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Biella, in the list of the 4 finalists chosen by Rome to represent Italy in Paris, is facing the second part of the evaluation process: the summer review of the Dossier by UNESCO delegates and technicians, and by the cities already in the network.

One of the strategic projects in Biella’s Dossier involves an exceptional partner: the Republic of Namibia, one of the regions currently underrepresented in the UNESCO network.

The project, based on the specific know-how and identity of the two territories involved, traces a creative axis between the Italian capital of wool, Biella, and Keetmanshoop, reference city of the Namibian wool region, Karas.

Born thanks to the mediation of the Consul and the Ambassador of Namibia, the project was developed according to UN AGENDA 2030 dictates and addresses the issues of environmental sustainability, animal cruelty-free practices, manufacturing creativity.

The Namibian project is a cooperation model that Biella wants to extend to other cities already in the network, on specific creative sector and/or crosscutting initiatives.

In the photo the monument, in the center of Keetmanshoop (Namibia), which commemorates the arrival of the first Karakul sheeps in 1907.



The “Moving Sounds” review continues in the Biella mountains.

Sunday, July 28th at the Sanctuary of San Giovanni of Andorno, the unique and evocative sanctuary dedicated to San Giovanni in Italy, which houses the Renaissance wooden statue, stage of the Great Crossing of the Alps and connected by a very panoramic road to the Sanctuary of Oropa, in conjunction with the exhibition dedicated to Maria Callas, the duo De Vita-Bonuccelli will perform lyrical arias that were part of the repertoire of the legendary soprano.


16.00 Guided tour

17.00Callas yesterday and today” on the occasion of the exhibition on Maria Callas held at the Sanctuary from 18 to 28 July

Mirella Di Vita soprano Dario Bonuccelli piano

18.00 Meeting with the artist

Info at: N.I.S.I.ArteMusica cell. 338/7294638 tel.0161 / 998105






The concerts will be free and preceded by a guided tour by museum operators.



Even the Biella Hospital supports the candidacy

The Local Health Authority of Biella supports and enthusiastically supports the candidacy of “Biella Creative City”, telling the artistic project of humanization implemented in the new garrison and that wants to be the reflection of a territory, the Biella area, versatile and increasingly capable to renew itself and to relate to each other, enhancing its resources and potential in a network logic.

Since 2015 the Third Paradise has been hosted as a central symbol on the roof of the hospital garden, signed by the master Michelangelo Pistoletto and created by the students of the High School “G. and Q. Sella” of Biella.

The decision to place it in the new garrison, in a point visible from all areas of hospitalization, is the result of an intuition that reflects the desire to create a technological and avant-garde health center, but where the human component and hospitality were equally important and therefore immediately noticeable for the people who access it, as well as for professionals who work every day.

Read the entire press release attached:



Restauri e chitarre

Sunday 28 July at 5.30 pm, at the Curavecchia of Tollegno (ex church of San Germano, via XX Settembre), outside area, will be held the second concert of the thirtieth edition of “Restauri e Chitarre“, performer the guitarist Edoardo Tritto.

On this occasion, will be presented the restoration of the “Curavecchia” by Tollegno performed by the Nelva Stellio srl company on a project by the architect Giulia Ghisio, with the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella FoundationTollegno 1900 SpaMunicipality of Tollegno and DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi.

Before the concert, at 4.00 pm guided tour will be organized by Giulia Ghisio to the building.

In case of bad weather the concert will be held at the parish church.

The event is organized in collaboration with the masters Angelo Gilardino and Luigi Biscaldi, the parish and the associations of Tollegno.

For the concert program, please visit our website: DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi

Ezio Greggio also supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City!

Ezio Greggio, one of the most famous faces of TV, also supports Biella’s candidacy for the 2019 Unesco Creative City.

Yesterday, Sunday 21 July, Cossato’s showman from Los Angeles directly chose Instagram to support Biella in his race: “Today I want to launch from Los Angeles where I am in these days, an appeal in favor of the “candidacy of BIELLA to UNESCO Creative Cities Network” […] I am enthusiastic as a public man of TV, cinema and communication of Biella origin that Biella is carrying out the UNESCO candidacy and I hope with all my heart that it can become a Creative city. And I make myself available together with all the other Biella testimonials to convince Paris that BIELLA is the right choice to become “Unesco Creative Cities Network”“.

Read his entire statement attached or directly on the Instagram page: @ezio_greggio


Aussi Ezio Greggio, l’un des visages les plus célèbres de la télévision, soutient la candidature de Biella à la Cité créative de l’Unesco 2019.

Hier, dimanche 21 juillet, le showman de Cossato à Los Angeles a directement choisi Instagram pour soutenir Biella dans sa course: “Aujourd’hui, je souhaite lancer depuis Los Angeles, où je me trouve ces jours-ci, un appel en faveur de la “candidature de BIELLA à l’UNESCO Réseau des villes créatives” […] Je suis enthousiaste en tant qu’homme public de la télévision, du cinéma et de la communication d’origine Biella que Biella est en train de mener à bien la candidature de l’UNESCO et j’espère de tout cœur qu’elle deviendra une ville créative. Et je me rends disponible avec tous les autres témoignages de Biella pour convaincre Paris que BIELLA est le bon choix pour devenir le “Réseau des villes créatives de l’Unesco”“.

Lire l’intégralité de sa déclaration ci-jointe ou directement sur la page Instagram: @ezio_greggio



La Mole lights up for Biella Creative City Unesco 2019

Last night the Mole Antonelliana lit up for the candidacy of Biella Creative City Unesco 2019.  Turin and the Region are cheering for our city!

The logo with the symbol of the Third Paradise by Michelangelo Pistoletto has been exhibited on the Mole with a play of lights that all Turinese and tourists in the city will be able to admire this evening too.

And in the meantime confirmation has also arrived from the Unesco Commission of Paris: “we are pleased to inform you that your city’s application to the 2019 UNESCO Creative Cities Network Call for Applications is complete“.

The dossier will now be sent to the commission that will take care of the evaluation. The result will be announced in November 2019.


Hier soir, la Mole Antonelliana s’est allumée pour la candidature de Biella Ville créative Unesco 2019. Turin et la région encouragent notre ville!

Le logo avec le symbole du Troisième Paradis de Michelangelo Pistoletto a été exposé sur la Mole avec un jeu de lumières que tous les turinois et les touristes de la ville pourront également admirer ce soir.

Entre-temps, la Commission Unesco de Paris nous a également confirmé: “nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le dossier de votre ville, reçu dans le cadre de l’Appel à candidatures 2019 du Réseau des villes créatives de l’UNESCO, est complet“.

Le dossier va maintenant être envoyé à la commission qui se chargera de l’évaluation. Le résultat sera annoncé en novembre 2019.


Sunday 21 July, at the Trappa di Sordevolo, will take place the appointment “Salvine – Picnic in a mountain pasture and visit to Bagneri“.

An event that involves two sites of the Biellese Museum Network in an interesting combination of taste and outdoor activities with the protagonist Marta Foglio of Foodopia.

“A degree in literary translations – reads the poster in reference to the guest of the event – then the meeting with the world of Slow Food. Marta Foglio becomes a pupil and graduated from the school of Pietro Leeman (first and only vegetarian chef in Italy awarded with the Michelin star) taking an interest in the implications that link good nutrition with health. Foodopia is the result of this journey and, at the same time, the culmination of a dream and a starting point “.

The program, in the morning, includes:

at 9am the meeting at the Trappa starting on foot for the Salvine (in the company of the donkeys Giulia and Mina);

at 11.00 visit to the mountain pastures, collection of herbs and preparation of the picnic;

at 12.30 pm picnic in the woods near the spring, with local products and those gathered along the way with Marta Foglio.

After lunch, at 2.30 pm, we will stop in Bagneri, while at 4 pm there will be a cultural-naturalistic “journey” to discover the traditions linked to chestnut (with a snack of chestnuts).

At 17.30 the day will end with a refreshing swim in the Elvo. The cost to take part in the initiative is 35 euros, including lunch.

The cost to take part in the initiative is 35 euros, including lunch.

All details in the attached flyer.




The music “invades” the Fabbrica della Ruota: Sunday continues the review Moving Sounds making stop to the site of Pray.

The leading artists will be the musicians of Trio Chagall, the winner of the “Chamber Music” section of “Amadeus Factory 2018”.

After the usual guided tour of the structure, you will get to the heart of the appointment with the show that will feature the works of Beethoven, Ravel and Cosmi; the members of the trio who will perform are Edoardo Grieco (violin), Francesco Massimino (cello) and Lorenzo Nguyen (piano).

After the free and free admission concert – which is part of the “Young Path” cycle of events – a talk will be held with the Trio Chagall, scheduled for 6pm.

The next concert of Moving Sounds will be held on Sunday 28 July at the Sanctuary of San Giovanni d’Andorno in Campiglia Cervo.

The review – reads the press release of the event – continues with the itinerary of the Biellese Mountain Museums and the Youth Trail. Several museum sites are located in the Biellese Pre-Alps in suggestive positions and in tourist resorts; they are examples of extraordinary architecture, of strong testimonies of the past and of places that are representative of the identity of the territory.In these sites the choice has been identified to convey most of the concerts of the Youth Path: past and future, new generations help to keep the historical memory alive and strengthen the ‘interest in local traditions“.

Rites of light

Miagliano is the land of witches and renews its magic supremacy with a show called Riti di luce, on 20 and 21 July.

The very suggestive event signed by Amici della lana / Storie di piazza and collectively written by Storie di Piazza, will start from the Lanificio (staggered departures from 9 pm, every half hour), wind along the Poma canal, part of the workers’ village and touch also the three parking lots of the murals.

The event is sponsored by the Municipality of Miagliano, the Biellese Museum Network, live Piedmont, Biella Tourism and the contribution of the CR Biella Foundation.

On 21 July, the show of Alosha, the Danzastorie of Sicily, will be presented in the afternoon.

On the nights of 20 and 21 July there will be the awarding of Storie di Piazza of the winners of the questionnaire linked to Sebastiano Ferrero, a show that took place in June at Palazzo Ferrero. In collaboration with UPBeduca and E20 & Progetti.

For information and reservations, see amicidellalana@gmail.com. Whatsapp 3472512850