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Biella protagonist in Paris

On the occasion of “The Contemporary Day” which will take place on 12 October, the Italian Cultural Institute based in Paris will host this afternoon the Master Michelangelo Pistoletto – initiator of the movement of Poor Art and founder of Cittadellarte – in dialogue with the businesswoman Anna Zegna, President of the Zegna Foundation.

A dialogue between art and entrepreneurship with the Biella area and its excellence in the background in a very important moment for the city that is a candidate for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the Crafts & Folk Art cluster.

Today on La Repubblica is published a beautiful interview of the artist who tells the reasons for this event: “The recognition of UNESCO could reinforce what we already do [to Cittadellarte] for a sustainable art and to instill in the Biella people a sense of solidarity and common commitment“.

According to the Master – who made his Third Paradise available as a symbol of the candidacy – Biella deserves to enter this network.

During the evening, will be presented as a preview the documentaryCittadellarte: practices of responsible art“, by Manuele Cecconello, that will talk about Cittadellarte, which has now become the “center of social regeneration through the relationship with the various areas of common life“, explains Michelangelo himself. .

The Biellese delegation that will accompany the two “testimonials” of the candidacy will also be composed of the Governor of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio (since the candidacy of Biella represents the candidacy of Piedmont), by the Mayor of Biella Claudio Corradino and by the Deputy Secretary-General of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation Andrea Quaregna.

Sagra of Pailet

On Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October 2019 the 18th edition of the “Sagra of pailet”, the terracotta pan symbol of the festival that the Pro Loco, in collaboration with the Municipal Administration and the other associations of the country, will organize for keep the tradition of the “bielline” alive.

The festival revolves around the Ecomuseum of the Terracotta which will host exhibitions, and the former Fornace Cantono where the clay manipulation laboratory will be set up.

Even the main street and the central square of the town will be the scene of animations that will bring a festive and cheerful atmosphere.

The rich program of the festival is attached.



Biella in scena 2019-2020

The new season of the Villani Social Theater kicks off on Saturday 26 October.

Here is the message from the Organizational Director, Mario Liore, and the Artistic Director, Rita Ballarati:

Every theater season brings with it expectations, expectations, trust, commitment and determination, Biella in Scena 2019/2020 is particularly so.

We participated in a call for tenders that saw us winners, with immense pleasure, for the second time and this fills us with great pride, after a few weeks of uncertainty.

Next season will be a tribute to Emotions, joy, expectation, emotion, enthusiasm, loneliness, anger, passion.

Re-reading these moods are those that we experienced while we were working on the new project for the Villani Social Theater. We are Mario Liore, Rita Ballarati, Silvia Naretto, Katia Billia, Ludovico Capussella, Il Contato del Canavese, a somewhat strange name, made up of faces that by now you have learned to know.

All of us, few, to tell the truth, let’s do Teatro! What does Fare Teatro mean? Too long to explain but we guarantee two things:

– The First: it is a job not a hobby, almost always a good job, better than many others, almost always.

– The Second: when the curtain closes, then reopens and the audience rises to applaud giving the impression of not wanting to leave the theater, here in that moment “doing theater” is the most beautiful job in the world!

The program is attached.



The exhibition on Romolo Ubertalli has been extended

Given the positive feedback and interest aroused in the public, the opening of the exhibition “Romolo Ubertalli: the light of the landscape“, already visited by a thousand people, will be extended until October 13 (Sunday from 2.30 pm to 18:30, within the Rete Museale Biellese).

The exhibition, set up at the “Fabbrica della ruota” of Pray (reg. Vallefredda, 1), intends to rediscover the pastelist of Castagnea, in his dual role as a painter and photographer, through the analysis of a fund acquired by the DocBi – Centro Studi Biellesi, consisting of various notebooks containing hundreds of “studies and sketches” and about 1,600 of his photographs.

The elaboration of the material, which made it possible to highlight the relationship between photography and painting in the artist’s “working method” and which brought out an all-round photographic talent, was developed through the contributions of Carlo Bozzalla Pret, Claudia Converso , Danilo Craveia, Alessandra Montanera and Giovanni Vachino.

The exhibition is enriched by various works by Ubertalli, some of which are unpublished, coming from private collections.

A non-secondary part of the exhibition is dedicated to the works of art of the children of four Biella elementary schools (Andorno Micca, Crevacuore, Portula and Tollegno) who, thanks to their teachers, welcomed DocBi’s invitation to revisit the style and the Romolo Ubertalli’s technique producing more than a hundred very successful and suggestive works.

On the occasion of the exhibition the catalog can be purchased at a discounted price.


DocBi-Centro Studi Biellesi – tel. 01531463 – docbi@docbi.it

Città Studi Biella among the top 10 most innovative university campuses in Italy

The University Campus of Città Studi Biella, a modern and multi-purpose complex of 110,000 square meters, the only one designed by the famous internationally renowned architect Gae Aulenti, was quoted by Mondadori, a few months ago, as among the top 10 most innovative university campuses of Italy.

It is an avant-garde campus surrounded by greenery in true American style with: university residence, unique research laboratories in Italy, specialized library, sports area, congress center and catering service.

The Biella site facilitates the learning of innovative teaching thanks to the activation of new training guidelines in line with market needs (eg digital economy, industry 4.0, white jobs, omnichannel marketing, ..) and the use of new technologies, such as videostreaming and online lessons.

Città Studi Biella is home to the most important universities in northern Italy which, thanks to the student-friendly context, facilitates access to benefits and savings for families.

Another plus is the substantial scholarships that provide for a disbursement of around € 25,000 per year for tax refunds, academic merit and graduation awards.

For the terms of registration, until 10 October 2019 it will be possible to enroll for the four degree courses of the University of Turin, active in Città Studi for the academic year 2019/2020:

Business Administration – Digital Economy orientation,


Administration Sciences,

Social service.

An offer increasingly geared to digital innovation, to professional courses and with an eye to the needs of working students.

Anyone who has taken the TARM will be able to register: admission test to assess the minimum entry requirements, a mandatory but non-binding test in terms of results.

For more information, visit the website at: www.cittastudi.org



Artist residences

After the enormous success of Il Mercato del Rinascimento at the Chiostro di San Sebastiano with more than forty artists involved and almost 400 presences reached, Storie di Piazza is pleased to announce the upcoming events that will concern culture with residential training experiences between Falletti di Sagliano Micca and Magliano carried out with industry professionals.

The formats are open to Biellese and external users who can stay in the Residence.

The initiatives are part of the “Storie Biellesi” project which involves a dozen local and non-local partners, with the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio Biella Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation.

The first appointment is September 28th-29th with an intensive experiential laboratory of narrative counseling entitled “Writing and rewriting one’s life story“, by the Milanese Elisabetta Rainoldi and Rossana Andreotti.

What is counseling? It is a relational technique in which the person is assisted in his own difficulties without giving up the freedom of choice and his own responsibility.

The following press releases are included in the attached press release.

Artistic coordination Manuela Tamietti 3472512850

Information www.storiedipiazza.it​​info@storiedipiazza.it



Visions and Change. Young designers make ideas

On October 3rd, 2019, at 4.00 pm, in the splendid setting of the Wool mill Maurizio Sella, the exhibition “Visions and change. Young designers make ideas“.

On display are the installations set up by the 10 groups of finalists under 30 selected for the second phase of the third national edition of the Biennial Award dedicated to the memory of the Biella architect engineer Federico Maggia. The exhibition will continue until November 4, 2019.

The works are evaluated by a jury of excellence that will award the Maggia Prize 2019, worth 10,000 euros, and two mentions.

The prestigious jury is chaired by the architect Mario Botta and is composed of:

Nino Cerruti, designer and president of Lanificio Cerruti;

Yves Nacher, director of the forum of urbanisme et d’architecture in Nice;

Gianni Massa, deputy chairman of the National Council of Engineers;

Marina Salamon, entrepreneur;

Marco Trisciuoglio, professor of Landscape Design at the Turin Polytechnic.

The 2019 edition of the competition intends to emphasize and promote the union between the Award and the Biella area. In fact, this year a participatory system was introduced that involved some local realities in the choice of areas of intervention.

The six areas identified and selected in May 2019 through public notice are:

Wool mill Ubertino Silvio (Via Quintino Sella 4, Lessona);

Ex Filature Simon (Via Santuario d’Oropa 162, Biella);

Ex Wool mill Pria (Via Ogliaro 5, Biella);

Yukon industrial complex (Strada Trossi 18, Verrone);

– Wool mill Al Bivio (Vegliomosso);

Poma Worker Village (Miagliano).

The award is announced by the Sella Foundation Onlus, with the Order of Conservative Landscape Architects and the Order of Engineers of Biella.


TITLE: Visions and change. Young designers make ideas;

WHERE: Lanificio Maurizio Sella (Via Corradino Sella 10, 13900 Biella BI);

WHEN: From 3 October to 4 November 2019;

VERNISSAGE: 3 October 2019, 4.00 pm;

ORGANIZED BY: Sella Foundation Onlus;

MAIL: info@premiofedericomaggia.it




Autumn night at the Monastery

A suggestive “torchlight” nocturnal visit to discover the Cluniac monastery of Castelletto Cervo: this is the evocative initiative scheduled for Saturday, September 28th at the site of the Rete Museale Biellese.

In fact, the former priory will host the event Autumn Night at the Monastery, which will take place in two shifts, at 9.00 pm and 10.00 pm.

Each visitor, in order to take part in the evening, will have to wear a flashlight and present himself with comfortable clothing (appropriate for the type of activity).

The event was organized by the Municipality of Castelletto Cervo in collaboration with the Rete Museale Biellese and the SS. Pietro, Paolo and Tommaso Parish.

The event is free (a tasting will also be offered), but it is preferable to book by writing an email to monastery.castello@gmail.com or by calling 347.4728295.

In case of bad weather the event will be postponed.

Attached the poster.




The Moving Sounds review is coming to end: after having colored the sites of the Rete Museale Biellese throughout the summer, on Sunday 29 September, the show brings the curtain down with the show at the Documentation Center of Lake Viverone.

The concert, preceded by a guided tour of the town hall at 4.00 pm, will begin at 5.00 pm at the Church of San Rocco with the show Canti d”amore e di mystery.

The leading musicians will be Attilio Bergamelli (piano) and Ljuba Bergamelli (vocals), who will present the pieces by Mozart, Gershwin, Berio, Debussy, Poulenc and Satie.

At 6.00 pm the usual meeting with the artists.

For general information on Sounds in Motion: www.suoniinmovimento.it