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La Fenice publishes the “Officine Nuove” survey for the future of the territory

It all started last December, with the “Officine Nuove” meeting when – at the Centro Servizi per il Volontariato in Biella – public figures, representatives of the Biella culture, society, politics and economy were invited to take part in tables discussion with the aim of focusing on ideas for the development of the future of the territory.

The results of this work became the subject of questions and a survey was compiled through social networks, the results of which have been published today.

In the release of “La Fenice” published by Maurizio Greggio (responsible for the Facebook profile of the association) we read: “from the graphs resulting of the survey, the sample of people tends to take kindly to the new possibilities offered to the city, but complains poor results in terms of information in this regard, as well as a tendency to see the main problem of the territory in work

What emerges from the listening, elaboration and consultation work carried out by the young promoters of La Fenice also partly concerns the candidacy of Biella to join the UNESCO network of Creative cities.

Out of 121 people surveyed, 112 – around 85% said they knew about it, while only the remaining 15% ignored it.

A third of those who were aware of the initiative learned it from Facebook; 21.1% read it in the newspapers; 20.2% by word of mouth; 10.5% from organized promotional events; 5.3% from billboards posted in the city. The remaining 9.6% from various sources.

With respect to the question whether one was aware of the existence of a candidacy website, the result is split almost in half: 67 no and 64 yes.

The opinions on the initiative are also good: 55% of the sample consider it excellent, 40% good or very good, only 5% expressed a certain scetticism.

Almost 90% of the sample is convinced that Biella deserves this recognition.

The graphs are attached for a precise consultation.




The second edition of the Biella orientation exhibition will be presented at a press conference on Wednesday 16 October 2019 at 11.00 am in Città Studi (Corso G.Pella, 2).

Speakers include:

FRANCESCO FERRARIS, president of the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union

ANDREA VALENTINI, president of Young Entrepreneurs of Cna Biella

GIANLUCA SPAGNOLO, Schools of Biella On the Net

ELENA CHIORINO, Councilor for Education, Labor, Vocational Training and Right to Education of the Piedmont Region

CLAUDIO SPADON, director of the Piemonte Lavoro Agency

GABRIELLA BESSONE, Councilor for Education and Public Instruction of the Municipality of Biella

LUCA MURTA, Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation

GIANPIERO MASERA, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Biella and Vercelli

Arte al Centro 2019

Yesterday, in the context of Arte al centro in Cittadellarte, the conference / debate “The key themes to work on the development of a territory starting from culture and art” was held, with the participation of Pierluigi Sacco (Special Adviser to the EU Commissioner for Education and Culture, European Commission – UNIDEE Academy professor).

Also present was Federica Chilà, head of the communication office of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, which presented the candidacy project of Biella Creative City as it was actively supported and promoted by the Foundation alongside the Municipality of Biella and Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto.

MeBo is born: museum of Casa Menabrea and Casa Botalla

In 2017 in Biella inaugurated Casa Menabrea – Museo della Birra, a place that tells the story of the historic Biella brand, as well as the oldest active brewery in Italy.

Today, next to Casa Menabrea, a new space is born dedicated to another historic company in the area: Botalla Formaggi (Botalla cheeses).

MeBoCasa Menabrea and Casa Botalla Museum – is a single path that tells the most important moments and preserves techniques, traditions and memories of two deeply connected Biella companies.

Not only is the territory that unites Menabrea and Botalla, the strong synergy comes from a sincere friendship, the one between Franco Thedy and Andrea Bonino, respectively at the head of Birra Menabrea and Botalla.

A personal relationship that has resulted in professional collaborations such as common participation in trade fairs and the creation of a beer cheese, the iconic “Sbirro”, which has become a symbol of the union of the two companies and pride of the city for over 15 years.

A union that is consolidated with the birth of MeBo – Menabrea Botalla Museum, a place of history, culture and traction that will welcome citizens and tourists who want to deepen their knowledge of the two companies.

MeBo will open to the public on Tuesday 15 October and can be visited without a reservation from Tuesday to Sunday at the following times:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 15:00 – 19:00

Friday and Saturday 14.00 – 19.00;

Sunday 15:00 – 19:00

For information: Tel. 351.68.17.705. Mail museo@birramenabrea.com


The project “Sia Luce” will be inaugurated on Thursday 17 October 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Duomo in Biella.

The parish of Santo Stefano has decided to start a path that combines art and spirituality and puts the cathedral complex of Biella at the center of its interest, as the fulcrum of the spirituality of the city and its territory.

Sia Luce” will be divided into three moments starting from October until Easter 2020.

Don Simone Rocco, after a series of meetings with Irene Finiguerra, entrusted BI-BOx with the planning and realization of “Sia Luce” hypothesizing three profiles: the inclusion of works of contemporary sacred art within the church; guided tours to show the historical and artistic value of the Santo Stefano complex; reflection on a biblical theme entrusted to a writer or a moment of cultural study.

Two guided tours with free admission are foreseen in the first period:

Saturday 26 October at 4.30 pm baptistery and crypt,

Saturday, November 23rd, again at 16.30 at the Sala delle Corporazioni with Cristo della Domenica.

Sia Luce is a project of the Parish of Santo Stefano, Biella

curated by Irene Finiguerra for BI-BOx Art Space

in collaboration with Studio Anna Fileppo

For more details, the press release is attached.



Four appointments with the nine finalist films of “Visioni sarde 2019”

The twenty-sixth appointment of Su Nuraghe Film presents Visioni Sarde 2019 selection, the best of young Sardinian cinema, pre-selected by the Cineteca di Bologna.

Founded in 2014, the show has grown while maintaining its vocation as a showcase for quality cinema, for the discovery and enhancement of young Sardinian talents, to whom it offers the opportunity to reach a wider public, national and international.

The first of the four appointments of Su Nuraghe Film, on the bill in Biella, Saturday 19 October, at 9.00 pm at the Cagliari Point, in Via Galileo Galilei, 11, will be presented by Giorgio Melis.

Two screenings are scheduled:

– “Spiritosanto“, by Michele Marchi and

– “Eccomi“, by Sergio Falchi.

Both short films produced in 2019 were chosen in the recent edition of “Visioni sarde”: a project of the Department of Labor of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia to promote the best of the young Sardinian cinema.

The first video focuses on the human drama of a teenager with a severe personality disorder; the second speaks of the migration of people: a natural and inevitable phenomenon like that of the flamingos, established in Sardinia and now become the symbol and glory of the island as a metaphor for a happy integration.

The “Visions Sarde in the World” project aims to disseminate its works on several continents through the network of Sardinian circles, the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, the ComItEs (Committees of Italians Abroad) and the Society “Dante Alighieri” , thanks to the support of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Department of Labor.

Although all filmed in Sardinia, the films of “Visioni Sarde” – subtitled in English – are not localistic, but they want to express universal themes: a cinema made in Sardinia with a view to the world: tradition and modernity, urban and rural landscapes, cultural complexity; a thousand aspects and contradictions of the contemporary world transformed by the directors into stories to interpret the world in which we live.

Attached the poster.



Sara Lavino Zona and its “Under 1000” to protect small towns

Psychologist, yoga and fitness instructor but above all Biella, Sara Lavino Zona tomorrow, Saturday 12 October, will cross our territory from the lake to the mountain: swimming, cycling and running.

A true triathlete course: 3000 meters in swimming on Viverone Lake, 95 km in Bike with D + 1.830m among the villages of the Biella area with a stop in Biella for the Biellese Circuit and arrival at Balma, 30km of trail between the municipalities of the Valley Deer with arrival in Oriomosso.

An idea, a way to understand and make people understand the fundamental importance of our origins, of mountain villages under a thousand inhabitants.

At the end of the venture, always in the small village of Cervo Valley, from 5.00 pm there will be “Link in Bio” a show with many guests, music and a final aperitif scheduled for 8.00 pm.

Sara sent a photo to the Biella Creative City team because she also wishes to join the many supporters of the nomination.

Thanks and good luck for this wonderful initiative!

The Pact of the Mountain: a Biellese history

On the occasion of the XXI edition of Arte al Centro of a responsible social transformation – which will take place on Sunday 13 October 2019 at 20.30 at Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella, via Serralunga 27) – the film The Pact of the Mountain by Manuele Cecconello and Maurizio Pellegrini will be screened  in the presence of the directors and with the participation of the producer Elda Ferri, of Francesca Conti and Lorenzo Canova of the production team and Gianni Rosas, General Director of ILO Italy (for info see: http://www.cittadellarte.it/attivita/ art-to-center-2019).

In this context, a message of support was sent for the candidacy of Biella Creative City: “On behalf of the production team of the film” The Pact of the Mountain “(Maurizio Pellegrini, Francesca Conti, Elda Ferri, Lorenzo Canova) – declares the director Manuele Cecconello I am happy to support Biella’s candidacy for UNESCO Creative City. Creativity is the first link in a virtuous chain whose purpose is the creation of an active and conscious citizenship. Our film tells of the extraordinary primacy of the Biella area to root the quality of the textile product in the quality of the productive relationships. A history of rights, work ethic, relations between citizens even before that between “employers” and “employees” who placed the equal pay between men and women and the preservation of a product of excellence in difficult times at the center of their vision like the Second World War. Let us therefore take on the spirit of this candidacy intended as a propulsion to interpret the present with the experience of the noble Biellese industrial and trade union past as a pioneering democratic laboratory to found a future where this productive vocation unleashes all its innovative power to infect society towards change“.

The Pact of the Mountain, signed in Biella in 1944 to establish the equal pay for men and women, is the first act of this kind in Europe.

During the Second World War, in Biella, the oldest textile district in Italy, when entrepreneurs, workers and partisans met secretly to sign an agreement that in fact anticipated many achievements that became law in the late 1960s.

From the catwalks of high fashion in Milan a young designer goes to Biella to understand why the exceptional quality of the fabrics he uses in his collections. Meet the places, the products and the protagonists, like Nino Cerruti and Argante. The first is the famous fashion designer and entrepreneur in the world, the son of those who then signed the pact; the second is the partisan commander witnessing what happened.

The finest fabrics in the world are still produced in Biella. All international designers buy fabrics in Biella, where brands such as Cerruti, Ermenegildo Zegna, Loro Piana, Barbera and many others were born.

The meaning of the film is that the quality of products is rooted in the immaterial quality of relationships between people, something that cannot be easily relocated. A metaphor for today that, in quite another crisis, must rediscover the meaning of the future and of the social pact.



Walk with the author: Danilo Craveia

The appointment with the author Danilo Craveia on Sunday 13 October includes a walk that goes from the Botto di Miagliano wool mill along the canal.

The readings will be curated by Manuela Tamietti, coordinator of the Wool Experience project. The project is from the Amici della Lana association which has been active in the Miagliano factory since 2013 and involves numerous partners: Storie di Piazza, ATL, Rete Museale Biellese, Biellese Cultural Heritage and Landscape Observatory, other associations and the contribution from the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation.

Danilo Craveia, a professional archivist is a well-known scholar of local history, has published a dozen volumes related to various historiographical aspects of the Biella area, as well as twenty articles and essays on the “Rivista Biellese” and the “Bollettino DocBi”. He also collaborates with “Eco di Biella” with over 200 articles in the assets.

Craveia is the technical manager of the Textile Industry Documentation Center (Fabbrica della Ruota), of the Zegna Archive (Casa Zegna), of the Archives of the Sanctuary of Oropa and of the Mantua Festivaletteratura Archive.

His book embraces four centuries of poetry, from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the end of the twentieth century, and draws on those Biellese poets who never cease to refer to flowers, to evoke them or to list them. “Floral” poetry is combined with the frailty of experiences, emotions, feelings and existence in general. The Biellese certainly does not represent an exception, on the contrary it tells of Love and death, faith and life, memory and hope, ethics and aesthetics.

Free admission. Information and reservations 3200982237 amicidellalana@gmail.com

