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Biella Creative City on the roof of Europe

The instructors of the national school Guido Machetto of the section of the Italian Alpine Club of Biella, Gianluca Cavalli and Luca Pecoraro, reached 4,810 meters on the summit of Mont Blanc with the banner that supports Biella’s candidacy to join the network of UNESCO Creative Cities.

The two climbers climbed the “roof of Europe” in one day, Saturday, September 14, 2019.

For Cavalli, an academic at the CAI, it was a training session in preparation for the Antarctic expedition, scheduled for January 2020: “It will be a Biella expedition – says the mountaineer – because it is supported by the CAI Biella, by institutions and by local companies as Tintoria 2000 and Wool mill Botto Giuseppe“. The expedition will also be an opportunity to test the fabrics of Lanificio Botto in extreme conditions: “This is nothing but a new demonstration of how much we Biellesi and our social” fabric”have in their creativity a characteristic that distinguishes us” concludes Cavalli.

Basketball Biella supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

Edilnol Pallacanestro Biella is pleased to announce its support for the candidacy of Biella UNESCO Creative City, Crafts and Folk Art section, a great opportunity for development and growth for our territory that has always stood out for its craftsmanship.

In view of the Italian Supercup matches ok basket, the rossoblùs of coach Paolo Galbiati will wear a special shirt where the Biella Creative City candidacy logo will be in the center, a strong message that wants to be a small push in the right direction in view of the final nomination in program next October.

The president of Pallacanestro Biella Antonio Trada said: «Our company is one of the main sporting realities of the Biella area, a land known worldwide for the quality of its yarns and the entire manufacturing sector. We are extremely happy to contribute to Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO Creative City, a recognition that would reward the history of this territory».

Thus the mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino: «We know how much sport and in this case basketball, with its values ​​and its many fans, can be a formidable means of communication. Conveying the Biella Creative City UNESCO logo on the Pallacanestro Biella jerseys confirms the profound bond that exists between society, the territory it represents and its institutions. In the past I already remember how the basketball company dedicated the main logo on the Italy Cup jerseys to the City of Biella. Biella Creative City Unesco on the uniforms of the Supercoppa LNP means to make ourselves known also in the sports halls, after the good initiative on the Turin Mole».

Also the Management Team, the operating group that from the beginning is in charge of the candidacy project, joins the words of the mayor Corradino and thanks Pallacanestro Biella for the precious support: «his action – declares Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation of Biella, among the promoters of the initiative – will carry the symbol of the Third Paradise (logo of the candidacy conceived and donated by the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto) in the sports halls and will reach a part of the sports world pursuing one of the objectives of this operation: to unite the territory , making system to reach a common goal».

The mayor Claudio Corradino receives a tribute from Cerruti and Pistoletto

A special ceremony was held this morning in the council chamber of Palazzo Oropa: the CEO of Lanificio Cerruti, Paolo Torello Viera, gave the mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and the city a celebratory picture dedicated to the candidacy for the Network of Cities Unesco creative signed by Nino Cerruti and Michelangelo Pistoletto.

In the back, the dedication of Torello Viera: “The creativity of Lanificio Cerruti for our Biella“. And he added: «This recognition comes from a project by Lanificio Cerruti and Fondazione Pistoletto and represents a union of creativity. Together with my staff we wanted to create something for the UNESCO candidacy and we decided to combine the fabric with the creativity of Pistoletto. The painting has a profound value compared to a simple piece of fabric. I was thrilled because as soon as we made this proposal she was married to Michelangelo Pistoletto».

The meeting was also attended by Andrea Quaregna, Deputy Secretary-General of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

The work is made with a 100% wool fabric of 460 gr with a double-canvas weave that allows the jacquard motif to be visible on both sides with contrasting shades. The Third Paradise logo – donated by Pistoletto and used as a logo-symbol of the UNESCO candidacy – is obtained thanks to the combination of over 1200 woven threads thanks to the Lanificio’s jacquard looms.

These are the words of the mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino: “I thank on behalf of the whole community for this beautiful gift that comes from Lanificio Cerruti and the Pistoletto Foundation, it is a further input towards the recognition of this Unesco title that we need for the relaunch of our territory. Thanks also go to the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation for the work it is doing in the race for candidacy. Perhaps in the past we were not good at communicating our territory outside, when instead it gave itself so much to the country on a historical, cultural and entrepreneurial level. This is the example, as it is happening for the infrastructures, of how important it is to act together in favor of the territory».

Attached is the press release.

In the picture, from the left: Andrea Quaregna – CRB Foundation Deputy Secretary General, Paolo Torello Viera – CEO Lanificio Cerruti, Claudio Corradino – Mayor of Biella, Margherita Cugini – Press Office Manager Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto and Barbara Greggio – Councilor for Trade and Economic Development.



Valeria Roffino runs with Biella Creative City!

The winner of two absolute Italian titles on the 3000 m hedges (2014, 2015), 15 national youth titles (at least one in each category) and 3 university students adheres to the #millefiliuntessuto social campaign to support Biella’s candidacy for entry into the UNESCO Creative Network Cities … With a sprint that only true champions have!

Roffino with the Italian Athletics National Team was bronze medalist in the team standings at the 10,000 m European Cup in 2015 while the last medal won it during the Individual athletics championships in Bressanone last July: a bronze at 5,000 meters, crossing the finish line in 16’17”73.

Thanks Valeria!

Alberto Barbera supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

While the 76th Venice International Film Festival is about to be inaugurated – scheduled from this evening, Wednesday 28 August, to Saturday 7 September – Biella’s candidacy for the UNESCO Creative Cities network receives valuable support: that of the Doge of Italian cinema, the Director of the Exhibition Alberto Barbera.

I was born in Biella” writes Alberto Barbera in the letter sent to the mayor Claudio Corradino to show full support for the initiative (available in the “Letters of support” section) “and although my professional career has taken me far from the place of origin, I was deeply connected to the city that not only gave birth to me, but contributed to my human and cultural formation“.

And he continues: “The values ​​that the Biella area has expressed in the past – inherent to its history, its traditions and the events that have made it an essential reference point for creative entrepreneurship and quality – are etched in my memory and in my identity as an individual and a citizen of the world. From an early age, I was brought up to admire the respect of those who had been able to make a decisive contribution to the extraordinary creations of the wool and clothing industry, for which Biella is still known throughout the world. A contribution made of inventions, stubbornness, commitment, trust in one’s possibilities, together with the ability to share knowledge and resources, hard work and ambitions, in the sign of the will to attribute to one’s own activity the recognizable sense of belonging to a community that recognizes itself in the same ideals and values ​​.

A strong support, “convinced, writes Barbera “with the hope that it can achieve all the success it deserves, helping to give new life to the union between innovation and tradition that made the City of Biella great in the past“.

The Biella athlete Elena Romagnolo supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

Winner of 7 Italian absolute titles in 5 different specialties, finalist in two editions of the Olympics (Beijing 2008 and London 2012 – in the photo), holder of the national record of 3000 hedges.

We are talking about Elena Romagnolo, an extraordinary athlete from Biella, who joins the Biella Creative City team in favor of the City of Biella’s candidacy to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Thanks Elena!

Cerino Zegna supports Biella Creative City!

A new support has arrived from the social world, that of the Cerino Zegna Impresa Sociale Foundation, which since 1918 has been active in the Biella area in services aimed at elderly people, with a particular focus on non-self-sufficient people and people with neuro disease -degenerative.

Here is their message:

President and Administration with the Volunteer and Guest Personnel Department of the Cerino Zegna Residence in Occhieppo Inferiore are pleased to support Biella UNESCO Creative City. And they do it with spontaneity and creativity through a beautiful PHOTO Forza Biella!“.

The Biellese group Warm Morn supports the candidacy of Biella Creative City

New support comes from the world of music.

The Warm Morn are a “musical / landscape project with incursions into the blues of the first half of the 20th century, starting from the slopes of Mombarone between sounds inspired by Piero Angela’s Quark, the beaches of Brazil, Hawaiian dreams”. This is how they define themselves on the Facebook profile of the band Walter Guabello and Zaccaria Roj.

The two members of the group meet in 2014 and start the musical project by founding Warm Morn, an instrumental band with blues sounds and ethnic influences from world music, with Walter Guabello on drums and Zaccaria Roj on acoustic guitar. The Warm Morns also try to draw inspiration from the territory. “Let’s say we do an indigenous research of places and the human and natural landscape is a non-negligible component” explains Zaccaria.

Zaccaria, a descendant of an entrepreneurial family that made the history of textile machinery, has also published in recent months a solo album with instrumental pieces that came to life from contact with the Biella valleys: “I feel bound to this territory. The nature of our valleys is a source of inspiration and in the first solo album I published I included two compositions that were born from the contact with these valleys. I have also recently published on the Youtube platform also the first single from the album which is Gororgomoro song».

Their creativity in the field of music is an example of Biella’s creativity.

Follow the Facebook page: Warm Morn

Adriano Panatta supports Biella Creative City!

Last week came the support of Adriano Panatta, the legendary tennis player who, in the year 1976 alone, at the peak of an extraordinary career, won both the Internazionali d’Italia and Roland Garros

Panatta has made its image and international fame available to give prestige to Biella’s candidacy to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and to the creative portrait campaign #millefiliuntessuto!

And in the wake of a great champion, we want to launch an invitation to every Biellese who wants to support # biellacittàcreativa:

1. Follow the link ➡️ http://bit.ly/Mille_Fili_Un_Tessuto

2. Apply the special frame of Biella Creative City to your profile picture

3. Publish your new profile picture!

Special thanks to the Fondazione FILA Museum for the image.