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17/09/2019 - Updates

Biella Creative City on the roof of Europe

The instructors of the national school Guido Machetto of the section of the...

09/09/2019 - Updates

Basketball Biella supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

Edilnol Pallacanestro Biella is pleased to announce its support for the can...

05/09/2019 - Updates

The mayor Claudio Corradino receives a tribute from Cerruti and Pistoletto

A special ceremony was held this morning in the council chamber of Palazzo ...

02/09/2019 - Updates

Valeria Roffino runs with Biella Creative City!

The winner of two absolute Italian titles on the 3000 m hedges (2014, 2015)...

28/08/2019 - Updates

Alberto Barbera supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

While the 76th Venice International Film Festival is about to be inaugurate...

27/08/2019 - Updates

The Biella athlete Elena Romagnolo supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

Winner of 7 Italian absolute titles in 5 different specialties, finalist in...

26/08/2019 - Updates

Cerino Zegna supports Biella Creative City!

A new support has arrived from the social world, that of the Cerino Zegna I...

08/08/2019 - Updates

The Biellese group Warm Morn supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

New support comes from the world of music. The Warm Morn are a "musical...

05/08/2019 - Updates

Adriano Panatta supports Biella Creative City!

Last week came the support of Adriano Panatta, the legendary tennis playe...