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Design Month Graz

On May 10th a Biellese delegation participated in the Design Month Graz an event that offers an overview of various creative disciplines proposing exhibitions, workshops and conferences inviting them to network with Graz Creative City of Design.

It was thus possible to meet the leaders of other Creative Cities and above all the Mayor of the city of Graz, Siegfried Nagl, who formulated his support for Biella’s candidacy by sending a letter of support and expressing his willingness to start collaborations.


In order to involve the territory as much as possible and to make the objectives of the candidacy known, a competition has been developed in which all professional or amateur photographers of the territory can participate.

The challenge is to capture the Biellese creativity and “know-how” in their photos to be published on facebook or instagram using the hashtag #biellacittàcreativa

Participate and support Biella’s candidacy in the Unesco Creative Cities Network.

You can win a thermal flask with the Terzo Paradiso and ADBiella (Agenda Digitale) logo and become an ambassador of Biella Creative City!

Regulation here: http://bit.ly/2Wvd5U1

Subscriptions here: http://bit.ly/2Ly0b6Q

A thousand threads a fabric

Tomorrow, Saturday 11 May, an opportunity will be presented in Biella to learn more about the candidacy.

In Via Italia the young citizens of Biella will gather with the intent to explain how “a thousand different threads of an extraordinary fabric” – the excellence of the Biellese textiles – could obtain an international recognition.

It will also be the occasion for the launch of the Instagram campaign with an invitation to take a “creative portrait” in support of the candidacy of Biella in the Creative Cities Network.

All portraits will then be published on the Instagram account of Biella Creative City (@Biella Città Creativa) with hashtags

#unescocreativecity #unescoitalia # unescoitaly # unescocity #millefiliuntessuto

Paducah Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster Crafts & Folk Art supports the candidacy of Biella

Biella’s candidacy has received another good support from Paducah, City of Crafts & Folk Art, a city in Kentucky very similar in size to our reality (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/paducah).

Paducah is the Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster Crafts & Folk Art and this means having an important support and activating immediately relations with the other cities of UCCN.

This letter is added to that of Graz, Unesco Creative City of Design (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/graz) – where today and tomorrow a delegation from Biella with Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto meets the Municipality – and to that of Kortrijk, Unesco Creative City of Design (https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/kortrijk-0).

The letters are published on the page: https://www.biellacittacreativa.it/lettere-di-sostegno

The representatives of Cashmere Hair Manifactures meet in Biella

Biella, the Piedmont capital of the wool and international capital of wool and cashmere, hosted the meeting of the Ccmi – Cashmere and Camel Hair Manifactures association (which supports the nomination, see section: https://www.biellacittacreativa.it/en/endorsement-letters), an international industrial organization that has been representing the interests of camel hair and cashmere manufacturers, fine wool, yarns, garments and fabrics all over the world for 35 years.

One of the main activities of the CCMI is the monitoring of the international market in search of unduly labeled items such as containing cashmere and wool. It therefore promotes the correct labeling of textile products by encouraging the application of national and international standards.

In the photo (photo credits Eco di Biella) the representatives of the visiting delegation.

A Family Legacy

Tuesday 7 May 2019 at the Zegna Headquarters in Milan at 18.00, the “A Family Legacy” meeting will be held.

Participants will be Michelangelo Pistoletto and Paolo Zegna, moderated by Ferruccio De Bortoli. Franco Ferraris, President of the CR Biella Foundation will also take part.

The theme will develop around the generational transmission and the cultural and economic development of the territory that follows.

The event is part of the broad cultural calendar that accompanies the exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero and Michelangelo Pistoletto“, curated by Alberto Fiz and created by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation and Zegna Foundation. The exhibition is divided into three locations in the Biella area – Palazzo Gromo Losa and Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation in Biella and Casa Zegna in Trivero – which puts in dialogue the artistic production of Michelangelo Pistoletto with that of his father Ettore Pistoletto Olivero.


Free entry. Considering the number of seats is limited, to participate it is necessary to book through the Eventbrite platform.


From May 4th to 12th, return #fuoriluogo. City and culture.

After the public success of the last edition, #fuoriluogo reappears not only as one of the most anticipated events in the Biella area but also as a reality able in a short time to attract the attention and curiosity of the city. Twenty-three appointments in nine days in which it will be possible to attend and attend numerous events, meetings with authors, performances, tastings, exhibition itineraries, breakfast with the author and guided tours to discover the hidden places of the city. But not only that, for this new edition #fuoriluogo has decided to go – virtually – to Japan and – really – to the Cervo Valley to introduce its public to new interesting realities.

Also at the helm this year will be Eleonora Celano, Deborah Mancin and Gianni Crestani who, assisted by Alessandra Palmi, have decided to reconfirm the format of past editions, inserting seductive novelties. Thanks to #fuoriluogo, in fact, the city of Biella will be the protagonist of a great cultural event. On June 22nd, in fact, the five finalists of the Strega Prize will arrive in the city, which will be hosted at the Villani Social Theater. A great success of #fuoriluogo, this, which will allow Biella to host a stage of the most important literary prize in Italy, having the better of many other Italian cities on the list to welcome the event.

Moreover, for this edition, #fuoriluogo has included in its program of events three events that will tell the relationship between father – mother / son, thus enhancing the theme of the important exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Oliviero and Michelangelo Pistoletto” realized from the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the Pistoletto-Cittadellarte Foundation and the Zegna Foundation.

There will be important names in journalism, art and culture, including: Gianluigi Nuzzi, the editor of the newspaper “La Stampa” Maurizio Molinari, the writer Luca Scarlini.

Guided tours to discover hidden places of the city will continue thanks to the precious collaboration with the art historian Alessandra Montanera.

The important collaboration with the daily newspaper La Stampa, media partner, is reconfirmed, thanks to which the weekend appointments return with the reading of the newspapers in the morning in some cafes of the center, in addition to the meeting with the director Maurizio Molinari who will present his last book “Why did it happen here?” Furthermore, the collaboration with the illustrator Andrea Della Fontana who created the graphics of the program is reconfirmed, with BTREES that will take care of the social communication, with Officine Lavoro for the appointment with Pino Mercuri, Director of Human Resources at Microsoft Italia, and with Microsolchi for the presentation of the book “Amico Faber: Fabrizio de Andrè told by friends and colleagues” by and with Enzo Gentile.

Among the novelties of this edition there will be the presentation of the new website: www.fuoriluogobiella.it

The art of the twentieth century and the book 1944 – 2010

The city of Biella wanted to pay tribute to the architect Leonardo Mosso, Biella of origin, supporting the project of the exhibition The art of the twentieth century and the book 1944 – 2010 curated by Gianfranco Cavaglià and set up in the Civic Library of Piazza Curiel with inauguration on Friday 3 May at 6pm and open until July 31st.

The subject of the exhibition is part of a collection of books whose covers are an expression of the work of artists, architects and graphic designers, through which the history of art can be summarized.

The attention that the artists together with publishers and patrons have dedicated to the production of books, the cover of the book and the book itself as a work of art in itself, sometimes autonomous from the content, as its own and direct vehicle of communication, is highlighted. aesthetic, cultural and social.

They represent the constant commitment of Leonardo Mosso, a man of culture and founder, with Laura Castagno, of the Alvar Aalto Institute and of the Maaad (Museum of Applied Arts and Design Architecture).

The collection was the subject of a first presentation at the Turin Book Fair in 2003, the following 2004 at the Turin Province headquarters at Palazzo Cisterna and in 2017 at the Angelo Caselle Library in Pino Torinese.

The initiative joins an important international recognition: the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, after having acquired for its archive documentations of projects, studies, research, models and installations, dedicated a Hommage à Leonardo Mosso room (room 38 – floor 5 called L’école de Madrid).

Nord-Ovest Naturae

Back in 2019, the competition will reward the best images taken in the territories of Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta to which amateur photographers, amateurs and professionals of all nationalities can participate.

An opportunity, therefore, to get to know and value nature and the different environments that characterize the north-west of Italy.

The contest includes 4 sections that will focus on as many environments: “Mountain“, “Hill“, “Plain” and “Lake and Sea“.

Entries must be made by 13 May 2019. Membership can only take place through the form on the website: www.nordovestnaturae.org.

The award ceremony will take place on May 23 at 8:00 pm, at the Conference Room of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation (Via Garibaldi, 17).

The photos of the winners will be exhibited at the Culture Space of the Foundation from 24 May to 23 June 2019.

INFORMATION, REGULATIONS AND REGISTRATION FORM: www.nordovestnaturae.org info@nordovestnaturae.org www.facebook.com/nordovestnaturae/ 015 33891