Wear It Innovation Summit
Biella's candidacy will be presented today to the public of Wear It Innovat...

UNESCO Application: the Management Team meets the new assessors of the Region and the Municipality
The meeting of the Biella candidacy Management Team at the "Unesco Creative...

Textile and Health: a prize of 15 thousand euros
The Textile and Health Association and the Tintoria Piana (220 South Erwin...

Silvia Levenson and Mantico
This is a story written in 6 hands: behind the scenes we have the Anna File...

The Ricetto of Candelo the “Pompei of the Middle Ages”
For CNN, the Ricetto of Candelo is "the Pompeii of the Middle Ages", rankin...

Biella is among the 4 creative cities that will compete in Paris for joining the network
Biella, Trieste, Bergamo and Como: this is the list of the cities that have...

Alessandro Ciffo and Sergio Vineis: Silicone Experience
Contemporary art and haute cuisine come together in a unique experience of ...

The first Third Paradise made at sea with plastic waste
In recent days, a series of events took place in Sicily, starring Michelang...

Shopkeepers in the Biella Center support the candidacy
"We have created a new thought, united humble people and with sympathy, goo...