UNIDEE presents the fall term programme of workshops, residencies and conferences titled Modes of Instituting.
Initiated by artist Michelangelo Pistoletto in 1999, UNIDEE is the higher educational programme for art and social change of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Italy).
Bridging the Arte Povera ’60s movement to the third millennium anthropocenic challenge, UNIDEE and Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto continue developing research, making practices visible and experimenting methodologies in the field of Socially Engaged Art. After years of researching methods of engaging art practices into the societal fabric, in 2012 Cittadellarte launched the Demopraxy research project, opening various sites for social change in Cuba, Rome, Melbourne, Milan and other places around the world. The function of Demopraxy (where the term praxis — practice — replaces the term kratos, power) is to rethink the system of representation in current democracy politics: the project connects civil organizations (associations, foundations, companies, public and private bodies, commercial enterprises and nonprofit institutions, etc) forming micro systems of government to find solutions for the greatest challenges of our time.
In line with the mission of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of UNIDEE, the fall programme Modes of Instituting invites artists who invented their own platforms and organizations to intervene in the social realm.
Curated by 2018–19 visiting curator Valerio Del Baglivo, the programme aims at rethinking how we can establish ethical principles to build institutions not only as centres of power, hierarchy, control and discipline.
Since February 2019 UNIDEE has founded Accademia UNIDEE.
A group of eight young artists and curators from Italy and beyond have been selected to follow the workshops and produce a final document: Agil Abdullayev, Gaia Di Lorenzo, Nicholas Ferrara, Giulia Floris, Carlotta Sofia Grassi, Majd Nasrallah, Yates Norton and Carolina Ongaro.
November 8–10, 2019
Kobe Matthys (The Agency) and Stefan Nowotny
November 11–13, 2019
Annette Krauss and Yolande Van de Heide
November 16–18, 2019
Janna Graham and Valeria Graziano
November 19–21, 2019
Bik Van der Pol
Additionally, beside the workshop programme, a series of conferences on streaming will be organized with Directors of Art Institutions in Europe to discuss forms of instituting otherwise: Charles Esche (Director Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven), Melanie Bouteloup (Director Betonsalon – Centre d’art et de recherche, Paris), Cecilia Widenheim (Director Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm) and Francis Mckee (Director CCA Glasgow).
Moreover, continuing our call for action in times of climate breakdown, on November 26-29 artist duo Cooking Sections will lead a workshop titled
CLIMAVORE: Losing Cultures, a long-term project to investigate new forms of production and consumption in times of climate crisis.
For further informations please visit UNIDEE or contact: unidee@cittadellarte.it.