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To make good and beautiful fabric

Knowing how to do and do well. It was the maxim that, like a litany, resounded in all the Biella production facilities.

The know-how was first of all theoretical and practical learning that was acquired in the various branches of the imposing training apparatus of the Biella industrial district.

In the workplace, the knowledge learned would conform, in a gradual training course, to the organization and to the rhythms of the production process, experienced in direct contact with the complex technology of the machinery. The Biella industrial system since the early years following the Unity of Italy has invested considerable resources in professional education, strengthening and innovating the ancient schools of arts and crafts.

The key words of a widespread work culture not only in the bourgeois industrial classes but also among the workers we find engraved, as a sort of decalogue, in the friezes that appear on the facades of the Commercial Institute Eugenio Bona and of the Felice Piacenza Wool Mill School: probity, correctness, seriousness, foresight, honesty, hard work, perseverance, initiative, insight, prudence, punctuality, character, loyalty, prudence, shrewdness, sagacity, firmness.

From Thursday 14 November 2019 the exhibition ‘To make good and beautiful fabric’ will be open to the library by the Documentation Center of the Chamber of Labor of Biella.

The exhibition documents vocational education and the arts and crafts schools in the Biella area and is part of the dense program of ‘Biella portrait of a factory city‘: a narrative in images divided into five exhibition sites, each of which proposes topics related to the general theme.

The exhibition will be open until December 22, from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00 and Saturday from 8.30 to 12.30

Guided tours by appointment.

Admission is free and for more information you can contact the library directly: tel. 015 8551107, email: biblioteca@cittastudi.org, facebook: @cittastudibiblioteca.

From Namibia to understand the factors of Biella’s success

The Namibian delegation arrived in Biella in the aftermath of the proclamation of Biella Creative Unesco City to visit the territory and understand the reasons for its success while starting at the same time the process of exchange of good practices and training inserted by Biella as an international collaboration project in the application file.

Ended Friday 8 November the official visit led the delegates to visit numerous entrepreneurial and gastronomic excellences of the territory as well as some symbolic places of the territory.

The intense program, developed by the management team (Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Municipality of Biella, Fondazione Pistoletto and BIA Srl) in collaboration with various institutional partners and thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration of the entrepreneurial realities has in fact envisaged a first reception at the “Zucchero filato” pastry shop in Via Italia, where the delegates were able to admire the new textile-themed location before visiting the Biella Piazzo cultural center accompanied by the representatives of the three buildings that make it up, where the “Travel” exhibition is currently set up . The evening continued with a dinner at “La civetta”.

The visit week then opened on Monday 4 November with an intense training seminar at the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation which was attended by representatives of the Industrial Union, the Chamber of Commerce and Ance Biella, the latter particularly interested in the potential of use of wool in the building field as an insulator.

In the afternoon, transfer to Città Studi with a very intense educational on textile and textile and health with interviews with the representatives of the various realities present in the Textile Center; the evening ended with a gala dinner at the Rotary Club of Biella.

On Tuesday 5th the program featured the Biellese Territory Museum where delegates were able to visit the various sections that tell the story of the Biella area and then move to Miagliano for a confrontation with entrepreneur Nigel Thompson, representative of the Biella the Wool Company Consortium.

The lunch took place at the “Bistrot Le Arti” in Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation where the Director Paolo Naldini illustrated the artistic and social project of Maestro Michelangelo Pistoletto in addition to Nova Civitas. Afterwards visit to the Perrettino di Verrone and in the evening transfer to the Ricetto of Candelo for a much appreciated dinner at “La taverna del Ricetto” open for the occasion thanks to the Municipality of Candelo and Mr. Maffei.

An institutional meeting was held on Wednesday 6 November at the Municipality of Biella with the participation of many institutional offices including a delegation from the Piedmont Region and where the governor of the Karas region, Lucia Basson, led the singing of the Namibian hymns with traditional costume local then exchanging gifts with the Mayor Claudio Corradino.

The lunch took place at the IIS Gae Aulenti which showed the delegation the excellence of the Biella hotel training while in the afternoon there was a visit to the Fratelli Piacenza Wool Mill. The day ended with a meeting with the Woollen National Trade Association and dinner at the “La lira” restaurant.

The last day of the visit finally provided for the transfer to Trivero at the Zegna Wool Mill where the delegates admired the combination of futuristic industrial processes and archives care and in the afternoon a visit to the Centovigne company at the Castellengo castle.

The evening ended with a dinner at “La croce bianca” in Oropa.

The impressions of the delegates and the Honorary Consul of Namibia in Piedmont and Lombardy were very positive. Petter Johannesen thanked Biella for the splendid welcome given to the delegation, hoping that relations with Namibia would be strengthened and developed during the realization of the Unesco project.



Archives of the past, museums of the future?

Casa Menabrea, Casa Zegna and Fila Museum Foundation, in collaboration with Unione Industriale Biellese and Gruppo Sella present “Archives of the past, museums of the future?“, a round table between different entrepreneurial realities in Biella on the theme of the preservation of corporate memory and its functions.

The meeting is preceded by a guided tour of the former Maurizio Sella Wool Mill complex and a screening of the documentary film “Newmuseum (S). Stories of company archives and museums“.

It will also be possible to visit the photo exhibition “The other car. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy”.

The program is attached.



WOOOOOW! Me and my future

All the details of the second edition of WOOOOOW! Me and my future will be presented at the Press Conference on Thursday 14 November 2019 at 11am in Sala Valetto, Unione Industriale Biellese.

Speakers include:

FRANCESCO FERRARIS, president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union

SAMUEL MANDER, CNA Biella Young Entrepreneurs Group

NICOLO’ BELLON, President BiYoung

GIANLUCA SPAGNOLO, Biellesi Schools On the Net

ELENA CHIORINO, Councilor for Education, Labor, Vocational Training and the Right to Education of the Piedmont Region

CLAUDIO SPADON, director of the Piemonte Lavoro Agency

GABRIELLA BESSONE, Councilor for Education and Public Education of the Municipality of Biella

LUCA MURTA, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation

ALESSANDRO CICCIONI, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli

Gentlemen, change!

The exhibition “Gentlemen, change!”, Which is part of the wider “Biella. Portrait of a factory city” project created by the Documentation Center of the Chamber of Labor of Biella and by CGL Biella with the contribution of the Piedmont Region and the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

In particular, the exhibition of the Spazio Cultura lights the spotlight on the great “gaps” left in the city starting in the 1960s with the demolitions of the old station, Maglificio Boglietti and the main core of the Lanifici Rivetti.

Ben 70 images on display, all taken from our archives Valerio, Cremon and Minoli.

Info: www.fondazionecrbiella.it/BiellaRitrattodiunacittafabbrica



Elsa Piana Award 2019

The Textile and Health Association and the Tintoria Piana have established an annual award with the aim of honoring research in the field of applied sciences in the textile sector.

On November 21st at 7:00 pm at the “Elvo Tempia” Conference Hall of the Biella Hospital, the award ceremony will take place in the first national competition “Elsa Piana – Textiles and health”.



The art of acting

What do a TV series, a movie at the cinema, a theater show, a musical, a cartoon, reading an audio book or the voices of a video game have in common?

The wonderful job of the actor, of course!

Come and discover it on November 8th and 9th with Storie di Piazza.

Read the entire press release:




Le fotografie provengono dagli archivi di prestigiose istituzioni culturali biellesi: Biblioteca civica, Santuario di Oropa, Istituto Tecnico Industriale, Istituto Commerciale E. Bona, Centro di Documentazione della Camera del Lavoro, Fondazione Sella, Cittadellarte Fondazione Pistoletto, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella e dei collezionisti Ermanno Bonicatti, Don Simone Rocco e Sergio Viana.

L’evento, seconda edizione dell’operazione culturale “Qui c’entro”, si svolge nell’ambito del progetto Tessuto storico biellese, guidato dalla Provincia di Biella e sostenuto dalla Regione Piemonte. Le immagini incorporano segni forti della comunità di fabbrica e costituiscono elementi di una autobiografia sociale.

Accanto alla narrazione affidata alla potenza comunicativa delle immagini, un altro piano narrativo si sviluppa fuori dagli spazi espositivi, nello spazio cittadino, dove acquistano risonanza le suggestioni e le problematiche suscitate dalle fotografie. Suggestioni e interrogativi che, dalla città quale si presenta oggi ai nostri occhi, si proiettano in avanti su scenari di un futuro desiderabile. Immaginare nel tempo lungo della crisi nuove e concrete utopie significa rendere possibili interventi capaci di dare giusta e rispettosa destinazione ai patrimoni tangibili e intangibili sedimentati nell’arco di due secoli da una civiltà industriale, tuttora presente nel genius della città.

Spazio Cultura – Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella

Venerdì 8 novembre 2019 – ore 18 – Spazio Cultura

La città modellata dalle esigenze funzionali del sistema di fabbrica, la città delle ciminiere, con il tempo scandito dal suono della sirena e dallo sferragliare dei trenini delle Ferrovie Elettriche Biellesi che si muovono in sincrono con i turni degli stabilimenti, la città fordista nella quale la vita si svolge entro il circolo “lavoro, famiglia, tempo libero”, la città che vede crescere di importanza il ruolo della Cassa di Risparmio ha il suo massimo sviluppo tra le due guerre.

A partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Cinquanta Biella vive una progressiva trasformazione strutturale e sociale.

La demolizione, nel 1961, della vecchia stazione “di testa” che sorgeva appena discosta dalla cerchia della città antica, l’impianto che per quasi un secolo era stato uno dei motori del funzionamento e dello sviluppo dell’intero distretto, segna emblematicamente l’inizio dello smantellamento della città industriale.

Seguono negli anni Sessanta e Settanta le demolizioni degli impianti produttivi lungo l’asse di via La Marmora, del grande stabilimento del Maglificio Boglietti, oltre che del principale nucleo dei Lanifici Rivetti.

Nei vuoti apertisi al centro della città sorgono edifici di residenzialità alta.La città fabbrica perde la sua forma e assume con la “grande trasformazione” una fisionomia indefinita.

Orari e informazioni:


10 novembre – 12 gennaio

lunedì – venerdì 10,30-12,30; 16,00-17,30  / domenica 16,00-19,00

26 dicembre e 6 gennaio 16,00-19,00

ingresso libero

www.fondazionecrbiella.it – spazio.cultura@fondazionecrbiella.it – 015 0991868


14 novembre –  8 dicembre

da martedì al venerdì 10,00 – 17,00 solo su prenotazione / sabato e domenica 11,00 – 14,30 – 16,30.

Gli spazi di Cittadellarte sono visitabili solamente attraverso visite

guidatetermeculturali@cittadellarte.it – 015 28400 / 3316676212


8 novembre – 12 gennaio

ingresso libero

visite guidate su appuntamento

centrodoc@cgilbi.it – daniele.mason@cgilbi.it – 015 3599257/8 – 3667749158


14 novembre – 22 dicembre

lunedì – venerdì: 8,00 -19,00 / sabato: 8,30 – 12,30

ingresso libero

visite guidate su appuntamento

biblioteca@cittastudi.org – tel. 015 8551107


16 novembre – 2 febbraio

sabato, domenica 10,00 -19,00 e su appuntamento, comprese le scolaresche.

Aperta il 26 – 27 dicembre e il 6 gennaio

fondazionesella@fondazionesella.org – tel. 015 2522445

Prezzo di ingresso: gratuito o 5 euro, salvo riduzioni, incluso l’ingresso alla mostra L’altra macchina. Un industriale biellese e l’affermazione della fotografia in Italia.



Delegation of Namibia visiting Biella Creative City

Biella has become part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and the activities foreseen in the candidacy dossier started immediately. In particular, this week, initiatives related to the theme of Weave Relations are inaugurated. One of the strategic projects proposed and contained in the Biellese dossier sees the involvement of an exceptional partner: the Republic of Namibia, one of the regions currently underrepresented in the UNESCO network. And this week, a delegation from Namibia made up of high-level institutional representatives and entrepreneurship representatives will be present on our territory with a rich program of visits and meetings:

Hinda Bonaventura, Embassy of the Republic of Namibia;

Lucia Basson, governor of the Karas Region;

Lukas Shekwaanyena, Karas Region;

Beatus Kasete, Region of Karas;

Desmond Basson, Municipality of Kettmanshoop;

Hilia Titus, Municipality of Kettmanshoop, deputy mayor;

Gabriel Freyer, businessman;

Henry Jongwe, businessman:

Apollus Christiaan Baisako, businessman.

It will be an opportunity to make the Biellese known and to talk about the project, based on the mutual exchange of know-how and deep identity of the two territories – explains Claudio Corradino, mayor of Biella – we will draw a creative axis between us, the Italian capital of wool, and Keetmanshoop, capital of the Namibian wool region of Karas”.

The project was born thanks to the mediation of Petter Johannesen, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Namibia of the Embassy of Namibia in Milan and Bia Srl, a company that followed the project from the beginning, and was built according to the dictates of AGENDA UN 2030 and addresses the issues of environmental sustainability, animal welfare, manufacturing creativity.

The realization of the project with Namibia will represent a model of inclusive collaboration. In particular, in order to strengthen international cooperation and develop an active collaboration between Italy and Namibia, Biella is committed with Keetmanshoop to training support (workshops for operators in Biella) and to mentorship for its future candidacy in Field Crafts & Folk Art.

With reference to Karakul wool, Biella will support Namibian weaving / craftsmanship as strategic alternatives to the trade in animal fur. The collaboration will deal with technical-manufacturing but also creative elements (product storytelling, creative industries marketing): in support of growth respectful of cultural specificities, enhancing the network of 170 Third Paradise Embassies according to UCCN.

During this week the delegation will be accompanied to visit the excellences of the territory, there will be many workshops of mutual presentation and deepening of the points that will characterize the project that involves the two territories.

Wednesday morning (6 November), the delegation will be received at the Palazzo Oropa boardroom for an official meeting, the delegation will be welcomed by the highest authorities of the territory and by the economic representatives. This will also be an opportunity to meet local media.

The great satisfaction for the entry of Biella in the UNESCO Creative Cities network is realized today in the first actions with the visit of the Namibian delegation that we hosted in Città Studi, one of the most important centers for textile training in Italy – declares the President of The Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Franco FerrarisFrom today therefore begins a new phase of the UNESCO path that will see the realization of the six projects included in the dossier. All the institutional subjects of the territory are actively involved. the delegation in the first operational workshop on Monday 4 November at the Foundation Council Hall“.