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Paducah Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster Crafts & Folk Art supports the candidacy of Biella

Biella’s candidacy has received another good support from Paducah, City of Crafts & Folk Art, a city in Kentucky very similar in size to our reality (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/paducah).

Paducah is the Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster Crafts & Folk Art and this means having an important support and activating immediately relations with the other cities of UCCN.

This letter is added to that of Graz, Unesco Creative City of Design (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/graz) – where today and tomorrow a delegation from Biella with Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto meets the Municipality – and to that of Kortrijk, Unesco Creative City of Design (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/kortrijk-0).

The letters are published on the page: https://www.biellacittacreativa.it/lettere-di-sostegno

The representatives of Cashmere Hair Manifactures meet in Biella

Biella, the Piedmont capital of the wool and international capital of wool and cashmere, hosted the meeting of the Ccmi – Cashmere and Camel Hair Manifactures association (which supports the nomination, see section: https://www.biellacittacreativa.it/en/endorsement-letters), an international industrial organization that has been representing the interests of camel hair and cashmere manufacturers, fine wool, yarns, garments and fabrics all over the world for 35 years.

One of the main activities of the CCMI is the monitoring of the international market in search of unduly labeled items such as containing cashmere and wool. It therefore promotes the correct labeling of textile products by encouraging the application of national and international standards.

In the photo (photo credits Eco di Biella) the representatives of the visiting delegation.

A Family Legacy

Tuesday 7 May 2019 at the Zegna Headquarters in Milan at 18.00, the “A Family Legacy” meeting will be held.

Participants will be Michelangelo Pistoletto and Paolo Zegna, moderated by Ferruccio De Bortoli. Franco Ferraris, President of the CR Biella Foundation will also take part.

The theme will develop around the generational transmission and the cultural and economic development of the territory that follows.

The event is part of the broad cultural calendar that accompanies the exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero and Michelangelo Pistoletto“, curated by Alberto Fiz and created by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation and Zegna Foundation. The exhibition is divided into three locations in the Biella area – Palazzo Gromo Losa and Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation in Biella and Casa Zegna in Trivero – which puts in dialogue the artistic production of Michelangelo Pistoletto with that of his father Ettore Pistoletto Olivero.


Free entry. Considering the number of seats is limited, to participate it is necessary to book through the Eventbrite platform.

In fashion school with Nino Cerruti

On April 9th, thirty-five students of 27 different nationalities were welcomed at the conference room of the woolen mill in Via Cernaia and attended a lectio by the master Nino Cerruti.

Young Chinese, Russians and Germans, aspiring designers, arrived in Biella thanks to the MSc Luxury program of the Institut Français de la Mode de Paris as part of a tour of the excellence of textiles and fashion. After visiting the production departments at Lanificio Cerruti, the students stopped at the Vitale Barberis Canonico in Prativero.

The initiative is aimed at providing the skills needed to accelerate the careers of young students within the fashion, luxury and beauty sectors. Nino Cerruti questioned how the fashion market, textile companies and the consumer have changed over the course of his 70-year career: “I hope you will soon be able to dictate the rules of this complex and fascinating world“, he said to foreign kids telling that in his time “words like ‘life style’ or ‘brand’ didn’t exist. Imagine if at the time a cook had been compared to a stylist, it would have been unheard of“.

“Padre e Figlio. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero | Michelangelo Pistoletto”

Three locations for a single exhibition project realized by Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation and Zegna Foundation: Palazzo Gromo Losa – Corso del Piazzo 22-24, Biella Cittadellarte-Pistoletto Foundation – G. Serralunga Street 27, Biella, Casa Zegna – Guglielmo Marconi Street 23, Trivero.

The works of Michelangelo Pistoletto, one of the major protagonists of the international art scene and those of his father Ettore, a popular landscape and still life painter, represent the starting point of a close confrontation with the theme of the father-son relationship, declined in many of his implications and nuances.

Through the works on display and in the video-dialogues created with the curator Alberto Fiz and with Anna Zegna, Michelangelo Pistoletto has given expression to a non-unidirectional conception of the father-son relationship: leaving a heredity to the fathers, rather than entrusting the responsibility solely to the children to communicate the knowledge and passions of parents.

Padre e filgio (Father and Son) presents over one hundred works including paintings, mirror paintings, installations, lightboxes, videos and photographs and is held in a very significant year for the city of Biella, which in 2019 will propose its candidacy to the Unesco network of Creative Cities, having its own Michelangelo Pistoletto as official ambassador for the project. Michelangelo Pistoletto has created a symbol of the Third Paradise dedicated to the candidacy and has already signed a manifesto of support for his “ambassadors” in the world.


From 17 April to 13 October 2019

Website: www.padreefiglio.it

Email: info@padreefiglio.it

The UNESCO Application was presented to Minister Bonisoli

Saturday 6 April was the occasion to introduce the candidacy to the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Alberto Bonisoli who met a delegation from the Management Team that is working on the Biella candidacy project to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network: the vice-secretary of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Andrea Quaregna, the director of Pistoletto Foundation Paolo Naldini and the Councilor for Urban Planning of the City of Biella Valeria Varnero.

In public the Minister praised the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and the teamwork that Biella is doing to obtain the recognition of the Unesco Creative City in Crafts & Folk Art. The Minister, former director of the Naba, New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan has made no secret of his knowledge of Pistoletto and Cittadellarte and of the textile qualities of Biella and has listened to the motivations that led Biella to apply.

He said – confides Mr. Quaregna – to be interested in the project, asked what was the role of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, which is to make all the territorial forces dialogue around a common goal, and asked for precise information on territorial qualities, roots and potential. The role of the Ministry is also very important because the Mibac appoints members of the Unesco Italian Committee which will decide. Obviously we could not fail to ask him for government support, even though we knew we could not have an answer. For now, all we need is the attention“.

In this phase of the candidacy” adds Valeria Varnero “we have the punctual task of covering all possible ways to tell the potential of our territory and to seek support. The passage of the Minister to Biella was an important occasion to let him know our programs“.

[Photo credits: Il Biellese]

Unesco Creative Cities in an extraordinary and exciting video

The Creative UNESCO Cities Network is first and foremost a space for collaboration and experimentation to invent the city of tomorrow“. Thus, in the words of Ernesto Ottone R. – Assistant Director-General for UNESCO Culture – the video presenting the Creative Cities Network created and published by Unesco opens.

Here are presented the Creative Cities (180 cities in 72 countries), a mixture of perspectives, different economies, different cultures: from Istanbul, City of Design, to Zahle (Lebanon), City of Gastronomy,

All sharing one mission: to create and develop sustainable, resilient, inclusive, creative cities.

Incubators of good practices, such as Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), City of Crafts & Folk Art, places of diversity, inclusion, cooperation, such as Santos (Brazil) and Busan (Republic of Korea), Cities of Film. Innovation laboratories, such as Enghien-les-Bains (France), City of Media Arts. Champions of sustainability (towards Agenda 2030) such as Idanha-a-Nova (Portugal), City of Music and Edinburgh (United Kingdom and Northern Ireland), City of Literature.

The Call for Applications to present the Candidacy is now open, the dossier will be filed in June 2019: it would be a great opportunity for Biella to become part of this circuit. To see the video visit our website on the “Network” page.

Presentated the candidature of Biella in Turin

Friday 29 March 2019, on the sidelines of the traditional annual cocktail party, the Turin Consular Corps, in collaboration with the Piedmont Region, organized an exclusive event dedicated to Cultural Diplomacy in the splendid setting of Palazzo Madama.

The conference entitled “Cultural Diplomacy in the Era of Globalization: the Role of Consulates” was moderated by Ambassador Luigi Guidono Cavalchini Garofali and speeches by Roberto Vellano, Central Director for the promotion of Italian culture and language at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and by Marco Ricci, Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

“The good practices” concerning the role of Cultural Diplomacy in territorial development and internationalization were illustrated by Roberto Giacone, Director of the Maison d’Italie based in Paris; by William Graziosi, Superintendent of the Regio Theater of Turin, by Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, by the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and by Mauro Gentini, of the property and assets management of Reale Mutua Assicurazioni.

The speech by President Ferraris, preceded by the strong support of the Councilor for Culture of the Piedmont Region, Antonella Parigi, wanted to illustrate the potential of the UNESCO Application of Biella (Creative City of Crafts & Folk Art) which intends to take the path of cultural diplomacy and international collaboration: an opportunity for integrated revitalization of the urban fabric that is based on Biella’s textile mastery, recognized throughout the world, but also on natural and cultural landscape, food and wine, creativity and contemporary art, of primary importance in Biella above all thanks to the tireless contribution of Cittadellarte-Pistoletto Foundation.

In these weeks, the artist Pistoletto recalled in his speech, the great exhibition “Father and Son” is inaugurated, which compares the work of Michelangelo and Ettore Olivero Pistoletto, and which introduces another of the themes proposed by the Application of Biella: that of the transmission of creativity.

The audience, sensitively fascinated by this new enterprise from Biella, then heard the conclusions of Stefano Zanini, Deputy Head of the Diplomatic Ceremonial at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Biella media carry the Unesco “flag” on the front page

Starting from 21 February, the Biella media wanted to express their support for the candidacy of Biella to the UNESCO Creative Cities network in Crafts & Folk Art.

The Directors have chosen to accompany the whole Candidature course by publishing on the front page the logo of the Third Paradise elaborated by Michelangelo Pistoletto.

The idea came to us from the day of the presentation of the initiative” – ​​writes Roberto Azzoni, Director of Eco di Biella – “It seems to us a project worthy of praise in a season of absent values ​​and of creaky economy, that of supporting a challenge that is based on aesthetic values ​​and quality of the territory and its “know-how” […] So, why not? Even Eco di Biella ideally is there: and from Monday (February 21st) the logo will be part of our DNA ”.

We immediately and enthusiastically joined when the organizing committee asked Il Biellese to support Biella’s candidacy” – writes Manuela Colmelet, Director of Il Biellese – “A challenge that we like and that we fully support“.

Even “La Stampa is with Biella in the UNESCO candidacyPaola Guabello reports in the title of her article written for the occasion – in the first row there is the director Maurizio Molinari who decided to put his signature on the document” (ie on the letter of support) of which an excerpt is reported: “If for thousands of years wool accompanies the journey of man, the Biellese, for centuries, has been able to make natural fiber an art in continuous evolution, a symbol of excellence recognized throughout world through fabrics that are an expression of creativity and innovation “.

La Nuova Provincia di Biella also joined the initiative with the publication of the Candidature logo on the front page.

Strong support also comes from the web with NewsBiella: “The words pronounced by Nino Cerruti and Michelangelo Pistoletto at the Palazzo Gromo Losa meeting in the past few months have not gone unnoticed – explains the director Catia Ciccarelli – For a media it is fundamental to promote the own territory. A commitment that Newsbiella has been pursuing for days, day after day. Surely, the more the name of Biella is taken outside the local and national borders, the more the final result will be optimal for all of us “; and with Web Diary.

And from local television, ReteBiella TV: “With pleasure, ReteBiella supports the project of candidacy of the City of Biella based on assumptions of territorial cohesion and unity of purpose – says Laura Martini, Director of ReteBiellafor over thirty years we report daily facts and Chronicle of the Biellese. Based on these assumptions the editorial staff wants to be present, to tell this extraordinary adventure “; and telebiella: “We have the name of Biella outside the boundaries of the territory at the beginning of the local television stations – remembers Peppo Sacchi founder and director of telebiellawe cannot but support the Candidature of Biella in Creative Unesco City“.