Walk with the author: Danilo Craveia

11/10/2019 - Events

The appointment with the author Danilo Craveia on Sunday 13 October includes a walk that goes from the Botto di Miagliano wool mill along the canal.

The readings will be curated by Manuela Tamietti, coordinator of the Wool Experience project. The project is from the Amici della Lana association which has been active in the Miagliano factory since 2013 and involves numerous partners: Storie di Piazza, ATL, Rete Museale Biellese, Biellese Cultural Heritage and Landscape Observatory, other associations and the contribution from the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

Danilo Craveia, a professional archivist is a well-known scholar of local history, has published a dozen volumes related to various historiographical aspects of the Biella area, as well as twenty articles and essays on the “Rivista Biellese” and the “Bollettino DocBi”. He also collaborates with “Eco di Biella” with over 200 articles in the assets.

Craveia is the technical manager of the Textile Industry Documentation Center (Fabbrica della Ruota), of the Zegna Archive (Casa Zegna), of the Archives of the Sanctuary of Oropa and of the Mantua Festivaletteratura Archive.

His book embraces four centuries of poetry, from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the end of the twentieth century, and draws on those Biellese poets who never cease to refer to flowers, to evoke them or to list them. “Floral” poetry is combined with the frailty of experiences, emotions, feelings and existence in general. The Biellese certainly does not represent an exception, on the contrary it tells of Love and death, faith and life, memory and hope, ethics and aesthetics.

Free admission. Information and reservations 3200982237 amicidellalana@gmail.com


