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Biella in Paris for the final sprint enchants with the beauty of its products and its creativity

Final jokes for Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO Creative City that yesterday, October 23, took part in Paris at the CreativItaly event held at the Unesco headquarters and dedicated to the presentation of the 4 Italian finalist cities.

Presided over by a delegation composed of the Municipality of Biella (Mayor Claudio Corradino and Councilor Barbara Greggio), the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation (Deputy Secretary General Andrea Quaregna and Communication Manager Federica Chilà), Fondazione Pistoletto (Director Paolo Naldini and Project Manager Marina Maffei) , Bia Srl (Project Manager Elena Federica Marini) and Young Entrepreneurs in the person of the President Francesco Ferraris who gave a brief but incisive speech in support of Biella’s entry into the network, the event was addressed to UNESCO ambassadors from all over the world who they welcomed him with great enthusiasm.

The four finalist cities (Biella, Bergamo, Como and Trieste) have therefore expressed the best of their productions in their respective Unesco areas with Biella which astonished for the beauty and particularity of their production which presented a selection of “Cubes in motion“, opera curated by Cittadellarte in collaboration with CNA, which represents the excellence of the Biella and Piedmontese territory through the collaboration between the creativity of the artisan and the artisan, to enhance a product of local entrepreneurship.

Alongside the “cubes”, some special textile productions have been exhibited in which attention to environmental sustainability and the cultural value inherent in the garment was added to the technological content and manufacturing quality.

The UNESCO ambassadors were thus able to admire the new wool jersey polo shirt chosen as a uniform by the Gondoliers of Venice, who have recently expressed their support for Biella’s candidacy. Born from the collaboration of The Woolmark Company with the Venetian fashion house Emilio Ceccato, the polo worn by the Venice gondoliers is in fact made with the new fabrics produced by Successori Reda, a historic Biella-based company. Reda Active fabrics are made of Merino wool, a material chosen for its natural isothermal and breathable characteristics. With this uniform, the Gondoliers were honored on 22 September with the Eco Stewardship Award from the Italian Chamber of Fashion and Eco-Age for the responsible use of wool in their uniforms, a return to their origins in the name of modernity.

Also part of the new Gondolier uniform is a special Australian Merino wool sweater made with Tollegno 1900 yarn that echoes the traditional motifs.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Zegna Group, a very important look came from London, consisting of a quilted one-and-a-half quilted coat in Siberian green recycled polyester and black beluga with City jacquard motifs, hidden buttoning and fashion show lapels. Black beluga cashmere and silk neckline sweater and plum chocolate detail. Single-breasted suit in Warsaw gray wool, fashion show pockets and lapels, mono-pince trousers with double hem and zip. EZ Cesare XXX sneakers.

The look was created as part of the #usethexisting project, which received the “CMNI in Recognition of Sustainability” award.

As evidence of Biella’s commitment to sustainability, two dresses made by fashion designers who have collaborated for years with Cittadellarte Fashion BEST have also been exhibited. One is the winner of the Green Carpet Talent Competition 2019, created by Flavia La Rocca, made entirely of TENCEL ™ – Lenzing fiber, hand dyed with organic colors. The other is the dress of another BEST designer, Tiziano Guardini, winner of the Franca Sozzani GCC Best Emerging Designer Award in 2017. Guardini’s dress is in non-violent silk certified Gots with natural coloring from indigo, Octopus embroidery formed by shells of molluscs and lasered CDs in the shape of sequins.

The quality of our textile production, the sustainability and the technological content of our yarns are what distinguish us in the world – explained the President of Young Entrepreneurs Francesco Ferraris excited and proud for the important role of spokesman of the city entrusted to him by the Mayor Claudio Corradino – I am sure that Biella has all the credentials to enter the Unesco network and is a city hungry for the future as are we young people”.

Great excitement also for the Mayor Claudio Corradino who had already brought Biella to Paris earlier this month and who now says he is certain to be ever closer to the goal “we await with confidence the Unesco response, aware of having done everything possible, thanks to the partners and in particular to the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Pistoletto Foundations as well as to the Bia company without which the Municipality alone could not have achieved any of this“.

The role of art is also to help create bridges between men and in this case it was truly Unesco that was the flag under which the Biella area fought united – explains Cittadellarte Director Paolo Naldini Cittadellarte and magister Pistoletto have fielded all their energies and available contacts, the logo of the Third Paradise has become the logo of the Candidature, now really we just have to wait for the feedback of the evaluators aware that they are still and always at the center of the MI-TO“.

And that really the entry of Biella in the Unesco network represents not only a local issue, but now involves transversally political, diplomatic and entrepreneurial forces is witnessed once more by the strong video message of support sent by the President of the Region Alberto Cirio who, recognizing to the Biellese the excellence of a productive and creative DNA, strongly asks UNESCO to complete the triad of Piedmontese cities composed by Alba for gastronomy and Turin for design by suggesting the many potentialities for the development of the inherent Region in this project.

In addition to the beauty of garments that combine tradition and modernity always with an eye to the environment, Biella has surprised Unesco for the particularity of its food and wine products, offered by the Biella companies that have been able to grasp the potential of this extraordinary showcase (Centovigne Società Agricultural, Sperino Property – Azienda Agricola Vigneti De Marchi, Tenute Sella 1671, Agricultural Company La Prevostura, Birra Menabrea Spa, Lauretana Spa, Dairy Pier Luigi Rosso Srl, Cheese Botalla Srl, Gabba Salumi) and presented by chefs Ivan and Franco Ramella.

Paletta, maccagno, water, beer, wines and the amazing “Fricc dal marghè” enriched by the white truffle of Alba, thanks to the collaboration with the International Fair of Alba white truffle, have composed a symphony of new and highly appreciated flavors next to the offers of the other finalist cities in the context of an informal evening that amused and amazed.

At this point everything was done to present a strong dossier of sustainable and impactful projects, with particular attention to international collaborations such as the one started with Namibia, with which we will have a rich exchange program in November – explains the Deputy Secretary General of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Andrea Quaregna representing President Franco Ferraris engaged in China – the Unesco evaluation process must now take its course and in any case the final verdict will find us ready and serene, aware of the force of the territory and of the virtuous path we have taken together to create a new development paradigm“.

Next appointment then in November with the announcement of the winners.

Digital Pathology Project

The Digital Pathology project promoted by the Biella Hospital – ASLBI is confirmed as a reference point for innovation at national level, and not only.

Thanks to the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Edo Tempia Fund, the Biellese Hospital is the first healthcare facility in Northern Italy equipped with this technology for routine diagnostics: since February, when it was fully operational, it has been analyzed to date an average between 2,000 and 2,700 slides per month, all transformed into high-resolution images, able to be “processed” by programs that support the accuracy of the diagnosis and above all to be shared in real time with specialists from around the world.

The entire press release is attached.



Daniele Basso supports Biella Creative City!

Daniele Basso – born professionally between Biella and Milan, passionate about mirrored steel surfaces – sent his support to Biella’s candidacy: “I gladly support Biella’s 2019 candidacy as “Crafts & Folk Art UNESCO Creative Cities Network”, to contribute, as far as my limited possibilities are concerned, for the good of the city that is in my heart, and to support the values that Biella’s excellences will be able to continue to spend with greater force in the world“.

These are the words of the renowned artist from Biella, increasingly known in the world and engaged this year in many initiatives, including the Teatro del Silenzio in Lajatico, in the province of Pisa, where Andrea Bocelli’s annual concert took place.

Thanks Daniel!

La Fenice publishes the “Officine Nuove” survey for the future of the territory

It all started last December, with the “Officine Nuove” meeting when – at the Centro Servizi per il Volontariato in Biella – public figures, representatives of the Biella culture, society, politics and economy were invited to take part in tables discussion with the aim of focusing on ideas for the development of the future of the territory.

The results of this work became the subject of questions and a survey was compiled through social networks, the results of which have been published today.

In the release of “La Fenice” published by Maurizio Greggio (responsible for the Facebook profile of the association) we read: “from the graphs resulting of the survey, the sample of people tends to take kindly to the new possibilities offered to the city, but complains poor results in terms of information in this regard, as well as a tendency to see the main problem of the territory in work

What emerges from the listening, elaboration and consultation work carried out by the young promoters of La Fenice also partly concerns the candidacy of Biella to join the UNESCO network of Creative cities.

Out of 121 people surveyed, 112 – around 85% said they knew about it, while only the remaining 15% ignored it.

A third of those who were aware of the initiative learned it from Facebook; 21.1% read it in the newspapers; 20.2% by word of mouth; 10.5% from organized promotional events; 5.3% from billboards posted in the city. The remaining 9.6% from various sources.

With respect to the question whether one was aware of the existence of a candidacy website, the result is split almost in half: 67 no and 64 yes.

The opinions on the initiative are also good: 55% of the sample consider it excellent, 40% good or very good, only 5% expressed a certain scetticism.

Almost 90% of the sample is convinced that Biella deserves this recognition.

The graphs are attached for a precise consultation.



Arte al Centro 2019

Yesterday, in the context of Arte al centro in Cittadellarte, the conference / debate “The key themes to work on the development of a territory starting from culture and art” was held, with the participation of Pierluigi Sacco (Special Adviser to the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, European Commission – UNIDEE Academy professor).

Also present was Federica Chilà, head of the communication office of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, which presented the candidacy project of Biella Creative City as it was actively supported and promoted by the Foundation alongside the Municipality of Biella and Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto.

Sara Lavino Zona and its “Under 1000” to protect small towns

Psychologist, yoga and fitness instructor but above all Biella, Sara Lavino Zona tomorrow, Saturday 12 October, will cross our territory from the lake to the mountain: swimming, cycling and running.

A true triathlete course: 3000 meters in swimming on Viverone Lake, 95 km in Bike with D + 1.830m among the villages of the Biella area with a stop in Biella for the Biellese Circuit and arrival at Balma, 30km of trail between the municipalities of the Valley Deer with arrival in Oriomosso.

An idea, a way to understand and make people understand the fundamental importance of our origins, of mountain villages under a thousand inhabitants.

At the end of the venture, always in the small village of Cervo Valley, from 5.00 pm there will be “Link in Bio” a show with many guests, music and a final aperitif scheduled for 8.00 pm.

Sara sent a photo to the Biella Creative City team because she also wishes to join the many supporters of the nomination.

Thanks and good luck for this wonderful initiative!

The Pact of the Mountain: a Biellese history

On the occasion of the XXI edition of Arte al Centro of a responsible social transformation – which will take place on Sunday 13 October 2019 at 20.30 at Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, via Serralunga 27) – the film The Pact of the Mountain by Manuele Cecconello and Maurizio Pellegrini will be screened  in the presence of the directors and with the participation of the producer Elda Ferri, of Francesca Conti and Lorenzo Canova of the production team and Gianni Rosas, General Director of ILO Italy (for info see: http://www.cittadellarte.it/attivita/ art-to-center-2019).

In this context, a message of support was sent for the candidacy of Biella Creative City: “On behalf of the production team of the film” The Pact of the Mountain “(Maurizio Pellegrini, Francesca Conti, Elda Ferri, Lorenzo Canova) – declares the director Manuele Cecconello I am happy to support Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO Creative City. Creativity is the first link in a virtuous chain whose purpose is the creation of an active and conscious citizenship. Our film tells of the extraordinary primacy of the Biella area to root the quality of the textile product in the quality of the productive relationships. A history of rights, work ethic, relations between citizens even before that between “employers” and “employees” who placed the equal pay between men and women and the preservation of a product of excellence in difficult times at the center of their vision like the Second World War. Let us therefore take on the spirit of this candidacy intended as a propulsion to interpret the present with the experience of the noble Biellese industrial and trade union past as a pioneering democratic laboratory to found a future where this productive vocation unleashes all its innovative power to infect society towards change“.

The Pact of the Mountain, signed in Biella in 1944 to establish the equal pay for men and women, is the first act of this kind in Europe.

During the Second World War, in Biella, the oldest textile district in Italy, when entrepreneurs, workers and partisans met secretly to sign an agreement that in fact anticipated many achievements that became law in the late 1960s.

From the catwalks of high fashion in Milan a young designer goes to Biella to understand why the exceptional quality of the fabrics he uses in his collections. Meet the places, the products and the protagonists, like Nino Cerruti and Argante. The first is the famous fashion designer and entrepreneur in the world, the son of those who then signed the pact; the second is the partisan commander witnessing what happened.

The finest fabrics in the world are still produced in Biella. All international designers buy fabrics in Biella, where brands such as Cerruti, Ermenegildo Zegna, Loro Piana, Barbera and many others were born.

The meaning of the film is that the quality of products is rooted in the immaterial quality of relationships between people, something that cannot be easily relocated. A metaphor for today that, in quite another crisis, must rediscover the meaning of the future and of the social pact.



Hospital reception for the blind person and visually impaired

Accessibility and sensitivity.

These are the two key words that characterize the video-tutorial created by the Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Piedmont, presented on Monday 7 October in the training room of the Biella Hospital.

It is the first national experience and the video, made by the journalist Giovanni Marmina, is destined to become viral because it aims to make people understand the value and importance – for a clinical structure – of being able to count on healthcare personnel trained to assist people who are not blind or visually impaired.

Just over 12 minutes to describe the typical path that a patient finds himself having to perform in a hospital: from the entrance hall with the Anteas Biellese volunteers, an active part of this project, to visits to the clinic , the video also describes in a clear and exhaustive way the simple gestures that may seem obvious but that have, instead, a significant importance.

We are very proud – said the ASL commissioner of Biella Diego Poggiothat our local health authority, but above all our staff is the protagonist of this video and above all has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge that are an integral part of the care processes and assistance”.

The video, entirely self-produced by the Press Office of UICI Piemonte in collaboration with the internal resources of the ASL Biellese, was born with a specific objective, remarked by the regional president of the Union of the Blind, Adriano Gilberti: “With the video, which is unique in “Italy, we would like the world of health to become even more aware of our problems. There are still many obstacles, even human ones, that we would like to overcome. Our intent is to foster collaboration, mutual understanding of problems and personal conditions.” , above all, to improve the relationship between health personnel and patients suffering from visual pathologies. I must say that in Biella we found an extraordinary availability and sensitivity on the part of everyone“.

At the end of the presentation of the video, the microperimeter was officially handed over to the ophthalmology facility, the equipment worth 40,000 euros – gift from the Italian Union of the Blind People of Biella thanks to a bequest from a citizen and the contribution of the national UICI – will serve for the diagnosis and monitoring of retinal pathologies.


Chiorino Technology, a historic company from Biella operating in the finishing and finishing of leather mainly for the luxury leather goods and footwear sectors, recently presented the new Fall-Winter 2020/21 collection on the occasion of Lineapelle at Fiera Milano (Rho).

The company’s concrete attention to environmental issues, which determines a constant and sensitive research activity aimed at eco-sustainability, translates into the new GREEN COLLECTION, which offers combined solutions of chrome-free or metal-free leathers and solvent-free finishes or from renewable sources, able to proactively respond to the needs of a clientele of excellence increasingly aware and directed towards eco-friendly products and processes.

To confirm this position, Chiorino Technology is also among the few exhibitors of Lineapelle with ICEC Sustainability certification.

By promoting Anna Fileppo’sArte & Industria project again, which combines the work of artists with the business of communication and corporate image, Chiorino Technology also hosted reproductions of works by the Bolognese artist Francesco Casolari at the large Linea Pelle stand. , class of ’82, who practices the technique of engraving since he was only 6 years old.

Some skins of the collection have been printed with its details: unreal and utopian cities, futuristic metropolitan scenes in which the artist imagines palaces with European architectural references of past centuries, crossed by fast spaceships, whose inhabitants are clowns, ladies and fictional characters .

Chiorino Technology, thanks to this special artistic collaboration – says Anna Fileppo, promoter of the”Arte & Industria” project – is once again the promoter of a constant search for creative ideas and innovation, confirming the close link between fashion and art, two worlds, at first sight so different, but they collaborate and intertwine, opening up to one another.”

Chiorino Technology, which has always readily adapted to the most lively market demands, consolidates the close relationship of mutual exchange with the territory, supporting Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO Creative City 2019 (see the letter of support: www.biellacittacreativa.it/en/endorsement-letters).

