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PhotoSheep III edition

PhotoSheep” returns the thematic photo competition of the “Amici della Lana” (Friends of Wool) a cultural association, which is based in Miagliano in the historic Botto woollen milland which has among its objectives the enhancement of the wool culture.

Sheep, shepherds, wool, sustainability and the work environment is the theme of the third edition of the contest.

With the contribution of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, the sponsorship of various bodies and the sponsorship of Foto Studio Trevisan, “PhotoSheep” aims to promote the knowledge and culture of wool and sheep breeding, raising awareness of the value of sheep and of the job of the shepherd: the theme, in fact, is the sheep and its environment; the animal and the human activity that develops around it; the sheep caught in the various aspects and over the seasons, the relationship with the territory, with man and the sustainability of the wool element, object of particular attention in 2019, thanks to the UNESCO candidacy.

The award ceremony will take place on May 22nd at 11am in Miagliano. The jury, chaired by Riccardo Poma decreed the winners but still a prize remains suspended and will be chosen live that day; in fact the public prize must be awarded on the basis of the approval of the social media. Readers can participate, expressing their preference through likes.

For more information, see the website: www.amicidellalana.it

“Castelli in Giallo ” at Palazzo Gromo Losa

Castelli in Giallo (Castles in Yellow)  is born, the noir literature festival that will find its home in the most fascinating Piedmontese historical residences.

The appointment with the first edition is for Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May, when for a whole weekend the Piedmontese castles will become the location of literary meetings with national level yellowists, themed events, shows, readings, lessons for adults and children, all dedicated to the many fans of the genre.

In the collective imagination, castles have always been places of mystery that intertwine in their rooms history, experience and legends of the families who lived there, thus becoming elected places for the chosen theme.

The festival is organized by Amici di Castelli Aperti (Friends of open castles), the association that promotes the homonymous festival and which foresees the opening from April to October of over sixty historical residences in the Piedmont area.

The project, supported by the Piedmont Region, is made possible thanks to the support of the Piedmont Foundations Association which, working in synergy with local institutions, bodies and organizations, promotes and implements initiatives on the territory.

Castelli in Giallo will stop in Biella Sunday 26 May, in the elegant setting of Palazzo Gromo Losa.

Two meetings scheduled in the afternoon:

– at 4.00 pm the novelist Piergiorgio Pulixi and the writer Alessandra Selmi will discuss the figure of the “investigator”, who in the mystery novels embodies the narrative paradigm of the hero;

– at 6 pm, the ninety-year history of the legendary Giallo Mondadori series will be retraced in La fear ago ninety by Franco Forte – head of newsstand publications of the Segrate publishing house, and by the crime writer Massimo Tallone.

Admission to the meetings is free.

See the website: https://www.castelliaperti.it/it/news/item/castello-in-giallo-concorso-per-soggetti-e-trame-gialle-e-noir.html

World Coloured Sheep 2019

Organized in Oropa the IX World Congress of Colored Sheep and for the occasion a hundred breeders were invited by the Biella The Wool Company Consortium.

Biella confirms once again the international capital of wool: next week, from 20 to 22 May, over one hundred colored sheep farmers from all over the world will arrive in the Biella area for the occasion: Australia, New Zealand , United States, Farroe Islands, South America, Indonesia, Germany, France, England, Ireland, will be some of the nations represented during the two-day conference.


The Biella The Wool Company Consortium has invited them to Biella for over a decade, dedicated to the processing and promotion of native wools.

Part of the program will be dedicated to visiting the Consortium’s headquarters in Miagliano – to see the native wool – of the Pettinatura di Verrone and the Lanificio F.lli Piacenza of Pollone.

The President of the Laniero National Trade Association, Piercarlo Zedda, will open the conference and bring official greetings to the participants; Valeria Varnero, councilor of the Municipality of Biella, will present the UNESCO candidacy to the public.

During the two days of the congress various topics will be dealt with relating to colored sheep, from genetic research to animal welfare, to the future of wool in a world that has finally begun to understand the benefits of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers.

Moreover, during the Gala dinner on Tuesday evening, the “Amici della Lana” (Friends of wool) will present “Words of wool“, a show conceived to bring children closer to the world of wool, with Laura Rossi puppets and directed by Manuela Tamietti. Simona Colonna will present her own song dedicated to wool.

Paducah, Graz and Kortrijk: three aces for the UNESCO candidacy

The Biella race continues to become part of the Unesco Creative Cities Network which, thanks to the careful job of building the candidacy implemented by the territory in collaboration with the BIA company, have discovered the city of wool manifesting appreciation and support for the his initiative.

In fact, over a hundred letters of endorsement have reached so far that testify to the construction of a careful and transversal support network that goes from excellence in the world of fashion to Universities, Italian and European Institutes of culture and research, Foundations, Associations, Organizations of category and many others.

A special role in this network is occupied by the creative cities already belonging to the Unesco circuit with which Biella is dialoguing to develop synergies and collaborations with creativity and its ability to change territories at the center.

Among these, a special place is occupied by the cities of Paducah (USA), Graz (Austria) and Kortrijk (Belgium) which have sent letters of support to Biella (available on the website www.biellacittacreativa.it) full of appreciation and ideas.

The first is an American city Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster Crafts & Folk Arts ( https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/paducah), therefore particularly important from the strategic point of view and for the many affinities with Biella with which the municipalities have expressed their creativity in the field of textiles through the creation of quilts of which it has one of the most interesting museums in the world. This letter is added to that of Graz  https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/graz) where a delegation from Biella with the Cittadellarte Foundation has met the Municipality in these days and with whom the will has already been established common to carry out a training exchange in the field of creativity that will be included in the Biella application file; finally, Kortrijk‘s letter of support should be mentioned https://en.unesco.org/creative-cities/kortrijk-0.

From Europe to America passing through the five continents the creative cities know no boundaries, as well as creativity and ways of expressing it, this time too Biella, through its candidacy, faces a world of international contacts capable of breaking its isolation and create new development prospects.

Self-portrait through my father

The National Cinema Museum of Turin on the occasion of the European Night of Museums and International Museum Day – ICOM presents the preview of the film Self-portrait through my father (2019, 27 ‘), conversations between Michelangelo Pistoletto, Alberto Fiz and Anna Zegna directed by Chiara Battistini and produced by Art + Vibes.

From 8.00pm special reduced admission for everyone at € 3.50

The film, created by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation and Zegna Foundation, on the occasion of the exhibition “Father and Son. Ettore Pistoletto Olivero-Michelangelo Pistoletto“, scheduled until October 13, 2019 in Biella and Trivero, is an essential document to understand the formation of one of the most famous international masters who created a new relationship between the artist and society, between the ego and others through the Mirror Paintings.

For more information: www.padreefiglio.it

Desterrats: contemporary wandering

Within the successful review “Crossing Art & Books“, promoted by Città Studi Biella as a reference point for local artists, the photographic exhibition “Desterrats: vaganti contemporanei by Matteo Rebuffa” will be inaugurated on Thursday 16 May 2019 at 18.00.

The exhibition that will be on display until June 29, 2019 in the Biellese university campus library dialogues with a reading proposal “Europa” a bibliography dedicated to Europe and its political, economic and social history.

During the inauguration, visitors will be able to interact with the exhibition photographing themselves on a landscape background of their choice. A small photo set will be set up for this purpose.

Desterrats: contemporary wandering – as Matteo Rebuffa tells – underlines how the lives of men can not only be told as a story, a posteriori, from the perspective of the future, but can thus be thought of and lived at every stage. The lives of men are, after all, novels in the process of being developed, with a very precise beginning, but still an indefinitely wide range of possible developments. In this perspective, each individual, understood as a sort of author, from the present, and on the basis of his own experiential background, makes decisions, chooses and designs in order to articulate a life path that is as close as possible to that narrative that , sooner or later, he would like to be able to tell“.

The exhibition visit is free from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00, Saturday from 8.30 to 18.00 and Saturday 29 June from 8.30 to 12.30.

For more information, contact Città Studi Biella directly:

tel. 015 8551107,

email: biblioteca@cittastudi.org,

web-site: www.cittastudi.org/biblioteca, facebook: @cittastudibiblioteca.

We challenge the future – SMART WORK

We challenge the future” is the initiative that the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Biella Industrial Union has designed and organized with the aim of providing a strategic overview of the technological frontiers that businesses are facing.

These are moments of deepening and enrichment in which the technological tools are illustrated and told by experts in the sector and analyzed in concrete cases.

The first meeting will be held at Palazzo Gromo Losa Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 18.30.

The theme: “Cultural innovation and digital innovation: the new challenge of human resources

Speakers include:

Laura Fasolo Senior Consultant P4I

Christian Catiello Organizational Management Director Alpitour S.p.A.

Anna Grosso Head of General Affairs, Staff and Human Resources Banca Sella

Silvano Sartore Head of IT Finder S.p.A.

Moderator: Nicolò Bellon

For registration see https://www.ggibiella.it/it/sfidiamo-il-futuro

The Biella Literature and Industry Award 2019

The Biella Literature and Industry Award represents a unicum in Italy because it researches and rewards works that combine the investigation of the industrial world with the literary instance, and that specifically aim to tell about models of transformation of Italian society with general reference to reality socio-economic and the culture of commitment, business risk, values ​​such as entrepreneurship.

The Prize is intended for an edited work, by an Italian or foreign author in Italian translation, and in alternate years it awards works of Narrative or Essay.

This year it was the turn of fiction, and the five finalists were selected from over 30 nominations by the Jury.

After this first Turin event – which was held in Turin on Monday 13 May as part of the International Book Fair – the five finalists will meet the public on Saturday 12 October 2019 in Biella, at the Città Studi library, while the award ceremony of the winner will be held Saturday, November 16, 2019 also in Biella Città Studi.

The Turin event will also be an opportunity to present other important awards that the Biella Literature Industry Award over the years has established and promoted.



Città Studi Biella

Corso G. Pella 2b – 13900

Biella Tel. 015 8551103/07



Press office: Anna Maria Riva Communication & Promotion 3290974433 riva@annamariariva.eu


On 13 and 14 May 2019, the EUNIC Focal Points Meeting was held in the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation. Some of the protagonists of the two days intervened at Cittadellarte’s microphones: we propose their video-interventions here: http://journal.cittadellarte.it/arte-societa/cittadellarte-focal-points-meeting-ofthe-initutis-culture-nationals -dellunione-European-video

Organize general assemblies and discuss strategic decisions to be taken within the EUNIC network: this is the focus of the Focal Points Meeting of the national cultural institutes of the European Union, held in Cittadellarte.

EUNIC is the network of national cultural institutes, with 36 members from all 28 EU member states and offices in over 150 countries. Members work in the arts, languages, youth, education, science, society, intercultural dialogue and development; at local level, instead, they meet in over 100 clusters – in cities, regions and countries – to collaborate on joint projects and programs and to promote the role of culture in the EU’s internal and external relations (the Global EUNIC Office in Brussels supports the work of EUNIC clusters around the world).

Regarding the appointment held in Biella, the participants, in addition to the scheduled work sessions in the two days, also visited the spaces of the Pistoletto Foundation. But not only: Michelangelo Pistoletto and Paolo Naldini, director of Cittadellarte, during a meeting illustrated to them the principles of the Third Paradise, the Art Project Manifesto of the Biellese master, the function of the Rebirth Forums and much more.