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Young people and generative enterprises

The Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, as part of the exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero and Michelangelo Pistoletto ”, promotes a calendar of meetings and in-depth initiatives on the themes proposed by the exhibition which includes interventions by personalities from the world of culture and business, but also educational workshops for schools and a collaborative film festival with the National Cinema Museum of Turin.

The first of four evening appointments at Palazzo Gromo Losa in Biella is titled “Young people and generative enterprises” and will be held Saturday 1 June 2019 at 9.00 pm.

Johnny Dotti, social entrepreneur, educator and professor at the Catholic University of Milan, is the founder of CGM Consorzio Gino Mattarelli and president of Welfare Italia Servizi, will meet Enrico Pesce, president of the Filo da Tessere Association and president of Confcooperative Federsolidarietà of Piedmont.

Franco Ferraris, President of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation will also take part.

The meeting is part of the broad cultural calendar that accompanies the Father and Son exhibition. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero and Michelangelo Pistoletto, curated by Alberto Fiz and created by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto and Fondazione Zegna. The exhibition is divided into three locations in the Biella area – Gromo Losa  Palace and Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation in Biella and Casa Zegna in Trivero – which puts in dialogue the artistic production of Michelangelo Pistoletto with that of his father Ettore Pistoletto Olivero.

IX World Congress of Coloured Sheep

Great success for the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep held in Oropa in the past few days and to which, at the invitation of the Biella The Wool Company Consortium, a hundred breeders from all over the world participated. wanted to express their support for Biella’s candidacy for the “Unesco Creative Cities” network.

Biella confirms once again the international capital of wool: on Monday 20 and Tuesday 22 May over a hundred breeders and researchers arrived in the Biellese for the occasion: Australia, New Zealand, United States, Farroe Islands, South America, Indonesia, Germany, France, England, Ireland, are some of the nations represented during the two-day conference.

The Biella Consortium The Wool Company (a non-profit company created in 2008 by a group of experts in the textile sector) has been devoting itself to the treatment and promotion of native wools for a decade, following every step of wool processing: in particular, it transforms the finished product into finished products. raw wool from small farms of typical European sheep breeds, also carries out an innovative work of cultural and artistic dissemination of the “wool” theme, declined in communication actions across the board.

Part of the congress program was dedicated to visiting the Consortium’s headquarters in Miagliano – to see the native wools and the many ways in which they can be creatively enhanced – of the Perrettino di Verrone and the Lanificio F.lli Piacenza of Pollone.

The President of the National Trade Association Laniero, Piercarlo Zedda, opens the conference and brings official greetings to the participants. During the two days various topics related to the “colored sheep” were treated, from genetic research to animal welfare, to the future of wool in a world that has finally begun to understand the benefits of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers and that puts the theme of sustainability is at the center.

At the end of the congress the candidacy of the city of Biella to enter the UNESCO Creative City circuit was also presented to the international public by the President of the Consortium Nigel Thompson, enthusiastic supporter of the candidacy project that with his enthusiasm involved all the participants in a ” group photo “next to the logo of the Third Paradise elaborated by Michelangelo Pistoletto.

Finally, during the Gala dinner on Tuesday evening, the “Friends of Wool” presented “Words of wool”, a show conceived to bring children closer to the world of wool, with Laura Rossi’s puppets and directed by Manuela Tamietti (https://youtu.be/qhbpadtWCOE).



The Renaissance in Biella | MI-TO 500 years

The Renaissance in Biella. Sebastiano Ferrero and his sons

Meeting with Mauro Natale, Edoardo Rossetti and Annalisa Zanni

Thursday 30 May | 6.00 pm Museo Poldi Pezzoli (Via Alessandro Manzoni 12 | Milan)

Sebastiano Ferrero was one of the most influential personalities of the Duchy of Savoy and Lombard territories during the years of the French occupation, where he was appointed by Louis XII General of Finance (1499-1519). The historical rediscovery of this figure allows to shed new light on some important Milanese initiatives (reproduction of the Virgin of the rocks by Leonardo, decoration of the building already Carmagnola-Dal Verme-Gallerani by Bramantino) and on the particular role that had in those years the city ​​of Biella (of which it was originally), a true artistic hub between the France of Louis XII and Francesco I, the duchy of Savoy and Milan.

This conference is part of the cycle of events that accompany the exhibition The Renaissance in Biella. Sebastiano Ferrero and his sons, in progress in Biella at Palazzo Ferrero, Palazzo La Marmora and Biellese Territory Museum until 18 August 2019.

A project of Cultural Revolution (e), a network of which the Center for Generations and Places is part.


The musical program “Sound paths” by N.I.S.I. Art and Music will be inaugurated on Sunday 2 June 2019 at 4.00 pm.

The exhibition, like every edition, will visit the offices of the associations that adhere to the Biellese Museum Network: important venues and historic buildings in the Biella area where illustrious figures traced their origins and history, industrial development, economic growth and enhancement of the territory, taking their actions beyond the local boundaries, thus allowing them to be remembered and celebrated today by their deeds or their exemplary lives. Alongside them in the review, illustrious and brilliant composers live again through eminent interpreters.

The inaugural day will be held at Palazzo Gromo Losa (Biella, Corso del Piazzo 22) which thanks to the enhancement activity of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation has been completely restored and has become an important museum center.

The musical tribute is aimed at Ermanno Wolf Ferrari, a Venetian composer. Little-known figure as regards the production of chamber music, but remembered above all for the operas, he owes to Trio Mezzena / Patria / Ballario the important revaluation with the CD produced and distributed by Brilliantclassics from June 2019 (https://www.brilliantclassics.com/catalogs/coming-soon/).


4.00 pm Guided tour

4.45 pmMaurizio Losa di Prarolo” – Speaker Silvia Barolo

5.00 pmTribute to Ermanno Wolf Ferrari

Trio Mezzena / Patria / Ballario (Franco Mezzena violin, Sergio Patria cello, Elena Ballario piano)

Music by Rachmaninoff and Wolf-Ferrari

6.00 pm Meeting with the Artist

The initiative is realized with the support, the contribution and in collaboration of: Biellese Museum Network Piedmont RegionCRT FoundationCRB Foundation Municipality of Viverone, Candelo, Muzzano Studio Ogliara and associates, Studio Bertolo, Agorà PalaceATL of BiellaSmcRecordsSerazio & Negro pianos.

Info at: N.I.S.I.ArteMusica cell. 338/7294638 tel.0161 / 998105

www.suoniinmovimento.it www.atl.biella.it Facebook.com/suoniinmovimento Facebook.com/retemusealebiellese Facebook.com/biellaturismo

The concerts will be free and preceded by a guided tour by museum operators.

TEDxBiella 2019

TED is a non-profit organization whose goal is to spread valuable ideas through the motto “Ideas Worth Spreading“, usually through short, but effective “talks” lasting up to 18 minutes.

The first TED conference of 1984 was a conference on technology, entertainment and design. Today, on the other hand, TED conferences deal with a huge variety of topics, from science, to business, to global issues, in more than 113 languages.

In the mood of “Ideas Worth Spreading”, TED promotes the TEDx program, which consists of a series of local events, organized around the world, which aim to bring together communities, organizations and individuals to make them live an experience like that proposed by TED.

Saturday 25 May 2019 at Palazzo Gromo Losa the speaker will have the task of interpreting the theme as the desire to relate to the topic or subject matter of competence not from a central and classic point of view, but from a peripheral point of view, unusual and that is able to make the listener discover new interpretations on topics that are thought to already have a complete vision. New glimpses, in fact, that can only be seen if you have the courage to explore the periphery of something. The concept of the periphery can in fact be understood both in a physical sense and in a metaphorical way, thus being able to range from subjects such as architecture, urban planning, to philosophy or psychology.

“The Human Tools”

On May 24, 2019 the preview of the film project by the artist Nico Angiuli – curated and promoted by Cittadellarte – is expected to be among the winners of the III edition of the Italian Council competition (2018), a competition conceived by the Contemporary Art and Architecture Directorate General and Urban Suburbs (DGAAP) of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities to promote contemporary Italian art in the world.

The objective of the work is to graft a reflection on the theme of the humanisation of “humanoid” machines by analyzing the dehumanization of the human being.

From the American Colombo Center in Medellìn, to the Bozar Museum – Center for Fine Arts in Brussels to Cittadellarte: the program of presentations of The Human Tools continues, written and directed by Nico Angiuli, with the third stage to be held in the spaces of the Foundation Pistoletto.

The presentation of the film to the public is set for 6.00 pm in the presence of the artist, while at 7.00 pm there will be an aperitif; also at other times of the opening day, it will also be possible to view The Human Tools, which will be screened at 11.00, 15.00 and 16.30.

Following the success in Colombia and Belgium, next Friday will be the premiere of the experimental film that has developed through periods of residence and workshops, involving professional and non-professional actors, interns, migrant workers and robots. In Cittadellarte, in fact, laboratories and workshops were held which saw the participation of international guests in areas such as the world of robotics and artificial intelligence, labor sociology and investigative journalism (for all the details on the meetings in question click here).

The Human Tools will remain on display in the Cittadellarte spaces even after the inauguration.

For more information: http://journal.cittadellarte.it/arte-societa/the-human-tools-cittadellarte-la-preview-del-film-nico-angiuli

Extraordinary opening of Villa Boffo

There is also a bioenergetic garden in the Mente Locale center among the destinations of the 2019 edition of “Appointment in the garden“, the exhibition organized by the Parks and Gardens Association of Italy, held on the first weekend of June.

The occasion was born thanks to the collaboration and the interest of the Garden Club of Biella which is among the supporters of the center and which has already organized some activities at Villa Boffo.

Saturday 1 June there will be an extraordinary opening of the garden and a musical aperitif.

The Mente Locale garden is very special because it was created by the eco-designer Marco Nieri according to the principles of bioenergetic landscape. It is not just a corner of greenery, but every detail has been designed to create an environment that returns wellbeing and active positive feelings and emotions.

This is a charity initiative that aims to raise awareness of a very beautiful but little-known corner of the city and collect funds to support the activities of the center.

The garden will be open from 17.00 to 21.30. A presentation of the project “Bioenergetic Garden of the Local Mind Center is scheduled from 5.15pm to 6.00pm.

Until 20.30, visitors can participate in the aperitif set up between the garden and the villa, accompanied by live music.

The entrance fee for the visit to the garden is 3 euros, the cost of the aperitif is 12 euros.

It is recommended to book by calling 335.1312635.

Information to the Secretariat of Local Mind 015401767 or to the email address mentelocale.aima@gmail.com

The Piedmontese gardens that adhere to the APGI review are 25. In the province of Biella there are, with the garden of Mente Locale, the rhododendron basin of the Oasi Zegna and the Botanical Garden of Oropa.

The complete list of gardens open to the public is on the website https://www.apgi.it/mappa-dei-giardini-di-appuntamento-in-giardino/

This year’s theme is “The garden is told”.

The event, whith aims to invite the general public to discover the surprising historical, artistic, botanical and landscape richness of Italian gardens, is an opportunity to let the public know about normally closed gardens or to enrich the possibilities of fruition of regularly opened gardens Mente Locale is located in Villa Boffo, Via Gramsci 29 in Biella, which has been renovated and made available for the center’s activities thanks to the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

The Renaissance in Biella | MI-TO 500 years

The “Vergini delle Rocce” A trace of Leonardo in Biella and a triptych by Bernardino de’ Conti

Conference by Edoardo Villata with the participation of Francesco Alberti La Marmora

Monday 27 May | 6.00 pm Center for Piedmontese Studies Via Ottavio Revel 15 | Turin

Story of a rediscovered masterpiece. Forgotten as a low-value seventeenth-century canvas in the interior rooms of the Basilica of San Sebastiano in Biella, the painting proved to be an important 16th century panel; attributed to Bernardino de’ Conti, a Milanese follower of Leonardo, it was restored and placed in the Biellese Territory Museum.

Too little is known about this work, but many clues seem to link it to two other tables by de’ Conti found in La Marmora Palace and to suggest a commission by Sebastiano Ferrero. Edoardo Villata will tell, on the basis of little or no known documents, a compelling historical journey full of aspects still to be investigated.

This conference is part of the cycle of events that accompany the exhibition The Renaissance in Biella. Sebastiano Ferrero and his sons, in progress in Biella at Ferrero Palace, La Marmora Palace and Biellese Territory Museum until 18 August 2019.

A project of Cultural Revolution (e), a network of which the Center for Generations and Places is part.

Info Tel. 011/537486 | info@studipiemontesi.it | www.studipiemontesi.it

Everybody walks among the blooming rhododendrons of the Zegna Oasis

From mid-May, at the entrance of the Oasi Zegna, the Conca dei Rododendri blooms, commissioned by Ermenegildo Zegna and designed in the 1950s by the architect Pietro Porcinai.

It is an explosion of reds, pinks, whites and purples: a feast for the eyes to which this year the dedicated Walks promoted together with Grandi Giardini Italiani are dedicated, the network that contains over 120 gardens in 12 Italian regions .

On the weekends of 18-19, 25-26 May and 1-2 June, there will be two exits a day, starting at 10am and 2.30pm from Casa Zegna, in Trivero, which will take place for about two hours along an easy path.

To accompany the participants, the naturalistic guides, who will illustrate the magic of flowering and its secrets.

On 25 and 26 May, on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day, a botanical expert will also take part in the excursion to illustrate the biodiversity of the area included in the Zegna Oasis.

Info: 18-19 May, 25-26 May and 1-2 June.

Timetable for excursions: Saturday and Sunday 10am and 2.30pm with meeting at Casa Zegna in Trivero.

Trekking equipment is recommended.

Reservation is mandatory Equipe Arc-en-Ciel (015.0990725 -349.4512088 – maffeo.geologo@gmail.com)