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10/06/2019 - Updates

In time and in the places of Sebastiano

The Virgin of the Rocks, the rediscovered masterpiece attributed to Bernard...

10/06/2019 - Updates

International meeting of Unesco creative cities: Biella is there

180 cities around the world, with around 400 delegates, will be meeting in ...

27/05/2019 - Updates

IX World Congress of Coloured Sheep

Great success for the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep held in Oropa in ...

23/05/2019 - Updates

Reda supports the candidacy of Biella

"That of wool is a culture deeply rooted in the craftsmanship of local arti...

22/05/2019 - Updates

The FILA history exhibition arrives in Korea

After the transition to the Milan Triennale, the exhibition, organized by t...

20/05/2019 - Updates

“Creative City UNESCO” candidate connecting rod: the challenge is digital

BTREES and Orangepix support the candidacy that is becoming a real territor...

20/05/2019 - Updates

Path 2020

All roads lead to the "Third Paradise": this could be the slogan to describ...

15/05/2019 - Updates

Paducah, Graz and Kortrijk: three aces for the UNESCO candidacy

The Biella race continues to become part of the Unesco Creative Cities Netw...

13/05/2019 - Updates

Design Month Graz

On May 10th a Biellese delegation participated in the Design Month Graz an ...