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Projection of “In this world”

The Gomitolorosa Association invites the screening of “In this world“, the documentary film by Anna Kauber that accompanies us in the life of the pastor women.

The now famous film will be hosted in Biella on Wednesday 9 October at 17.30 in the Auditorium Hall of the Sella Foundation, on the occasion of the Seventh Birthday of Gomitolorosa, an association committed to promoting knitting to promote the well-being of patients undergoing medical therapies as well as solidarity towards weaker subjects, leveraging the recovery of native wools and environmental protection.

The documentary tells the life of the shepherd women in Italy and is the result of a journey of more than two years, of about 17,000 km traveled and of 100 interviews conducted by Anna Kauber.

Among the protagonists of the film Maria Pia Vercella Marchese, shepherdess of Coggiola, in the Biella area.

I knew that in the world of shepherds I would find the field of infinite fundamental issues, very important and urgent, concerning the protection of the natural environment and the consequences of abandoning the mountain; the disharmony of this balance leads to a series of factors such as the hydrogeological instability, the demographic decline and the work that concerns us all“said Anna Kauber in a recent interview.

Whoever has seen the film – declares Alberto Costa President Gomitolorosa – can only agree on the choice and we thank Anna for accepting our invitation, she will be present to present and stimulate discussion and discussion on the fundamental issues raised by it. We expect a positive response from the audience“.


Visit to the plant and Spoon River in the factory

On Sunday 6 October the Miagliano Hydroelectric Plant, the one inside the Botto Wool Mill, will again be visited thanks to the property, Energie Rinnovabili srl, which replicates this possibility, given the success achieved last month.

This time there will be a surprise along the way into the bowels of the factory: a small theatrical appointment, to seal the mystery and the infinite possibilities of encounter that this place can create.

The initiative is, as always, coordinated by Manuela Tamietti who has followed the project currently called Wool Experience since 2013, and which involves the involvement of numerous partners: Storie di Piazza, ATL, Biellese Museum Network and other associations and the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation.

The visit will start at 15.00 from the Lanificio and will last until around 17.30.

The history of the cotton mill will surprise you, water has always been the key element that characterizes the landscape and shapes destinies, channeled into the open channel, comes from the Cervo stream, descends with a pipe into the factory with a jump of 21.45m from the tank loading at the discharge, to feed two powerful turbines.

This strength will be the same that animates our actors in residence, who will face their character thanks to an immersion in poetry, from Friday 4 October with the director / actor Fabio Banfo.

The work will be special and will use the character as the medium to free the person who is the actor. This seminar aims exactly at this goal: “using” the character to free the person in us.

Fabio Banfo has now reached the seventh edition of Spoon River in Residenza, a poetic encounter that has met with tremendous success and that is repeated every year in a way that is always different and that involves people between Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna, which is why there are many actors who retrace the experience even if already faced years before, in other caves and mysterious places of the Cervo Valley.

Free admission.

Information and reservations 3200982237 amicidellalana@gmail.com



GranPiemonte 2019

The 103rd edition of GranPiemonte scheduled for Thursday 10 October will be presented Monday 7 October at 4.00 pm at the Palazzo Ferrero conference hall (Corso del Piazzo 29, Biella).


Unlike in the last few years, the 2019 route presents some major changes; it’s no longer a route for finisseurs and sprinters but suits climbers, with the start in Agliè and the finish at the Sanctuary of Oropa (Biella) after the final ascent of Oropa (1142m).

Discover more www.ilgranpiemonte.it

Biella Rugby supports Biella Creative City

The Biella Rugby Club is pleased to announce its support for the candidacy of Biella Creative City UNESCO 2019.

The Third Paradise logo – donated by Michelangelo Pistoletto as a symbol of the project – will be the “main sponsor” of the 2019/2020 season and will appear in plain sight on the new team jersey game.

We are about to start our second season in Serie A – declared the President of Biella Rugby Vittorio Mussoaware of having arrived here thanks to the contribution of this city and its territory that has given us young people, athletes, men and women who they worked with passion and determination, thanks to the help of the institutions and municipal administrations that succeeded each other over the years, regardless of the political color they represented. Together with our city, we have built one of the most beautiful sports facilities in Italy… and beyond. In our own small way, we have gathered the creativity of everyone and we have tried to make our sport a vehicle for making the Biella area known. Rugby is a team sport, there is not just one protagonist, just as a territory represents all those who are part of it. We thought we were, for once, the main sponsor of a project and a movement that, for centuries, has created products, trends, developed production processes and innovation. We want to contribute, with great humility but with the same conviction, to making our young people aware of the importance of Biella, the Biella area and its future. A logo on the jersey together with those who represent companies that certainly share our idea“.

We are happy that a company like Biella Rugby, whose values ​​reside in sports fairness and determination, supports Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO creative city – comments Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation – The vision that from the years ’70 inspired the extraordinary progress of the club in a land where rugby was an almost unknown sport and the strength of the bear symbol of the team and the territory perfectly reflect the values ​​of the candidacy “.

This is the comment of the mayor Claudio Corradino: “A sporting reality of excellence in the territory such as the Biella Rugby has decided to team up and bring the project of our city to Italian stadiums. This is the right spirit of cohesion that I imagine for a city ready to re-launch itself as a system, just as Pallacanestro Biella demonstrated by dedicating a place to the Unesco candidacy logo on the Supercoppa uniform. Over the years the Municipality has always fully embraced the ideas and values ​​of Biella Rugby, in particular for the development of the citadel, and the path traced is giving great satisfaction“.

The jersey was presented today at the press conference held at the Conference Room of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

Walking the Resistance

Walking the Resistance” is an initiative promoted by the Valle Elvo and Serra Ecomuseum since 2006, with the aim of intertwining the values ​​of the Resistance with those of peace, respect for the environment and cultures.

Among the different routes proposed in the various editions, the one that goes up to the Varnei, above the Trappa, takes on a particular symbolic meaning.

In this hut, near the “cave of the wild man“, the first nucleus of “rebels” of the Elvo valley was established in the autumn of 1943, later merged into the great partisan movement that will be found in the territory of the moraine of the Serra and in the country of Sala the ideal physical and social context for the fight against the Nazi-Fascist dictatorship.

As every year, on October 6th we will follow the beginning of that journey again.


09.30 meeting at the Trappa and departure of the excursion

13.00 return to the Trappa and hot meal

15.00 documentary film projection “28 MAY – 4 JUNE 1944 A LONG WEEK OF BLOOD” Created by Pier Giorgio Clerici and Rolando Magliola

Attached the poster.



Invito a Palazzo 2019

Also this year the meeting between Italian banks and citizens is renewed, on the occasion of the opening of the historic buildings of the banks and their art collections.

Invito a Palazzo from its beginnings has established itself as the most successful form of communication adopted by banks to restore to the national community as well as to foreign tourists, a wealth of testimonies of artistic civilization and civil life constituted in Italy in this millennium .

The event, promoted by the ABI – Italian Banking Association and carried out with the banks participating in the project, opens for a whole day – every year on the first Saturday of October – the historic properties, transformed for a day into places of the profession banking with museum spaces open to the public freely.

Event that takes place under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and with the patronage of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO – commission that has positively judged the candidacy dossier of Biella Creative City at the first selection – and of the Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities.

The Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation has adhered to the initiative for years with the opening of Palazzo Gromo Losa which can be visited on the occasion of the event accompanied by a guide that will illustrate its history and curiosity.

The visits, lasting one hour, will take place from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm, the last entry will be possible at 6.00 pm.

We recall that during the visit it will be possible to admire the autumn blooms of the splendid Italian garden, while for those who wish it is possible to buy the ticket for the “Father and son” exhibition dedicated to Ettore and Michelangelo Pistoletto which will close on October 13th.

For information 015 0991868



Wellness and sport in the developmental age

Monday 7 October 2019, from 18.00 to 20.00, at the Palazzo Gromo Losa, Corso del Piazzo 22 – Biella will be held the conference “Wellness and sport in the developmental age. Training, performance and resilience“.

The event aims to reflect on the importance of sport and physical activity during the age of development as a characterizing element of a healthy lifestyle, limiting the sedentary lifestyle and the excessive use of electronic devices favoring well-being and balance psychophysical, stimulating learning and a constructive relationship with the socio-scholastic context.

The meeting represents an occasion:

for teachers who can find ideas and interactions with educational activities;

for parents looking for ideas and / or confirmations to accompany their children in the path of growth;

for all those passionate about sports and its value at all ages.


Greetings and introduction

The psychology of performance: assumptions and objectives Dr. Alessia Maglietto

Resilience, self-efficacy and self-esteem between school and sport Dr. Eleonora De Leonardis

The point of view of Luca Colombara UEFA B coach

Free admission, welcome reservation:

Olly Onlus Foundation

Tel. 015 8494677 – info@fondazioneolly.org



Biella at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris

The conversation between Michelangelo Pistoletto and Anna Zegna on the relationship between art and entrepreneurship took place yesterday, Tuesday 1 October, at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris, part of the program of interventions and projects for the international enhancement of the city through its excellence.

Based on a deep cultural bond that unites Cittadellarte and the Zegna Foundation for 20 years in common projects, the conversation has been articulated on the experience of Cittadellarte, as a source of talent and engine of the social transformation of the Biella area and in the world, also through the its network of more than 170 Third Paradise Embassies.

A unique experience with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Third Paradise at its center, which is profoundly identified with the values ​​that inspire renewal through textile excellence, creativity, sustainability, art, culture and conscious generational passage.

Today Biella is really at the center of MI-TO – commented Michelangelo Pistoletto enthusiastically – the values ​​that led me twenty years ago to bring my work and the activities of Cittadellarte to a former textile factory on the banks of the Cervo stream are today more alive and vital than ever and inspire an irreversible process of change throughout the Biella area“.

A destination for creatives and artists from all over the world, Cittadellarte and the Third Paradise matrix represent a strong source of interest rooted in the territory, as well as the presence of great textile brands, starting with Ermenegildo Zegna and its local roots and global thinking is an expression of the excellence of Made in Italy.

The relationship between Zegna and the Pistoletto family is a long-standing one – explained Anna Zegna, President of the Zegna Foundation – born in the early 1930s when Ettore Pistoletto Olivero began a fruitful collaboration with our grandfather Ermenegildo. Today we have the task of preserving for future generations the treasures of competence and beauty that have been handed down to us, creating a synergistic dialogue between territory, business, nature, art and culture“.

In this path, Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO Creative City, which was represented in Paris by the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and by the President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio as an official candidacy of Piedmont, represents an important step to make the world known the Biellese excellence.

The evening took place as part of the series of documentary presentations organized by the IIC in Paris and includes a preview of the video by the director Manuele CecconelloCittadellarte: practices of responsible art“.

A delegation of Biellese companies accompanied the Parisian mission to offer a tasting cocktail of local specialties – which was set up in a room dedicated to the presentation of the Biella area – to a select audience of diplomatic authorities, culture and the business world .

Companies that contributed to the event: Famiglia Ramella – Ramella Banqueting, Botalla Srl, Centovigne Società Agricola, Proprietà Sperino – Società Agricola Vigneti De Marchi, Pasticceria Massera Gino Srl, Caseificio Pierluigi Rosso Srl, Birra Menabrea Spa, Lauretana Spa, Gabba salumi.



Night shift

The new edition of Night shift is about to start, with four new scenes recited (and a musical surprise) along the workers’ path that reaches the Fabbrica della ruota starting from the Rifugio La Sella di Baltigati (Soprana).

In the same way as the previous editions, the evocative night walk, the magic of Teatrando actors, a bit of historical disclosure and, last but not least, a convivial occasion with chestnuts and apple wine on arrival will merge together.

Appointment Saturday 5 and 12 October from 7.30 pm at the Prayer Wheel Factory.

Departures for groups of 30 people continue about every 20 minutes. Last departure h. 21:30.

Reservations required (€ 10.00) specifying the departure time – cell. 333 5283350

For information: www.docbi.it – tel. 015 7388393

