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Creative Cities UNESCO: Biella represents Piedmont in the 2019 candidacy race

Biella, Trieste, Bergamo and Como: this is the list of the cities that have obtained the official support of the UNESCO Italian National Commission of Rome for the entry into the network of “Creative cities”.

The Board of Directors of CNI for UNESCO, which met Thursday, June 13, has in fact deliberated on the nominations that will enter the Network of Creative Cities and unanimously decided to support the cities of Bergamo for Gastronomy, Biella and Como for Crafts & Folk Art and Trieste for literature.

Today, July 18, during the press conference in the Region, Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO creative city is presented.

 The Piedmont candid thereforeBiella a UNESCO Creative City.

The candidacy, presented today at a press conference, is “part of the project to enhance the region’s economy, culture and tourism“, explains governor Alberto Cirio. And it aims to re-launch a territory “with great potential“, adds the mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino.

And tonight the Mole will light up with the logo of the candidacy: the Third Paradise by Michelangelo Pistoletto.

Read the entire statement:

***  Version française ***

Biella, Trieste, Bergame et Côme: c’est la liste des villes qui ont obtenu l’appui officiel de la Commission Nationale Italienne de Rome pour l’inscription au réseau des «Villes Créatives».

Le Conseil d’administration du CNI pour l’UNESCO, qui s’est réuni le jeudi 13 juin, a en effet délibéré sur les candidatures qui entreront dans le Creative Cities Network et a décidé à l’unanimité de soutenir les villes de Bergame pour la gastronomie, Biella et Côme pour artisanat et Trieste pour la littérature.

Aujourd’hui, le 18 juillet, lors de la conférence de presse dans la région, la candidature de Biella en tant que ville créative de l’UNESCO est présentée.

Le piémontais candid donc Biella à Ville créative Unesco.

La candidature, présentée aujourd’hui lors d’une conférence de presse, fait “partie du projet visant à renforcer l’économie, la culture et le tourisme de la région“, explique le gouverneur Alberto Cirio. Et il vise à relancer un territoire “à fort potentiel“, a ajouté le maire de Biella Claudio Corradino.

Et ce soir, la “Mole antonelliana” s’illuminera du logo de la candidature: le Troisième Paradis de Michelangelo Pistoletto.

Lire l’intégralité de la déclaration:



Appointment in the Region

On Thursday 18 July, starting at 12.30, Biella Creative City Unesco 2019 will be presented in the Press Room of the Piedmont Region.

The first goal was achieved: the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in Rome promoted the Biella dossier by sending its own endorsement. Now the game has to be played outside Italy, internationally and Biella’s candidacy looks like the candidacy of Piedmont.

To intervene will be:

Alberto Cirio – President of the Piedmont Region

Claudio Corradino – Mayor of the City of Biella

Vittoria Poggio – Councilor for Culture, Tourism, Commerce, Piedmont Region

Elena Chiorino – Councilor for Work, Education and Training of the Piedmont Region

Francesca Leon – Councilor for Culture of the City of Turin – “Unesco Creative City”

Franco Ferraris – President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation

Paolo Naldini – Director of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto



ASL Biella and University of Turin

The departments that will be under university management will be the Analysis Laboratory, Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The agreement between the Biella local health authority and the University of Turin with which some hospital structures become management clinics was signed on Monday 15 July in the presence of the Health Councilor Luigi Icardi and the Councilor for Education Elena Chiorino.

Shared since the beginning with the Mayors of the Territory and with important local realities from the economic and industrial sector, from volunteering and social solidarity, the agreement was carried out thanks to the contribution of the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation, of Lilt Biella which have chosen to substantially finance the costs of the clinicalization and of the Unione Industriale Biellese which has chosen to partly finance the administrative costs.

Read the entire press release attached:



The Perosi Foundation celebrates the Bach

An off-season special for the concerts of the Perosi Academy, Sunday 21 July at 6.00 pm in the Concert Hall on the first floor.

Guido Rimonda returns to Biella, one of the most famous violinists of his generation, author of the rediscovery and valorization of G.B. Viotti, this time together with his daughter Giulia who, at the Accademia Perosi, is completing the specialization course under the guidance of M ° Pavel Berman.

Father and sons” will be the theme of the concert which foresees the interpretation by Guido and Giulia Maria Rimonda, together with the Camerata Ducale, of the concerts of Johann Sebastian Bach and of the second son, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach.

The complete program and tickets are available on www.accademiaperosi.org

The ticket purchase link is as follows: http://bit.ly/perosibach



Milano Unica 2019

Last week Milano Unica took place, the Italian textile exhibition dedicated to autumn / winter 2020/2021.

From 9 to 11 July, the Biella companies that brought to the event that expression of excellence in the textile sector which we can reasonably be proud of, presented the candidacy logo and posed to support the prestigious project.

They are very special creative portraits: this too is Biella Creative City!

Ph. Roberto Ramella


Yesterday (Monday 8 July) at Cittadellarte the UNIDEE summer camp started.

The artistic initiative includes three different modules for participants and mentors, but with a theme that is the common thread of the workshops: the fight against climate change.

UNIDEE celebrates the twentieth anniversary of its birth with a new program with unusual features and characteristics, including new themes, contents and mentors.

Against the background of the training project, the basis is once again the artistic practice of Cittadellarte and the principles of the Third Paradise: the confirmations, in particular, are the division into modules organized around predefined keywords (as happens since 2015, the year in which marked the start of a new phase of UNIDEE) and the maintenance and implementation of partnerships with historical institutions, with which a specific program of international residences will continue.

Moving on to the news, in view of a strategy of strengthening and rethinking the modules, the UNIDEE staff has optioned three key concepts – collective agency, climate action, modes of instituting – which summarize three of the most important concepts underlying the Cittadellarte mission and the symbol-sign of Michelangelo Pistoletto, partly already developed in some previous modules.

In this regard, a special summer camp started yesterday – 8 July – with the participation of 16 international artists and three visiting tutors.

The key theme of this initiative – which will continue until Friday 12 July – is that of the climate action, strongly linked both to sustainability issues of which the Third Paradise becomes a symbol and bearer, and to social responsibility to promote a virtuous change on green issues . Not only that: it refers to the objective 13 (“Fight against climate change“) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations.

Read the entire article: Journal – Cittadellarte

The mayors of Biella joined in support of Biella Creative City

From Viverone lake to the pastures of Rosazza, from the Ricetto di Candelo to the rice fields of Massazza, passing through the many towns between the plain and the hill and then of course Biella, the capital of a province as small as it is multi-faceted: as a standard the flag of the UNESCO candidacy has ideally covered in these months the 700 km of roads that connect a territory of only 913 kmq to make known the project of candidacy of the City of Biella to the network “Creative cities UNESCO”. A journey lasted months that led to a result that is not remembered in the Biella archives: the collection of the signatures of all 74 mayors of the territory for a common cause.

“When we decided to support the candidacy of the City of Biella, we initiated several communication actions and one of the first was the collection of signatures of the mayors of the territory – explains the President of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Franco Ferraris – launched on the occasion of conference with the creative cities UNESCO held in January at Palazzo Gromo Losa. However, we realized the difficulty of bringing together so many people scattered over a truly articulated territory that counts municipalities with a few hundred inhabitants and centers with many thousands of citizens, and for this reason the last signatures have been gathered in these days and have involved in some cases newly elected mayors. I must say that on this occasion I have never seen a unity of intents almost total on a project of the territory “.

The collection of signatures as a sign of the unity of a territory that has understood the need to team up to imagine its relaunch starting from the textile tradition, but also fielding the other excellences that characterize it: from art to the environment, from the gastronomy to services for citizens. Like a large tapestry each municipality of the Biella area brings its own specific qualities to compose the photograph of a vital and welcoming territory that supports united for the recognition of the capital as “UNESCO Creative City”.

“An extraordinary result that rewards the work of the promoters of the candidacy who have been able to interpret its profound spirit – commented the Prefect of Biella Annunziata Gallo – rarely in my career have I seen a territory capable of involving in such a capillary way all institutions and cultural forces on a common project, a work truly worthy of praise and which I will highlight in all the highest institutional institutions ”.

Read the release:




The 32.rallyLANA will be staged on 13 and 14 July 2019, with few but targeted changes compared to last year’s format, liked by everyone. The route will be broadly confirmed, with seven special stages for a total of 72.85 km of timed sections over a distance of 223.67 km, with the charm of the ascent to Oropa on Saturday evening in the light of the headlights and the others on Sunday in the sunlight.

Official website: www.rally-lana.it

Reload Sound Festival

One of the most popular events of the Piedmontese summer music scene, Reload Sound Festival is back for the ninth edition, which will be held from 10 to 14 July at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Park in Biella, with four free admission evenings and a last big event with ticket admission for € 20.00 with the PFM – Premiata Forneria Marconi.

The line-up of these five days represents a new challenge for the Biella festival, which gives a nod to different musical genres, from blues to punk-rock, from rap to funk, from electronic music to the great tradition of Italian prog, for 360-degree music experience.

It will start Wednesday 10 July with the blues of the Treves Blues Band, on tour for the 70 years of its leader Fabio Treves, and of Popa Chubby, a great American artist in an extraordinary European tour. In both cases, some well-known Biellese professional musicians will also play on stage: guitarist Alex Gariazzo and drummer Massimo Serra (with the Treves Blues Band) and brothers Andrea and Francesco Beccaro (rhythm section of Popa Chubby).

Thursday 11 is completely changed register with Punkreas, one of the most important Italian punk-rock bands, with a thirty-year career, eleven albums and hundreds of concerts throughout Italy. Also, in this case, a piece of the band, the drummer Paolo “Gagno” Raimondo, has Biellese origins. To open the evening will be the Turin rock singer Daniele Celona, ​​who will present the new album “Abissi tascabili”.

On Friday 12, the festival will host Rancore, Roman rapper surged to stardom with his intense interpretation, next to the songwriter Daniele Silvestri, of the song “Argentovivo” at the last festival of Sanremo, winner of the critics’ prize. To open the evening will instead Davide Shorty, singer-songwriter, rapper and producer from Palermo, ascended to national fame thanks to his participation in X Factor in 2015, accompanied by the Funk Shui Project. To make the Biella audience dance will finally think the DJ-set of one of the characters who made the history of Italian music, opening the doors to rap in the 90s and writing some of the most intense and committed songs to remember, such as the famous “Quelli che benpensano”, the great Frankie hi-nrg mc.

Saturday 13 will be the turn of the electro-swing of The Sweet Life Society, a Turin collective born some years ago from the meeting between Gabriele Concas and Matteo Marini from Biella, who will propose a concert halfway between electronics and vintage music, capable to blow even the timidest. To open the dances will be the Handlogic, band winner of the last edition of Musica da Bere, present at Reload thanks to the collaboration with KeepOn Festival Experience, and Ainé, hip-hop/soul singer-songwriter, who is enjoying success thanks to important collaborations, between the others, with Max Gazzè and Giorgia.

To close the 2019 edition of the festival, Sunday 14, will be the PFM – Premiata Forneria Marconi, one of the most important bands in Italian musical history. Celebrated in the world, they will take on the stage of the Reload Sound Festival their extraordinary The Very Best tour, which is inflaming the hearts of the public throughout Italy.

The Reload Sound Festival 2019 is organized by the La Fonderia Musicale Association, with the support of the main sponsor bonprix and numerous other sponsors and technical partners, under the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Biella, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, Fondazione CRT and thanks to the efforts of dozens of young volunteers.

Tickets for the PFM – Premiata Forneria Marconi concert, on Sunday 14th July, can be purchased in advance on Ticketone, Mailticket and Cigna Dischi and Paper Moon.


Info: www.reloadsoundfestival.it