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“X & Y”. In Biella, reflections on the generational confrontation between father and son

15/06/2019 - Events

On Sunday 16 June, in the context of the cycle of initiatives of the exhibition “Father and Son“, a show will be held that will see the artists of Opificiodellarte and the students of the Art’è Danza school in Biella. For the occasion, the performance of the “Sphere of newspapers” is also scheduled.

At Palazzo Gromo Losa, the show entitled X & Y will be staged, which will be preceded by the Walking Sculpture performance.

The topics of the exhibition focused on Pistoletto and on his father Ettore Pistoletto Olivero will be addressed with a different language, that of dance: the show, in fact, will provide dancing reflections on the generational confrontation, specifically aimed at the one between father and son.

The show, as mentioned, will be anticipated by the performance of the Sphere of newspapers, already protagonist last April 29th with the performance Walking Sculpture – by the Office of Learning Environments and Schools of Cittadellarte – which saw the participation of the students of the art school Sella and of the ITC Eugenio Bona.

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