In time and in the places of Sebastiano
The Virgin of the Rocks, the rediscovered masterpiece attributed to Bernard...

International meeting of Unesco creative cities: Biella is there
180 cities around the world, with around 400 delegates, will be meeting in ...

IX World Congress of Coloured Sheep
Great success for the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep held in Oropa in ...

Reda supports the candidacy of Biella
"That of wool is a culture deeply rooted in the craftsmanship of local arti...

The FILA history exhibition arrives in Korea
After the transition to the Milan Triennale, the exhibition, organized by t...

“Creative City UNESCO” candidate connecting rod: the challenge is digital
BTREES and Orangepix support the candidacy that is becoming a real territor...

Path 2020
All roads lead to the "Third Paradise": this could be the slogan to describ...

Paducah, Graz and Kortrijk: three aces for the UNESCO candidacy
The Biella race continues to become part of the Unesco Creative Cities Netw...

Design Month Graz
On May 10th a Biellese delegation participated in the Design Month Graz an ...