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The project of Su Nuraghe lands in Frisia

Last week during an international conference on linguistic variation in Europe in Leeuwarden, in the Netherlands (historical region on the North Sea), the first results of the linguistic analysis were presented as part of the project “Museum of Migration, Paths and Stories di Peoples ”, with the study of intangible assets in the Biella area at its center.

Ambitious work plan supported by the Piedmont Region and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, through the cultural activity of the “Su Nuraghe” association of Biella.

Scientific investigation with parents and grandparents called to tell their stories of migration at school to students and students, entrusted to young researchers, the linguist, Dr. Chiara Meluzzi and the visual anthropologist, Dr. Luca Ghiardo.

Through different themes scanned relating to knowledge and places of food culture, artisan technical knowledge, social rituals and customs, vocabulary and knowledge transmitted orally are collected with instruments that allow to go back to the mother tongue of the speaker through sounds and not only phonemes.

Dr. Chiara Meluzzi, cossatese by birth and professor of sociolinguistics at the University of Pavia, presented together with her young team the results of the linguistic analysis carried out within the project, with particular attention to the linguistic identity of the Venetian migrants in Piedmont. The research focused on the case of grandparents of as many students attending the “Aglietti” by Cossato, the pilot school of the Su Nuraghe project.

The data collected allowed us to demonstrate how the Venetian linguistic heritage is very little preserved in contexts of internal migration” – explains Dr. Meluzzi. “This can certainly be linked to the young age of the speakers at the time of migration, as well as to the lack of contacts with the homeland, that is Veneto. On the contrary, in almost all cases the speakers have learned the dialect of the new country, namely the Biellese“.

The work of the Pavia research group has received many positive comments, arousing great interest among the participants in the Dutch conference. Soon, Dr. Meluzzi and her students will present the results of the project also at a conference in Greece, where they will talk mainly about multilingual and migration contexts.

Street Art Riva Festival

Now in its seventh edition, the street art festival in Biella is focused this year on music, although there will be circus disciplines and physical theater among the attractions. The artistic direction is curated by Andrea Morabito, who from the first edition has supervised the choice of artists.

On Friday 5th July the entire Riva district will be the protagonist with over 10 shows.

Saturday 6th July, instead, will be dedicated to the preview of the Ratataplan Festival (to be held in Lessona from 18th to 20th July) with shows proposed in Piazza del Monte.

In case of bad weather, all the performances will be presented in the San Cassiano gym (entrance from Via Galileo Galilei).

Info e programma sulla pagina Facebook Street Art Riva Festival

Corradino and Cavicchioli united for Biella Creative City

“Inserting Biella into the network of UNESCO Creative Cities is a strategic goal that the city and the territory are pursuing with great conviction and conscious determination of their excellence”. Thus begins the joint letter sent to the local media and signed by the new mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and his predecessor Marco Cavicchioli.

“The recognition by the Italian UNESCO Commission – they write – that gave the green light to the presentation of the dossier in Paris fills us with pride and confidence and confirms that the road is right. The path, initiated by the Cavicchioli council, is now carried forward in every institutional office of the Corradino council in full sharing of objectives and methodologies. We have an extraordinary territory that has been able to combine industrial development, creativity and environmental sustainability, today masterfully synthesized by the logo of the Third Paradise made available by Michelangelo Pistoletto. An ideal of sustainable development in which the best forces of the territory are recognized”.

And again: “We all love our land and this candidacy is an opportunity to give Biella an international revival in the face of which political dialectics and belonging to different sides naturally harmonize in pursuit of shared and superior objectives. Therefore Biella as a seat of a Third Paradise that combines nature and technique and that inspires processes of responsible social transformation through the exercise of politics in its highest and ethical-moral sense, meaning the pursuit of the common good. That is why the candidacy of Biella Creative City is the candidacy of all of us“.

Building and cultivating

The deadline for registration to the “Horizontal Construction“, the residential laboratory hosted every year at the Trappa and dedicated to the recovery of dry stone walls and landscape care, expires on 9 July.

Also this year the course – 60 hours in total – is free for the first 18 members, including board and lodging.

Dedicated to the knowledge of the high mountain Elvo built landscape, with particular attention to the terraces that made it cultivable and habitable for generations of mountain dwellers, to the geological characteristics from which the materials derive, to the techniques and forms used for transformation and management of the original natural environment, the course includes exploratory paths around the Trappa, in-depth information on dry stone constructions and mountain cultivation, training on site safety and practical laboratories for the recovery and management of the terraced landscape.

A maximum of 18 members will be accepted. This educational activity takes place within the Horizontal Construction, the laboratory that every year hosts anyone who wishes to contribute with their own hands to the care of Trappa and its landscape.

Practical information:

Dates and duration From Sunday 14 to Friday 19 July 2019 8.30-18.30

The course is free

Registration must take place by July 9th and includes the payment of a deposit of € 60.00, which will be returned at the end, against participation in all the 60 hours provided.

Registration at the CPIA Biella – Vercelli, tel. 015/4507274 www.cpiabivc.edu.it BIMM02200B@istruzione.it

The course includes accommodation and meals for 6 days (excluding lunch on the 1st day, packed).

Venue of the Trappa Monastery Vanej Region – Sordevolo (BI)



Leap Practices 1.0

On Sunday 30th June at 18.00 (with a replay at 19.15), in the context of the series of initiatives of the exhibition Ettore Pistoletto Olivero. Michelangelo Pistoletto. Father and Son (Padre e Figlio) (Biella-Trivero, 17 April-13 October 2019), the Seat of the Third Paradise in Biella, Via Cernaia 64, will host Leap Practices 1.0, site-specific dance show curated by Opificiodellarte in collaboration with Art’è Danza ASD and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.

A show that investigates the rational and instinctual part of the dancer dealing with thoughts, conflicts and fears that precede a creation, but also sensations, instincts and intuitions that return spontaneity during the dance. Dreaming of art, within the walls of an old industrial establishment, the performance will lead the viewer on an exciting journey to the center of the Third Paradise. It is a multi-hand show choreographed by Giorgia Bovo and Ester Fogliano with the collaboration and participation of the young dancers of Leap Practices, a project supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo.

Event in collaboration with Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto.

Single ticket: € 10.00

Info and reservations: info@opificiodellarte.it | tel. 015 30901

Father and Son in Music

Thursday 11th July at 21.15 the outer courtyard of Palazzo Gromo Losa (Corso del Piazzo 22, Biella) will host the traditional appointment with the Summer Concert of the Musical Society Giuseppe Verdi – Città di Biella. This year the event, organized together with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Palazzo Gromo Losa Srl, is a tribute to the exhibition Ettore Pistoletto Olivero exhibition. Michelangelo Pistoletto. Padre e Figlio Father and Son (Biella-Trivero 17 April-13 September 2019).


Nunzio Ortolano – Director

Gaetano Ortolano – Violoncello











All the compositions are by M ° Nunzio Ortolano.


Musical Society Giuseppe Verdi – Città di Biella

Collaborator Master: Massimo Folli

Presents: Carlo Serra


Free admission subject to availability | Info 015 0991868

In case of bad weather the concert will be held in the Auditorium.

ZOOM! Bernstein: 100 years

On the hundredth anniversary of his birth, the Perosi Academy organizes a musical meeting to celebrate the extraordinary figure of one of the most acclaimed twentieth century musicians, Leonard Bernstein.

Presentation by Diego Mingolla in collaboration with the Opera Singing Class of Maestro Manuela Custer and with the participation of Francesca Faudella.

See the program on accademiaperosi.org

Music and Theater in Trappa

Saturday, June 29, the sculptor-musician Thomas Zimmerman returns to Trappa with Susanne Escher and Haruhiko Okabe for a free improvisation concert entitled “soundscapesklanglandschaften“, where the western sounds of bandoneon, clarinet and saxophone will meet the eastern ones of hichiriki and shakuhach.

Sunday, June 30th, the Teatro Popolare di Sordevolo Association presents “The good mountain people of Sordevolo and their Passion“, a unique act by Giuseppe Culicchia represented by the young actors of the Passion.

For both events no reservation is requiredFree entry, exit to the hat

info: 349 3269048 (music) | 329 9691651 (theater) coordinatore@ecomuseo.it | ecomuseo.it



Even Massimo Giletti supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City!

The journalist Massimo Giletti returned to Biella to present his book “Le dannate” and thanks to the collaboration of La Stampa Biella his name will be counted among the over 130 excellent bodies and characters (from Nino Cerruti to Michelangelo Pistoletto who donated the logo) which have decided to support Biella’s candidacy at the Unesco Creative Cities Network.

We are satisfied with the visibility obtained during the journey – declares the Management Team that is in charge of preparing the dossier – The support of a communicator like Massimo Giletti will certainly be precious to spread the excellence of the Biella area in the world“.