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Art in the center: exhibitions, meetings and workshops

Art at the center of a responsible social transformation, from the name of the appointment it is not complex to deduce its contents: it is art, in all its forms, at the center of the 22nd edition of the initiative, which will take place, as usual, in the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation Sunday 13 October 2019.

The review – which avails itself of the patronage of the ILO, the United Nations International Labor Organization – includes new exhibitions (which can be visited until 11.00 pm), intended as activity devices open to the collaboration of different subjects, as well as to fruition by of visitors.

The day, which will start at 4:00 pm with the activities to then officially open at 6.30 pm, is aimed at a very varied target group, from contemporary art lovers to a general public, from families to children.

The offer, in fact, includes multi-thematic activities articulated through exhibitions, meetings and workshops, which narrate artistic practices of transformation of the social contexts in which they develop, created by Cittadellarte and its international network consolidated over the years.

To learn more visit the page journal.cittadellarte.it



Hospital reception for the blind person and visually impaired

Accessibility and sensitivity.

These are the two key words that characterize the video-tutorial created by the Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Piedmont, presented on Monday 7 October in the training room of the Biella Hospital.

It is the first national experience and the video, made by the journalist Giovanni Marmina, is destined to become viral because it aims to make people understand the value and importance – for a clinical structure – of being able to count on healthcare personnel trained to assist people who are not blind or visually impaired.

Just over 12 minutes to describe the typical path that a patient finds himself having to perform in a hospital: from the entrance hall with the Anteas Biellese volunteers, an active part of this project, to visits to the clinic , the video also describes in a clear and exhaustive way the simple gestures that may seem obvious but that have, instead, a significant importance.

We are very proud – said the ASL commissioner of Biella Diego Poggiothat our local health authority, but above all our staff is the protagonist of this video and above all has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge that are an integral part of the care processes and assistance”.

The video, entirely self-produced by the Press Office of UICI Piemonte in collaboration with the internal resources of the ASL Biellese, was born with a specific objective, remarked by the regional president of the Union of the Blind, Adriano Gilberti: “With the video, which is unique in “Italy, we would like the world of health to become even more aware of our problems. There are still many obstacles, even human ones, that we would like to overcome. Our intent is to foster collaboration, mutual understanding of problems and personal conditions.” , above all, to improve the relationship between health personnel and patients suffering from visual pathologies. I must say that in Biella we found an extraordinary availability and sensitivity on the part of everyone“.

At the end of the presentation of the video, the microperimeter was officially handed over to the ophthalmology facility, the equipment worth 40,000 euros – gift from the Italian Union of the Blind People of Biella thanks to a bequest from a citizen and the contribution of the national UICI – will serve for the diagnosis and monitoring of retinal pathologies.

Autumn Foliage at the Oasi Zegna

5 weekends at the Oasi Zegna to discover the magic of autumn colors with walks in the Bosco del Sorriso (12 and 13 – 19 and 20 October) and among the chestnut trees of the Moor (26 and 27 October, 2 and 3 – 9 and 10 November) , also suitable for children and four-legged friends.

In the Zegna Oasis, the foliage, together with the pre-summer flowering of the rhododendrons, is the most fascinating spectacle that the visitor can observe.

A sort of autumnal rainbow that spreads its most romantic colors on the paths. A magic that can be grasped, in the Oasi Zegna by participating in the many organized events or simply walking in freedom and stopping, perhaps, to taste the local gastronomy in one of the structures present in the natural park of Trivero Valdilana.

Guided outings, dog trekking, feasts based on typical culinary products, enliven the autumn season between the Bosco del Sorriso, the Brughiera, Castagnea di Portula and the other naturalistic sites of the Biellese Alps.

Visit the website: www.oasizegna.com



At the Cinema Verdi of Candelo comes the 1st appointment of Movie Tellers

1 short film – 1 documentary – 1 feature film and a Slow Food tasting all in one evening!

The first of the three Movie Tellers – Cinematographic Narrations 3rd edition appointments comes to Candelo, an event dedicated to the cinema “made in Piedmont”!

Thursday 10 October at CINEMA VERDI:

6.00 pm New Neighbors by Sara Burgio, Andrea Mannino, Giacomo Rinaldi

6.15 pm Butterfly by Alessandro Cassigoli, Casey Kauffman

8.15 pm Slow Food tasting

9.30 pm Drive Me Home by Simone Catania

ENTRY for the entire evening: Full € 7 – Reduced € 4



Biella Literature and Industry Award 2019

Saturday 12 October 2019 at 17.00 in the Library of Città Studi (Corso Pella 2b – Biella) will be presented the five finalist works, selected by the jury composed of Pier Francesco Gasparetto (president), Claudio Bermond, Paolo Bricco, Paola Borgna, Loredana Lipperini, Giuseppe Lupo, Marco Neiretti, Sergio Pent and Alberto Sinigaglia, of the Premio Biella Literature and Industry 2019:

– Rossana Balduzzi Gastini, Giuseppe Borsalino. The man who conquered the world with a hat (Sperling & Kupfer)

– Giorgio Falco, A hypothesis of a defeat (Einaudi)

– Maurizio Gazzarri, The boys who climbed the future (ETS editions)

– Alberto Prunetti, 108 meters. The new working class hero (Laterza)

– Eugenio Raspi, Inox (Baldini & Castoldi)

The proclamation and awarding of the winning work will take place in Città Studi on November 16th, at 17.00.


Chiorino Technology, a historic company from Biella operating in the finishing and finishing of leather mainly for the luxury leather goods and footwear sectors, recently presented the new Fall-Winter 2020/21 collection on the occasion of Lineapelle at Fiera Milano (Rho).

The company’s concrete attention to environmental issues, which determines a constant and sensitive research activity aimed at eco-sustainability, translates into the new GREEN COLLECTION, which offers combined solutions of chrome-free or metal-free leathers and solvent-free finishes or from renewable sources, able to proactively respond to the needs of a clientele of excellence increasingly aware and directed towards eco-friendly products and processes.

To confirm this position, Chiorino Technology is also among the few exhibitors of Lineapelle with ICEC Sustainability certification.

By promoting Anna Fileppo’sArte & Industria project again, which combines the work of artists with the business of communication and corporate image, Chiorino Technology also hosted reproductions of works by the Bolognese artist Francesco Casolari at the large Linea Pelle stand. , class of ’82, who practices the technique of engraving since he was only 6 years old.

Some skins of the collection have been printed with its details: unreal and utopian cities, futuristic metropolitan scenes in which the artist imagines palaces with European architectural references of past centuries, crossed by fast spaceships, whose inhabitants are clowns, ladies and fictional characters .

Chiorino Technology, thanks to this special artistic collaboration – says Anna Fileppo, promoter of the”Arte & Industria” project – is once again the promoter of a constant search for creative ideas and innovation, confirming the close link between fashion and art, two worlds, at first sight so different, but they collaborate and intertwine, opening up to one another.”

Chiorino Technology, which has always readily adapted to the most lively market demands, consolidates the close relationship of mutual exchange with the territory, supporting Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO Creative City 2019 (see the letter of support: www.biellacittacreativa.it/en/endorsement-letters).



In Biella the first “Masterclass” of prostate laser surgery

On 26 and 27 September the first laser surgery course for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy took place – at the Complex Structure of Urology of the Hospital of Biella.

The course was attended by urologists from both Piedmont and neighboring hospitals, who attended surgical operations performed by the Urological Team Doctors directed by Dr. Stefano Zaramella.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a condition that affects men especially in old age and causes urinary difficulties. Treatment is usually pharmacological, but in cases with more severe disorders, an obstructive intervention may be indicated.

Laser surgery is undoubtedly the least invasive treatment in this area, and allows resolving interventions, minimally invasive, without scarring and with minimal bleeding.

The Biella department is one of the few in Piedmont where it is possible to perform the laser treatment at Holmio, the intervention in question is called HOLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of Prostate).

Also thanks to this technology, Biella is the sixth regional center in terms of the number of operations performed for prostatic hypertrophy and the first center in Eastern Piedmont (source: PNE-AGENAS).

During the course, interventions were also carried out for very frequent dysfunctions in women, such as urinary incontinence and bladder prolapse, using the most modern mini-invasive laparoscopic techniques.

In fact, from 2017 on this front there is a multidisciplinary clinic called the “Pelvic Team” for the classification and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Here patients suffering from these pathologies are evaluated jointly by the Urologists, by the gynecologists of the team directed by Dr. Stefano Uccella and, when necessary, also by the Proctologists of the Equipe led by Dr. Roberto Polastri.

Innovation in healthcare is fundamental: a continuous challenge to offer patients increasingly minimally invasive treatments and professionals the opportunity to compete with new technologies.

The first laser surgery course for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy features the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation, which in May 2017 donated the Holmium Laser for a total value of 117 thousand euros.


The Rete Museale Biellese invites you to discover the most authentic heritage in the Biella area as part of the Ri(e)voluzioni Culturali project.

Saturday, October 12th at 3:00 pm at Palazzo La Marmora, in Biella Piazzo, the third part will begin, dedicated to the Landscape, with a dialogue entitled Terraced landscapes that will see Donatella Murtas (World Alliance for Terraced Landscapes), Francesco Alberti La Marmora and Patrizia Garzena (Observatory of the Biellese Cultural Heritage and Landscape).

A guided observation of the Biella landscapes from the square tower will follow.

The next three meetings will take place according to the attached program.


The meeting of 12 October is open to all.

For insurance reasons, guided tours on 19 and 26 October and 9 November are open to UPBeduca members.

Non-members can participate in the program of visits by paying UPB a reduced fee of € 15.

Transfers take place by bus, at no additional cost.

Info and registration: 388 5647455 – comunicazione@upbeduca.eu



The other machine. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy

The exhibition The other machine. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy, edited by Pierangelo Cavanna, in collaboration with Peppino Ortoleva, opens on Thursday 10 October at 6.00 pm.

The exhibition illustrates the photographic activity of Giuseppe Venanzio Sella and his contribution to the affirmation of photography in Italy through his photographs and the important manual he published in 1856.

The exhibition itinerary highlights the socio-cultural context and includes, in addition to the author’s work, precious series of daguerreotypes and some calotypes of W.H.F. Talbot, English father of photography.

The exhibition will be open from the opening day until February 2, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00 or on other days by appointment.

From 3 to 28 February for groups and schools by appointment.