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On 20 September Biella will host the “preview” of the Fashion Night

27/08/2019 - Events

On Friday 20 September there will be a «preview» of the Fashion Night, an event that will involve the merchants of the center and that is worth as an event parallel to the National Fashion Night initiative, promoted for 27 September by the Rete Tam institutes (Textile fashion clothing ), Smi (Italian Fashion System) and Confindustria Moda.

In Biella will be the Technical Institute «Q. Sella» to promote the day, with its own event in Città Studi.

It is a symbolic first event coordinated by the new Department of Commerce with delegation to “City of Fashion”. As Barbara Greggio explains: «The preview of the Fashion Night will be just a small message to start to convey the project of« Biella Fashion City», which provides an overall redevelopment of the historic center and its attractiveness. An operation that will require time, resources and territorial marketing ideas. But in the meantime, on September 20 we begin to draw the line of a path, which must lead to the objective of making Biella known and its potential beyond the borders“.

Promote new events and broaden horizons is a theme at the heart of Councilor Greggio: «The challenges are many, for the revival of trade and visitors from neighboring provinces and regions. We need to work on several fronts and there are bets to be won: with Biella Città della Moda I think, for example, of the goal of obtaining recognition in 2022 of Biella “City of the Alps” and again the candidacies to bring to our territory in 2021 the Tourism exchange of Mountain and Biodiversity in Oropa. And again the Exhibition of sustainability in collaboration with IdeaBiella and Milano Unica. Without forgetting the full support for the candidacy of Biella Creative City Unesco».
