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Events, meetings and special guests. The countdown has begun for #fuoriluogo, the festival of culture, art, tasting and current events, which is ready to leave on Monday 4 November to make a stop, until 21, in the historic center of Biella.

Twenty-five appointments with characters from the world of literature, art and economics.

Great expectation for the return of Carlo Cottarelli, well-known economist director of the Observatory on Italian Public Accounts of the Catholic University of Milan, who is responsible for opening the calendar at 6.30 pm in the Città Studi auditorium on the theme: Fake news from overwork. How to recognize misinformation and not be fooled.

Another important appointment with the economy will be on Monday 11 with the trade unionist Marco Bentivogli, Fim-Cisl national secretary, on the subject of the redemption of work. The truth about technology and the fourth industrial revolution at the Don Minzoni theater.

Another great return, after ten years of absence from Biella, will be that of “Literary Boxing“, one of the most important cultural dissemination formats in which the public actively participates in the confrontation. On the “ring”, on November 7th in Città Studi, Antonio Serra, chief screenwriter of the Bonelli publisher, and Gabriella Genisi, writer and creator of the character of Commissioner Lolita Lobosco, will face off in “Challenge to Salvo Montalbano“.

The Opificiodellarte will host the art historian Giorgina Bertolino, curator of the exhibition “The worlds of Riccardo Gualino, collector and entrepreneur” at the Royal Museums of Turin and the essayist and playwright Luca Scarlini on Saturday 9 November. The stories will be accompanied by the performances of the Opificiodellarte dancers in a traveling show. On Sunday 10th Scarlini will also be at the Silvy Bassanese Art Gallery to reveal the world of the Marquise Luisa Casati, an eclectic and controversial noblewoman.

Among the many names that will arrive in the city there will also be: Antonio Scurati, winner of the Strega Prize 2019 with the book “M il figlio del Secolo“; the climatologist Luca Mercalli, Vanna Vinci, one of the most important Italian cartoonists, who will present the graphic novel “Io sono Maria Callas” at the Zaion gallery.

Guided tours to discover hidden places of the city with the art historian Alessandra Montanera will continue. This year the doors of Palazzo Cisterna and Palazzo Guagno Poma al Piazzo will open (Saturday 9 and Saturday 16).

The program also includes a wine tasting curated by Royal Nebbiolo Grape and with the Papillon club at the Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte, the event “Biella district of taste?”

For the little ones on Saturday 9, at the Children’s Library, Roberta Invernizzi and Barbara Fiorio will present her latest book “The Tower of the Thousand Sounds”.


The regional press conference for the presentation of the conclusive data of the project “PieMEMOnte. Together for the memory was presented last October 14 at the meeting place of the Mente Locale of Villa Boffo.

A screening project led by AIMA Biella and involving five Alzheimer associations in Piedmont.

The details in the press folder that you find in the attachment.

We also remind you that AIMA Biella is celebrating thirty years of activity. On Thursday 24 October at 8.30 pm a gala evening is scheduled at the Teatro Sociale di Biella. Find the details on our Facebook page @AimaBiellaMenteLocale



Thirty-year Arcipelago Patatrac

In a world where art and culture help people improve their ability to adapt to change, and to trust in solidarity as a way out of the moral crisis by overcoming fear and nihilism, for 30 years the Arcipelago Patatrac has been educating children and young people to get in touch and share the deepest emotions to give them form through art.

Under the direction of Franca Bonato and Massimo Ozino, for more than thirty years Arcipelago Patatrac has offered artistic and entertainment experience, research on Educational Theater to promote the balanced development of the child and commitment in the Social Theater to support integration and well-being of the person.

All this constitutes the incredible historical and cultural baggage of Teatro Patatrac and gives guarantee of competence and professionalism.

To expand the educational offer, for thirteen years the association has joined with Art’è Danza & Musica to create Opificiodellarte, a center for training, production and artistic enjoyment, which through its many regional and national initiatives and collaborations is committed to promote artistic expression aimed at creating youth aggregation, social inclusion and cultural integration.

To celebrate these first thirty years of activity, Arcipelago Patatrac organized the conferenceArt, culture and emotional education: for a new sense of the US” which will be held at Opificiodellarte on 26 October.

The day will open with greetings from the management of Opificiodellarte and the authorities (Isabella Scaramuzzi – Councilor for Social and Welfare Policies, Housing Policies, Family of the Municipality of Biella, Massimiliano Gaggino – Councilor for Culture, Events and Manifestations and Technological Innovation of the Municipality of Biella and Elena Chiorino – Councilor for Education, Work, Professional Training, Right to University Study of the Piedmont Region).

The highlight of the conference will be the speech by Prof. Daniele Novara, pedagogist and founder of the CPP (Psycho-pedagogical Center for Education and Conflict Management) which will focus on how to build a new educating community.

Then, a comparison on the territory together with the representatives of the Zancan Foundation, the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the Compagnia di San Paolo, the Ragazzi and Giovani Theater Foundation of Turin, the Pistoletto Foundation – Cittadellarte and the Catholic Teachers Association.

The representatives of Studio di Psicodramma – School of specialization in Psychotherapy and of the School of Playback Theater will close the morning.

The work will continue on the morning of Sunday 27 October with the meeting “Biodiversity, a value to defend“, which provides for a more specific debate on social issues and disability, in which representatives of the Cooperative Domus Laetitiae (which has been working for 30 years with participation Arcipelago Patatrac), of the Social Consortium Il Filo da Tessere, of TRAME (Regional Network for Disability Theater), of the Dopo Di Noi Association and of the Diocesan Caritas.

Three parallel Teatro Sociale workshops will follow, composed of an integrated group of skilled and disabled artists.

The events, open to the public and to school staff, are free upon reservation at the e-mail address opificiobiella@gmail.com.



Fatti ad Arte

The third edition of Fatti ad Arte opens on Friday 25 October, the appointment dedicated to high craftsmanship, an expression of that heritage of beauty and authenticity that, starting from the Renaissance workshops, still contains today art, culture and tradition.

Fatti ad Arte presents in the splendid setting of the historic Palazzi La Marmora and Ferrero, the Artisan Art of the great Masters of human making, where talent, dexterity and experimentation create cultural and economic value, where tradition and innovation are in perfect harmony.

On display are unique pieces of ceramics, glass, textiles, tailoring, footwear, the arts of goldsmithing, restoration, bookbinding, decoration, mosaic, violin making and much more.

Timeless objects, where hand, mind and heart come together.

For the entire duration of the event, visitors will be able to see the artisans at work, learn about the work processes that give rise to the artifacts and the beauty of the handmade.

Fatti ad Arte welcomes inside an important exhibition dedicated to Salvatore Ferragamo Passi nel Mito“, a tribute to a great Master of Italian artisan knowledge in the world, creator and innovator of women’s footwear.

As a corollary, laboratories, moments of study and training.

Opening time

Friday 25 October from 18.00 to 22.00

Saturday 26 October from 10.00 to 22.00

Sunday 27 October from 10.00 to 20.00

Full admission euro 5 – reduced rate euro 3

Artistic Director Patrizia Maggia

Info organizing secretariat – Annalisa Ramazio 388 5647455 info@palazzoferrero.it



The 5 finalists of the Biella Literature and Industry Award support Biella’s candidacy

The finalists of the Biella Literature and Industry Award will be presented on Wednesday 23 October in Turin at the Circolo della Stampa (Turin, Corso Stati Uniti 27) at 6.00 pm.

The five finalists – on the occasion of the Biella presentation – decided to take a photo in support of the candidacy of Biella Creative City.

The Turin event is organized by the Biella Literature and Industry Award in collaboration with Confindustria Piemonte to present the five finalists of the 2019 edition and the announcement of the Confindustria Piemonte Award, dedicated to the author of the work, among the five finalists of the Biella Literature Award and Industry, which has best investigated the relationship between culture and industrial development and has provided different interpretations of the contemporary industrial world.


Welcome greetings

Fabio Ravanelli, President of Confindustria Piemonte

Alberto Sinigaglia, President of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont

Presentation of the Biella Literature and Industry Award and the Confindustria Piemonte Award

Paolo Piana, President of the Biella Literature and Industry Award

Meeting with the finalist authors of the 18th edition of the Award

Rossana Balduzzi GastiniGiuseppe Borsalino. L’uomo che conquistò il mondo con un cappello (Sperling & Kupfer)

Giorgio FalcoIpotesi di una sconfitta (Einaudi)

Maurizio GazzarriI ragazzi che scalarono il futuro (Edizioni ETS)

Alberto Prunetti108 metri. The new working class hero (Laterza)

Eugenio Raspi, Inox (Baldini & Castoldi)

Moderated by Pier Francesco Gasparetto, President of the Jury of the Biella Literature and Industry Award

Here you can download the invitation.

Travel – Horizons, Frontiers, Generations

Second day of meetings at Palazzo Ferrero.

Friday, October 18, 2019:

6.30 pm Andrea Mattei presents his book “La Via dei Sassi. Da Bari a Matera lungo il Cammino Materano“, starting the Festival linked to the event now in its third edition.

A path that mixes adventure, history, nature, legends and popular traditions. Take your backpack and leave … until you reach Matera, a two-dimensional city, the cradle of history and a laboratory of new ideas.

9.00 pm Meeting with Alex Gariazzo A journey through music, music to travel, words and songs of a wandering musician.

Alex Gariazzo is one of the six protagonists of the exhibition – “SIX for SIX event which takes place in Palazzo La Marmora during the “Viaggio” exhibition, to tell the esprit de finesse that has always characterized Lanificio F.lli Cerruti 1881 and l iconic ITRAVEL travel fabric.

Free entry.

The complete program of the festival is attached.



Festival “TRIP”

The third edition of the Exhibition and Festival “Travel – Horizons, Frontiers, Generations” kicks off with a very important appointment: the meeting with Lucio Caracciolo and Laura Canali, with the theme “A journey into a proposal for Italy” coordinates the Marco Albeltaro table Thursday 17 October at 18.30 Palazzo Ferrero – Corso del Piazzo 25 Biella.

Lucio Caraccio and Laura Canali are respectively director and head of the cartography of the “Limes” Italian magazine of geopolitics.

This is the meeting that will open the Festival that will take place on Friday 18 October, Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October.

The Festival is part of the exhibition “Travel – Horizons, Frontiers, Generations“, which will be open to the public starting October 19 and which will have the three historical residences of Biella Piazzo as exhibition venues: Palazzo Ferrero, Palazzo La Marmora, Palazzo Gromo Losa.

For information: info@palazzoferrero.it | www.palazzoferrero.it | +39 388 5647455




The second edition of the Biella orientation exhibition will be presented at a press conference on Wednesday 16 October 2019 at 11.00 am in Città Studi (Corso G.Pella, 2).

Speakers include:

FRANCESCO FERRARIS, president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union

ANDREA VALENTINI, president of Young Entrepreneurs of Cna Biella

GIANLUCA SPAGNOLO, Schools of Biella On the Net

ELENA CHIORINO, Councilor for Education, Labor, Vocational Training and Right to Education of the Piedmont Region

CLAUDIO SPADON, director of the Piemonte Lavoro Agency

GABRIELLA BESSONE, Councilor for Education and Public Instruction of the Municipality of Biella

LUCA MURTA, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation

GIANPIERO MASERA, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli

MeBo is born: museum of Casa Menabrea and Casa Botalla

In 2017 in Biella inaugurated Casa Menabrea – Museo della Birra, a place that tells the story of the historic Biella brand, as well as the oldest active brewery in Italy.

Today, next to Casa Menabrea, a new space is born dedicated to another historic company in the area: Botalla Formaggi (Botalla cheeses).

MeBoCasa Menabrea and Casa Botalla Museum – is a single path that tells the most important moments and preserves techniques, traditions and memories of two deeply connected Biella companies.

Not only is the territory that unites Menabrea and Botalla, the strong synergy comes from a sincere friendship, the one between Franco Thedy and Andrea Bonino, respectively at the head of Birra Menabrea and Botalla.

A personal relationship that has resulted in professional collaborations such as common participation in trade fairs and the creation of a beer cheese, the iconic “Sbirro”, which has become a symbol of the union of the two companies and pride of the city for over 15 years.

A union that is consolidated with the birth of MeBo – Menabrea Botalla Museum, a place of history, culture and traction that will welcome citizens and tourists who want to deepen their knowledge of the two companies.

MeBo will open to the public on Tuesday 15 October and can be visited without a reservation from Tuesday to Sunday at the following times:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 15:00 – 19:00

Friday and Saturday 14.00 – 19.00;

Sunday 15:00 – 19:00

For information: Tel. 351.68.17.705. Mail museo@birramenabrea.com