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18/05/2019 - Events

City of lands

The second edition of City of lands. Ronco and the Biellese for ceramics. ...

17/05/2019 - Events

PhotoSheep III edition

"PhotoSheep" returns the thematic photo competition of the "Amici della Lan...

17/05/2019 - Events

“Castelli in Giallo ” at Palazzo Gromo Losa

Castelli in Giallo (Castles in Yellow)  is born, the noir literature festi...

16/05/2019 - Events

World Coloured Sheep 2019

Organized in Oropa the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep and for the occa...

15/05/2019 - Events

Self-portrait through my father

The National Cinema Museum of Turin on the occasion of the European Night ...

15/05/2019 - Updates

Paducah, Graz and Kortrijk: three aces for the UNESCO candidacy

The Biella race continues to become part of the Unesco Creative Cities Netw...

15/05/2019 - Events

Desterrats: contemporary wandering

Within the successful review "Crossing Art & Books", promoted by Città Stu...

14/05/2019 - Events

We challenge the future – SMART WORK

"We challenge the future" is the initiative that the Young Entrepreneurs Gr...

13/05/2019 - Events

The Biella Literature and Industry Award 2019

The Biella Literature and Industry Award represents a unicum in Italy becau...