world of wool, with Laura Rossi puppets and directed by Manuela Tamietti. Simona Colonna will present her own song dedicated to wool.
