On 26 and 27 September the first laser surgery course for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy took place – at the Complex Structure of Urology of the Hospital of Biella.
The course was attended by urologists from both Piedmont and neighboring hospitals, who attended surgical operations performed by the Urological Team Doctors directed by Dr. Stefano Zaramella.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a condition that affects men especially in old age and causes urinary difficulties. Treatment is usually pharmacological, but in cases with more severe disorders, an obstructive intervention may be indicated.
Laser surgery is undoubtedly the least invasive treatment in this area, and allows resolving interventions, minimally invasive, without scarring and with minimal bleeding.
The Biella department is one of the few in Piedmont where it is possible to perform the laser treatment at Holmio, the intervention in question is called HOLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate).
Also thanks to this technology, Biella is the sixth regional center in terms of the number of operations performed for prostatic hypertrophy and the first center in Eastern Piedmont (source: PNE-AGENAS).
During the course, interventions were also carried out for very frequent dysfunctions in women, such as urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse, using the most modern mini-invasive laparoscopic techniques.
In fact, from 2017 on this front there is a multidisciplinary clinic called the “Pelvic Team” for the classification and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Here patients suffering from these pathologies are evaluated jointly by the Urologists, by the gynecologists of the team directed by Dr. Stefano Uccella and, when necessary, also by the Proctologists of the Equipe led by Dr. Roberto Polastri.
Innovation in healthcare is fundamental: a continuous challenge to offer patients increasingly minimally invasive treatments and professionals the opportunity to compete with new technologies.
The first laser surgery course for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy features the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation, which in May 2017 donated the Holmium Laser for a total value of 117 thousand euros.