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In Biella the first “Masterclass” of prostate laser surgery

On 26 and 27 September the first laser surgery course for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy took place – at the Complex Structure of Urology of the Hospital of Biella.

The course was attended by urologists from both Piedmont and neighboring hospitals, who attended surgical operations performed by the Urological Team Doctors directed by Dr. Stefano Zaramella.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a condition that affects men especially in old age and causes urinary difficulties. Treatment is usually pharmacological, but in cases with more severe disorders, an obstructive intervention may be indicated.

Laser surgery is undoubtedly the least invasive treatment in this area, and allows resolving interventions, minimally invasive, without scarring and with minimal bleeding.

The Biella department is one of the few in Piedmont where it is possible to perform the laser treatment at Holmio, the intervention in question is called HOLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate).

Also thanks to this technology, Biella is the sixth regional center in terms of the number of operations performed for prostatic hypertrophy and the first center in Eastern Piedmont (source: PNE-AGENAS).

During the course, interventions were also carried out for very frequent dysfunctions in women, such as urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse, using the most modern mini-invasive laparoscopic techniques.

In fact, from 2017 on this front there is a multidisciplinary clinic called the “Pelvic Team” for the classification and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Here patients suffering from these pathologies are evaluated jointly by the Urologists, by the gynecologists of the team directed by Dr. Stefano Uccella and, when necessary, also by the Proctologists of the Equipe led by Dr. Roberto Polastri.

Innovation in healthcare is fundamental: a continuous challenge to offer patients increasingly minimally invasive treatments and professionals the opportunity to compete with new technologies.

The first laser surgery course for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy features the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation, which in May 2017 donated the Holmium Laser for a total value of 117 thousand euros.

Biella Rugby supports Biella Creative City

The Biella Rugby Club is pleased to announce its support for the candidacy of Biella Creative City UNESCO 2019.

The Third Paradise logo – donated by Michelangelo Pistoletto as a symbol of the project – will be the “main sponsor” of the 2019/2020 season and will appear in plain sight on the new team jersey game.

We are about to start our second season in Serie A – declared the President of Biella Rugby Vittorio Mussoaware of having arrived here thanks to the contribution of this city and its territory that has given us young people, athletes, men and women who they worked with passion and determination, thanks to the help of the institutions and municipal administrations that succeeded each other over the years, regardless of the political color they represented. Together with our city, we have built one of the most beautiful sports facilities in Italy… and beyond. In our own small way, we have gathered the creativity of everyone and we have tried to make our sport a vehicle for making the Biella area known. Rugby is a team sport, there is not just one protagonist, just as a territory represents all those who are part of it. We thought we were, for once, the main sponsor of a project and a movement that, for centuries, has created products, trends, developed production processes and innovation. We want to contribute, with great humility but with the same conviction, to making our young people aware of the importance of Biella, the Biella area and its future. A logo on the jersey together with those who represent companies that certainly share our idea“.

We are happy that a company like Biella Rugby, whose values ​​reside in sports fairness and determination, supports Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO creative city – comments Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation – The vision that from the years ’70 inspired the extraordinary progress of the club in a land where rugby was an almost unknown sport and the strength of the bear symbol of the team and the territory perfectly reflect the values ​​of the candidacy “.

This is the comment of the mayor Claudio Corradino: “A sporting reality of excellence in the territory such as the Biella Rugby has decided to team up and bring the project of our city to Italian stadiums. This is the right spirit of cohesion that I imagine for a city ready to re-launch itself as a system, just as Pallacanestro Biella demonstrated by dedicating a place to the Unesco candidacy logo on the Supercoppa uniform. Over the years the Municipality has always fully embraced the ideas and values ​​of Biella Rugby, in particular for the development of the citadel, and the path traced is giving great satisfaction“.

The jersey was presented today at the press conference held at the Conference Room of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

Biella at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris

The conversation between Michelangelo Pistoletto and Anna Zegna on the relationship between art and entrepreneurship took place yesterday, Tuesday 1 October, at the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris, part of the program of interventions and projects for the international enhancement of the city through its excellence.

Based on a deep cultural bond that unites Cittadellarte and the Zegna Foundation for 20 years in common projects, the conversation has been articulated on the experience of Cittadellarte, as a source of talent and engine of the social transformation of the Biella area and in the world, also through the its network of more than 170 Third Paradise Embassies.

A unique experience with Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Third Paradise at its center, which is profoundly identified with the values ​​that inspire renewal through textile excellence, creativity, sustainability, art, culture and conscious generational passage.

Today Biella is really at the center of MI-TO – commented Michelangelo Pistoletto enthusiastically – the values ​​that led me twenty years ago to bring my work and the activities of Cittadellarte to a former textile factory on the banks of the Cervo stream are today more alive and vital than ever and inspire an irreversible process of change throughout the Biella area“.

A destination for creatives and artists from all over the world, Cittadellarte and the Third Paradise matrix represent a strong source of interest rooted in the territory, as well as the presence of great textile brands, starting with Ermenegildo Zegna and its local roots and global thinking is an expression of the excellence of Made in Italy.

The relationship between Zegna and the Pistoletto family is a long-standing one – explained Anna Zegna, President of the Zegna Foundation – born in the early 1930s when Ettore Pistoletto Olivero began a fruitful collaboration with our grandfather Ermenegildo. Today we have the task of preserving for future generations the treasures of competence and beauty that have been handed down to us, creating a synergistic dialogue between territory, business, nature, art and culture“.

In this path, Biella’s candidacy as a UNESCO Creative City, which was represented in Paris by the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and by the President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio as an official candidacy of Piedmont, represents an important step to make the world known the Biellese excellence.

The evening took place as part of the series of documentary presentations organized by the IIC in Paris and includes a preview of the video by the director Manuele CecconelloCittadellarte: practices of responsible art“.

A delegation of Biellese companies accompanied the Parisian mission to offer a tasting cocktail of local specialties – which was set up in a room dedicated to the presentation of the Biella area – to a select audience of diplomatic authorities, culture and the business world .

Companies that contributed to the event: Famiglia Ramella – Ramella Banqueting, Botalla Srl, Centovigne Società Agricola, Proprietà Sperino – Società Agricola Vigneti De Marchi, Pasticceria Massera Gino Srl, Caseificio Pierluigi Rosso Srl, Birra Menabrea Spa, Lauretana Spa, Gabba salumi.



Biella protagonist in Paris

On the occasion of “The Contemporary Day” which will take place on 12 October, the Italian Cultural Institute based in Paris will host this afternoon the Master Michelangelo Pistoletto – initiator of the movement of Poor Art and founder of Cittadellarte – in dialogue with the businesswoman Anna Zegna, President of the Zegna Foundation.

A dialogue between art and entrepreneurship with the Biella area and its excellence in the background in a very important moment for the city that is a candidate for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the Crafts & Folk Art cluster.

Today on La Repubblica is published a beautiful interview of the artist who tells the reasons for this event: “The recognition of UNESCO could reinforce what we already do [to Cittadellarte] for a sustainable art and to instill in the Biella people a sense of solidarity and common commitment“.

According to the Master – who made his Third Paradise available as a symbol of the candidacy – Biella deserves to enter this network.

During the evening, will be presented as a preview the documentaryCittadellarte: practices of responsible art“, by Manuele Cecconello, that will talk about Cittadellarte, which has now become the “center of social regeneration through the relationship with the various areas of common life“, explains Michelangelo himself. .

The Biellese delegation that will accompany the two “testimonials” of the candidacy will also be composed of the Governor of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio (since the candidacy of Biella represents the candidacy of Piedmont), by the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and by the Deputy Secretary-General of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Andrea Quaregna.

Città Studi Biella among the top 10 most innovative university campuses in Italy

The University Campus of Città Studi Biella, a modern and multi-purpose complex of 110,000 square meters, the only one designed by the famous internationally renowned architect Gae Aulenti, was quoted by Mondadori, a few months ago, as among the top 10 most innovative university campuses of Italy.

It is an avant-garde campus surrounded by greenery in true American style with: university residence, unique research laboratories in Italy, specialized library, sports area, congress center and catering service.

The Biella site facilitates the learning of innovative teaching thanks to the activation of new training guidelines in line with market needs (eg digital economy, industry 4.0, white jobs, omnichannel marketing, ..) and the use of new technologies, such as videostreaming and online lessons.

Città Studi Biella is home to the most important universities in northern Italy which, thanks to the student-friendly context, facilitates access to benefits and savings for families.

Another plus is the substantial scholarships that provide for a disbursement of around € 25,000 per year for tax refunds, academic merit and graduation awards.

For the terms of registration, until 10 October 2019 it will be possible to enroll for the four degree courses of the University of Turin, active in Città Studi for the academic year 2019/2020:

Business Administration – Digital Economy orientation,


Administration Sciences,

Social service.

An offer increasingly geared to digital innovation, to professional courses and with an eye to the needs of working students.

Anyone who has taken the TARM will be able to register: admission test to assess the minimum entry requirements, a mandatory but non-binding test in terms of results.

For more information, visit the website at: www.cittastudi.org



The APD Pietro Micca supports Biella Creative City

After the letter of support sent on 17 March – in which the President Ercole Passera expressed his full membership and support for the initiative – the “Pietro Micca” Amateur Sports Association decided to seal its support with two recent initiatives.

During the Pietro Micca Day, an event held on Saturday 7th September at the Zumaglini Gardens, the organizers set up a corner for the creation of “creative portraits” (visible here: #millefiliuntessuto) which are enjoying success on social media and a few days ago they took a photo with a group of athletes attending the Academy of sport with the candidacy banner.

Another confirmation of the team spirit that is continuing to create this path. Thanks!

“For Biella a revival Unesco branded”

Biella deserves this recognition because it has been good at defending a chain that has no equal over the centuries” says Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation in an interview published on la Repubblica Turin yesterday, Monday 23 September.

And he continues: “Here we start from the wad of raw wool to get to the high quality fabric that is exported all over the world: there is no other example, at least in Italy, of a complete cycle like that of Biella“.

The Chief Executive Officer of Ermenegildo Zegna, as well as Chairman of the CRB Foundation, believed from the beginning in the project to bring Biella into the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. With the Municipality he has developed a candidacy that is now preparing for the final sprint: “It is a strategic tool for relaunching the territory. It can really allow us to make a qualitative leap in tourism […]. Basically, to say that Biella is inside the MiTo it is not only a good communicative image of the master Pistoletto. We are really an hour from Turin, a little more from Milan and Genoa […]. But we are also in a decentralized position [… ]. And then you have to be good at getting people to move here“. In fact, the Biellese is “a land where industry, environment and art have gone hand in hand for centuries […]. But we need to communicate. That is why entering the Unesco network would be a nice way to put ourselves at the center“.

A result of the candidacy process has already been achieved: aggregate the Biella area, all united for a common purpose: “Something extraordinary – continues the interview with Ferraris – Precisely because it was able to form a team […] for the first time the 74 mayors of our province have supported a goal together, and Biella, the capital of artisan creativity, has succeeded even in this small miracle“.

Biella Creative City present at Première Vision

Biellese textiles are the protagonists at Première Vision, Paris, the show dedicated to the fashion industry from designers to garment manufacturers.

The event that awarded one of the exhibitors of our territory, the Bonotto Wool Mill (acquired by the Zegna Group), considered the most creative and responsible among the weavers present at the show, closed on Friday 20 September.

Also this year, Biellese creativity has given an excellent show of itself with a large participation of companies – nineteen those in the district – and a quality level that is unrivaled, the Biellese textile has held high the flag of #biellacittàcreativa… In fact, in the stands of our companies there was also the logo of the candidacy of Biella Creative City.

And just a few hundred meters from the offices where our candidacy to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network is evaluated!



Ciccio Graziani supports Biella Creative City

For the grenade hearts, he is one of the protagonists of the unforgettable Scudetto won in the 1975-1976 season; for the true football fans it was a bomber that left its mark also in Rome, Florence and Udine; for all it is a World Champion in the National team that won the 1982 World Cup.

We are talking about Francesco “Ciccio” Graziani, who made us have, through the Fondazione FILA Museum team, a nice video that we are proud to share on our social channels (https://www.facebook.com/biellacittacreativa/videos / 2339822549602928 /).

Thanks Ciccio! And thanks to Fondazione FILA for collaboration!