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Biella’s candidacy protagonist at Villa Necchi

On March 19, the day of Father’s Day, in the setting of Villa Necchi Campiglio in Milan (donated to the FAI in 2001) the exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero Michelangelo Pistoletto” was presented, a dialogue between the artistic productions of Michelangelo Pistoletto with that of his father Ettore Pistoletto Olivero.

The exhibition will open its doors in three emblematic locations in the Biella area, three symbols of the candidate territory as a UNESCO Creative City: Palazzo Gromo Losa, a historic stately home restored and made available to the city by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Casa Zegna. From Wednesday 17 April to Sunday 13 October 2019 each venue will host a selection of works, curated by Alberto Fiz, which tell the artistic life of the father and son.

Through the works on display and in the video-dialogues made with the curator and with Anna Zegna, President of the Zegna Foundation, Michelangelo Pistoletto has given expression to a non-unidirectional conception of the father-son relationship: leaving a legacy to the fathers, rather than entrusting it solely children the responsibility to communicate the knowledge and passions of parents. Father and Son presents over one hundred works including paintings, mirror paintings, installations, lightboxes, videos and photographs and is held in a very significant year for the city of Biella, which in 2019 will propose its candidacy to the Unesco network of Creative Cities, having its own Michelangelo Pistoletto as official ambassador for the project.

All information relating to the exhibition can be consulted on the website: www.padreefiglio.it

Biella Alpine city of the year

The candidacy of Biella to the Creative Cities Network is pointing the city at the top: here is a second nomination, the one to “Alpine city of the year“, recognition in view of the 150th anniversary of the CAI, in 2022.

Also in this case there is talk of an occasion for relaunching tourism and the Biella economy. Biella would be the first Piedmontese city to receive this award given to the cities of the Alpine area that stand out for their particular commitment to implementing the Alpine Convention and sustainable development.

In 2022 the works for the reconstruction of the historic system of the Mucrone Lake cableway should be completed – at the inauguration in 1926 it was the one with the highest mountain station (1900 m) in absolute highest – and the works could be started for the redevelopment of the Oropa basin with the demolition of the old anticima station and of the other “eco-monsters”, traces of a tourism development not consistent with the beauty of the places.

Last week in Morbegno, in Valtellina, the Assembly of the Alpine Cities Association was held and the ceremony for awarding the title to the Lombard town. The Municipality of Biella, with Councilor Riccardo Bresciani, delegate of the mayor to the mountain, participated as a guest.


Along with the success of #innamoratidelBiellese (over 60 thousand images published on Instagram since December 2014), a new social campaign to promote the area linked to a close relationship with Biella’s candidacy in the network to become a UNESCO Creative City is on the launching pad.

The new hashtag is just #biellacittàcreativa (don’t forget the accent) and the invitation, as for the previous initiative, is aimed at all photographers, professional or amateur, who like to share images of the territory on the web. In this case the theme is almost a challenge: to show one’s creativity and, together, the “know-how” that is the main ingredient of Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO.

The images posted on Instagram with this new hashtag will be published in the photo gallery of the site www.biellacittacreativa.it, created to provide information and news on the race of the territory for world recognition. A further step is the birth of the Instagram profile @biellacittacreativa linked to the campaign that will publish original content and republish, together with the official profile of the city of Biella, those created by users.

The wish” explains Fulvia Zago, municipal councilor and “mind” of the Digital Agenda of Biella “is to repeat the success of #innamoratidel of the Biellese, which has helped to rediscover the pride of our territory in our fellow citizens“.

The UNESCO network candidacy is the result of the commitment of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and the Municipality, which is also a partner of the Digital Agenda projects. The logo that marks the campaign is the result of the creativity of Michelangelo Pistoletto who, with Cittadellarte, is in turn a supporter of the candidacy.

The Biella candidacy protagonist in Shanghai

Milano Unica Shanghai will see the nomination of Biella as a UNESCO Creative City.

The fair will take place on 12, 13 and 14 March 2019 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, within the framework of Intertextile. 46 exhibitors presenting the Spring / Summer 2020 collections to the Asian buyers at the Milano Unica Pavilion. At the entrance of the Milano Unica pavilion that will host Italian companies, the Unesco Candidature logo will also be on display, as well as within the catalog published for the occasion. A very important showcase for the whole territory, increasingly united under the sign of the “Third Paradise“.

Cracking Art supports the UNESCO candidacy

Also the Cracking Art, the contemporary art collective born in 1992 and known throughout the world, participates in the campaign for the candidacy of Biella as a UNESCO creative city. He will do it in a concrete and visible way with an installation in Piazza Duomo and Piazza Monsignor Rossi of six of his flag sculptures, made of colored plastic.

These are giant  snails ‘chosen’, as the artists write in the project, approved by the Giunta in the session on Monday 11 March, “because they represent progress by degrees and in a safe manner towards a goal”. According to the six artists of the group (Kikko Cagna, Alex Angi, William Sweetlove, Marco Veronese and Sergio Nucara), there is also another symbolic meaning: «With his house the snail is associated not only with the domestic dimension but also with communication and, in Italy, to the symbol of electronic mail “. “The choice of Cracking Art to support us,” says the councilor for programming, Valeria Varnero, “is precious because their art has really crossed the borders, reaching the whole world. It is exactly the goal of our UNESCO candidacy: to give value to what has been done historically and continue to do in Biella ».

Cracking Art was born in Biella in 1993 with the aim of combining art with social and environmental commitment. The plastic, the material of which their works are made, has the property of being able to be continuously recycled and remodeled.

The six snails are also plastic, and from Monday, March 18 until April 1, they will find space in the heart of the city. It will be one of the 400 installations made in more than 25 years by the group of artists from Biella. Among these, those at the Venice Biennale and Central Park, in New York stand out.

“Vuoti a Perdere – Empty to lose”

In Città Studi the photographic exhibition “Empty to lose: geometries of abandonment” by Riccardo Poma. From 7 March 2019 to 6 April 2019 it will be open to visitors in Biella at the Città Studi Library, C.so G. Pella 2b.

Five years later, the photographer Riccardo Poma returns to exhibit in the library with the exhibition Empty to lose. Poma was the first to exhibit his works in the Città Studi library in December 2014, inaugurating the successful “Crossing Art & Books” exhibition, which has now become a reference point for local artists.

The title of the exhibition is based on that of his recently published book, the result of a long research and photographic documentation on abandoned buildings and Piedmontese industrial archeology.

The project was born in 2013 when the young photographer and videomaker of Castelletto Cervo, graduated from the DAMS of Turin, began to collect his reportages in a blog entitled Empty to lose. A journey through the abandoned places of our country that made it known to a wide public even at national level. «Empty spaces to lose – Poma tells – is born and develops in the spaces proper to photography, which crosses the boundaries up to explode in literature, cinema and music through quotations and continuous references. It is a photographic project, which continually tends to hybridize with other forms of art “.

The exhibition presents a selection of photographs on abandoned factories: the former psychiatric hospital of Vercelli and the villas that stood next to these complexes.

For more information you can contact Città Studi Biella directly tel. 015 8551107, email: biblioteca@cittastudi.org, web-site: www.cittastudi.org/biblioteca, facebook: @cittastudibiblioteca.

Biella Creative City – TgR

The City of Biella, in collaboration with the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation and Unione Industriale Biellese, is implementing the project to present Biella’s candidacy at the international Creative City Unesco circuit.

If it were to be chosen, Biella would become the tenth Italian creative city, with a consequent worldwide recognition of the exceptional heritage linked to the Biella textile industry.

Heading up and aloud the UNESCO candidacy of Biella

“We must have the courage to be more arrogant. We know our value and our history: sometimes in the contemporary world it is necessary to raise the voice to be heard “: Nino Cerruti, turned 88 in September, gave a slogan of rare effectiveness to the candidacy of Biella among the Unesco creative cities, that took its first real steps on Thursday, January 31 at Palazzo Gromo Losa. The Biella designer is one of the most convinced testimonials of the campaign and did not want to miss the public meeting promoted by the city of Biella and the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, promoters of the initiative together with Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto. And Michelangelo Pistoletto presented the logo he donated to the project, which recalls his artistic symbol, the Third Paradise: “I see this room full,” said the master, “and I think that when I returned to Biella I made the right choice” .

The enthusiasm of the two spokesmen, flags of biellesità in two different areas but with creativity as a common denominator, was one of the keys to the morning of work, led by the journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore, in turn Biellese, Maria Cristina Origlia.

The mayor Marco Cavicchioli and the president of the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation Franco Ferraris did the honors. “This candidacy, born from an intuition of Ferraris, is a point of arrival and a point of departure,” said the mayor. «It is the recognition of at least two centuries of textile culture, of the extraordinary capacity of entrepreneurs and of the equally extraordinary one of thousands of men and women who have worked in factories with an uncommon commitment and dedication. But it is also a starting point because from here a series of initiatives will be born that will help us to make known this territory and its excellence in the world ».

“This is the candidacy of a fantastic territory in all its components, from the lake to the Alps,” added Franco Ferraris, “and it is a territory that has shown its value throughout history. Our know-how is not in question: imagine how many people in the world today wear a garment made in Biella. It is news in recent days that the fashion system has reached a turnover of 100 billion. Much of this value is produced in our city ».

A city that aims to present itself together with the appointment with UNESCO: the publication of the “call”, or the call to the cities that intend to apply, is scheduled for February, the deadline for sending the documentation will be in June and a decision will be taken in the fall. The unity of intent was also noted by the non-Biellese experts present at the Palazzo Gromo Losa appointment: “I am here for the value of friendship” said Marco Magnifico, vice president of FAI, among the first to have signed a letter in support of the candidacy, “driven by the example of the Zegna family, among the first to have been able to combine business and landscape, and by Michelangelo Pistoletto, whose perspective has always been to push the gaze of others to embrace what his artist’s gaze he had seen in advance”.

The day continued with a dense succession of interventions, from the local historian Danilo Craveia to Angelo Boscarino, president of Bia, the consulting company that will follow the Biella practice, up to the representatives of the other Italian cities that are already part of the UNESCO network, from Fabriano, one of the nine already in the circuit of creative cities in which Biella aspires to enter, in Milan (literature), from Turin (design) to Alba (gastronomy). The development of the project will also be told by a website, under construction at www.biellacittacreativa.it, and by the Facebook page “Biella Creative City”.