The Biellese protagonist at Geo & Geo
Tuesday 3 December, starting at 6:00 pm, an appointment on RAI TRE with Geo...

Urology of Biella leader in north-eastern Piedmont
It is also thanks to the Olmium laser that the complex structure of Urology...

Città Studi Academy course “Biella that works”
The closing ceremony of the Città Studi Academy was held yesterday, Novemb...

The Ambassador of Namibia welcomed by President Mattarella
On Thursday 14 November 2019 Albertus Aochamub, Ambassador of Namibia to th...

The Piedmontese Foundations gathered at Casa Zegna to celebrate
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Piedmontese Foundations took p...

Zaccheo Award to Franco Ferraris
The Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation is pleased to announce the conf...

Biella Creative City protagonist of the Rai traveling news program
Saturday, November 16, Biella Creative City was broadcast on the RAI TG Iti...

Unesco, Biella creates its future
On Friday 15 November, a special edition of Il Biellese was released, consi...

Letter from Mayor Claudio Corradino to citizenship
After the promotion of Biella as a UNESCO Creative City, the mayor Claudio ...