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Days of the Serra

The Days of the Serra is an initiative born from the passion of some for the territory of the Serra Morainic Hill with the aim of enhancing and promoting the territory from the social, cultural and economic point of view by connecting the people and administrations of both the Eporediese and Biellese slopes.

This commitment is expressed in an annual event called Days of the Serra which wants to be both a party and a moment of confrontation on common themes.

The initial working group, in which anyone can participate, has formed an association of social promotion called “Serra Development Agency” to which private citizens, organizations or associations can register.

This year they are organized in the Municipality of Salussola with the theme “From archeology to rice fields“.


Friday 7 June

6.00 pm – Opening by the Municipal Administration with the presentation of the event.

At the Gold and Stone Laboratory Museum, temporary exhibition “De AgriCultura” of agricultural equipment loaned by Mr. Pier Emilio Calliera.

7.00 pm – Opening of the “Market of excellence“, with presentation of local food and wine products. Entertainment by the Primary School of Salussola will follow.

Awarding of companies “Excellence of the Serra“.

Saturday 8 June 

From 2.30pm to 6.30pm – Opening of the Gold and Stone Laboratory Museum.

Gold research laboratories are organized by appointment by the Biellese Association of Gold Diggers from Vermogno and simulated archaeological excavation workshops held by Dr. Daniela Palladino.

7.00 pmPro Loco in piazza Food and wine evening of the Pro Loco with their typical dishes and musical entertainment in the squares.

Sunday 9 June

10.30 am – Conference “From archeology to rice fields” held by the archaeologist dott. Francesco Rubat Borel of the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Turin.

12.30 pm – Lunch prepared by the host Pro Loco, in the dedicated structure, with the theme “Variations of risottos”. Welcome to the numbers 0161 998127 or 347 9001631 by Friday 7th.

14.30 pm – Real Estate Day promotion and housing proposals in the territory of the municipalities participating in the Days of the Serra.

16.00 pm – Concert of the municipal bands, greetings and the passing of the bell to Albiano d’Ivrea, organizer of the Days of the Greenhouse 2020 event

Info and contacts:




After the success of the 2013 and 2015 editions, the Federico Maggia biennial architecture award, once again invites 10 designers under 30 to work inside old abandoned factories.

The Sella Onlus Foundation, with the Biella Association of Architects and Engineers, launches the seventh edition (the third national) of the Award named in memory of the Biella architect engineer Federico Maggia.

The 2019 edition of the Award intends to promote the virtuous and closer connection between the prize and the Biella area and has therefore introduced a participatory system for the choice of areas of intervention.

The six areas of intervention selected through public notice are:

– Lanificio Ubertino Silvio (Via Quintino Sella 4, Lessona)

– Ex Filatura Simon (Via Santuario d’Oropa 162, Biella)

– Lanificio Pria (Via Ogliaro 5, Biella)

– Yukon Industrial Complex (Strada Trossi 18, Verrone)

– Lanificio Al Bivio (Vegliomosso)

– Poma Worker Village (Miagliano)

The designers will be invited to Biella on 7 June at the Press Conference where the competing groups and the six areas of intervention will be presented. In the following months they will develop their 10 proposals in close dialogue with the curator of the 2019 edition of the Award, Gian Luca Bazzan.


PRIZE + beauty in the Valley

The Prize + beauty in the Valley, promoted by the Rotary Club of Valle Mosso which has set up a special management committee, aims to contribute to improving the beauty of the Biellese Orientale Territory.

Aimed at recognizing and enhancing the interventions carried out in the area that have led to an improvement in the landscape, it is divided into two sections, Construction and Environmental.

At its 1st edition, almost 30 interventions were nominated. The Jury, composed of Corrado Panelli, president, Elena Accati, Alberto Barberis Canonico, Luisa Bocchietto, Andreas Kipar, Cristina Natoli, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Andrea Rolando and Giovanni Vachino selected the finalists and also decided to indicate the relevance and uniqueness of the The Ermenegildo Zegna family from Trivero is constantly working over the years in favor of the care and improvement of the beauty of the territory.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the Successori Reda woolen Mill, the REDA Prize for beauty was established which is therefore attributed to the Ermenegildo Zegna Group of Trivero, Valdilana.

The Prize will be awarded on the occasion of the Award Ceremony which will be held on June 15th, at 4.30pm, at the auditorium of the Castagneto Restaurant, at the Brughiera di Trivero, Valdilana. On this occasion the reasons for the choice made will be communicated.

The award ceremony will be followed by a round table in which they will participate:

Andreas Kipar, landscape architect, member of the Jury

Luca Dal Pozzolo, professor and director of the Piedmont Cultural Observatory

Guido Venturini, former general manager of the Italian Touring Club

Paolo Piana, president of the Rotary Club of Valle Mosso promoter of the Award.

Corrado Panelli, president of the Jury, said “a Prize like ours could not fail to attest that on the Territory there is one of the most relevant examples at national level of works created by a private individual with the specific purpose of increasing the pleasantness of the environment in which lived his fellow citizens and above all his collaborators and his employees. This social vision of the value of beauty and the ability to interpret it in an easily understandable and shareable way, make Ermenegildo Zegna and his family that continues the mission a shining example of the spirit and reasons of the Prize + beauty in the Valley“.

“In Network”

At the Trappa of Sordevolo, Sunday 9 June 2019, the “In Network” exhibition will be inaugurated, a collective exhibition of the students of the Liceo Artistico (Liceo “G. e Q. Sella”) of the Biella Penitentiary and will be open until 13 October.

At Palazzo Ferrero, Miscele Culturale, Saturday 8 June at 6.00 pm – on the occasion of the inauguration – a preview presentation of the project will be held, with some works on display.

The exhibition will be structured in three sections:

On the Network, or reproductions of the sites of the Biellese Museum Network

Design, which are tables related to the teaching of the events of “Convict was the concert” and “Red benches against violence

Didone & Enea, that is tables, costumes and parts of the scenography of the Opera.

We challenge the future – SMART CITY

We challenge the future” is the initiative that the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union has designed and organized with the aim of providing a strategic overview of the technological frontiers that businesses are facing.

These are moments of deepening and enrichment in which the technological tools are illustrated and told by experts in the sector and analyzed in concrete cases.

Living places with sustainability, efficiency and comfort: the world changes and the way people live and the way they live cities changes.

New services allow faster movements, the wi-fi coverage allows access to all sorts of information to have a 360 ° experience. Furthermore the cities themselves can optimize energy consumption and improve liveability.

Speakers include:

Marco Tasso Sales Manager Public Administration Local Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta TIM – Vice President of the ICT Directive Council of the Industrial Union of Turin

Giuseppe Giordano Chief Executive Officer Enerbrain

Graziella Roccella Chief Operating Officer Planet Idea

Gianluca Cristoforetti Urban Architect and Research & Innovation consultant

Free admission upon reservation. For registration see https://www.ggibiella.it/it/sfidiamo-il-futuro

Personal exhibition by Marco La Rocca curated by Irene Finiguerra

The exhibition “0.99 cent” by Marco La Rocca, curated by Irene Finiguerra, will be inaugurated on Friday 31 May 2019 at 21.00 in the spaces of Ferrero Palace.

Marco La Rocca (1991) investigates today’s consumerist society, entering a world of goods and goods, objects of desire as a status symbol.

His artistic production moves on a double track: painting on canvas and ceramics, always faithful to the creation of still lifes in a contemporary key. Its scenarios are the shelves of supermarkets, stores, where the accumulation requires the presence of a consumer who chooses and purchases even going beyond a real need for that good. It is no coincidence that the exhibition logic of goods in supermarkets is the result of a very sophisticated social and psychological study, which insists on our obsessions, fragility and emotions. In a world that strives to standardize even our tastes, La Rocca offers us playful solutions of consumption, with a cross between the seduction of the object and a melancholy reflection on our experiences of increasingly standardized figures.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3pm to 7pm or by appointment

free admission

BI-BOx Art Space at Ferrero Palace – Corso del Piazzo, 25 Biella

info.bibox@gmail.com – +39 349 7252121 – www.bi-boxartspace.com

Museum synergies in Cervo Valley

The Biellese Museum Network opens its season on 2 June 2019.

In Miagliano, Lanificio Botto and Workers’ Village, we start with the inauguration of the new space called Stamperia, where the reception point will be active and the exhibition Out of the flock and the new version of the PhotoSheep exhibition, of which they were decreed the nine winners on 22 May, on the occasion of the World Colorful Sheep Conference.

The 2019 summer season will be full of events in the Cervo Valley thanks to the collaboration of museum sites belonging to the Biellese Museum Network which in Cervo Valley are closely related this year, offering cultural, theatrical and musical activities.

Museum synergies in Cervo Valley is the title that distinguishes the various activities and that involves Miagliano, Sagliano, Pralungo, Ronco, Campiglia, S. Giovanni d’Andorno and Rosazza.

Two project leader associations: Friends of Wool with Wool Experience now in its sixth year and active mainly in Miagliano and Storie di Piazza, which with Biellese stories will make the theatrical research heritage developed since 2005 available to the Network, characterizing the various museum sites with his stories of people and facts, from Biella to climb along the Cervo axis to Rosazza.

Storie di Piazza and Friends of Wool, coordinated by Manuela Tamietti, address the theatrical and musical theme with an eye to the Stories of Stone, water and wool, involving professionals from Northern Italy and local amateurs and offering moments of free admission .

Numerous local amateur theater associations are involved. The projects have the support of the Piemonte dal Vivo Foundation, Biella Turismo and the patronage of various Municipalities, the Province of Biella and the Piedmont Region.

Both associations have the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and Storie di Piazza, including that of the Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation.

Further information:



Caritas of Biella invites everyone to Piazza Duomo for Vitamin BI

Caritas Biella invites everyone to Piazza Duomo on Saturday 8 June for “All the energy of Good” the Vitamin BI event, promoted by the Diocese of Biella.

A day of celebration dedicated to making known all the realities that carry out the good of the territory, discovered by the #cercatoridibene of the Diocese of Biella.

During the day, moments of music, dance and speeches will alternate.

For information, contact caritas@diocesi.biella.it


With the celebration of the Italian Republic Day, our territory welcomes the new season of the Biellese Museum Network, a project proposed and coordinated by the Valle Elvo and Serra Eco-museum in collaboration with the Biellese Ecomuseum (of which it is a part).

On June 2, 2019, for all 37 sites, the curtain is raised on the 2019 edition: next Sunday the cultural journey that, for seven years, colors the wool province with culture has continued.

The territorial project of the Network – which is renewed annually since 2012 – is more alive than ever and develops and articulates gradually weaving a new fabric of relationships between many cultural actors, public and private, favoring the sharing of resources for the enhancement of the assets of the ecomuseums, museums, castles, palaces, natural areas and other sites of interest in the Biella area.


The numbers manage to give a clear picture of the evolution of the project: from 2012 to 2019 the Network involved 44 different museums located in 32 municipalities, selecting 184 operators specially trained and remunerated to assist the site managers and ensure a constant opening in the summertime; in the first seven years, moreover, the sites of the network have registered around 97.600 visitors. The success achieved so far continues with a season that exceeds the record of sites of the previous year, now reached 37 (the novelty – or rather the return – is the Palace of the Princes of Masserano).

Operator training

The Network, also this year, in April issued a call for tenders to select museum operators who will work in 37 sites in the province of Biella. The operators are following a training program during several meetings, through which they have the opportunity to deepen the direct knowledge of all the museum sites of the Network, not only that of competence.

The 37 sites

There are 37 sites in the Biellese Museum Network 2019: Antonio Bertola military engineer; Atelier of the sculptor Massimino Perino; Casa Menabrea; House Museum of the Upper Cervo Valley; Birthplace of Pietro Micca; Casa Zegna; Vialardi Castle of Verrone; Lake Viverone Documentation Center; Documentation Center on Iron Processing; Documentation Center on Emigration; Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation; Ecomuseum of the Cossatese and the Baragge; Ecomuseum of the Montanara Civilization; Ecomuseum of the Iron Working; Ecomuseum of the Terracotta; Ecomuseum of Constructive Tradition; Ecomuseum of Viticulture; Ex Mill Susta; Wheel Factory; FAI – Enrico Collection; Lanificio Botto and workers’ village; Cluniac monastery of Castelletto Cervo; Bramaterra Museum; Passion Museum; Museo degli Acquasantini; Migration Museum; Museum of Childhood; Gold and Bessa Museum; Territory Museum; Gold and Stone Laboratory Museum; WWF Oasis Botanical Garden of Oropa; Palace of the Princes of Masserano; Palazzo Ferrero; Palazzo Gromo Losa; Palazzo La Marmora; Burcina Nature Reserve “Felice Piacenza”; Sanctuary of San Giovanni d’Andorno.

The openings and the material

The sites of the Biellese Museum Network can be visited every Sunday – starting from the next – until October 13th (in addition to the August 15th holiday), from 14.30 to 18.30.

To view the map of the 2019 edition of the Network see attachment.

